| java.lang.Object org.sakaiproject.event.impl.BaseNotificationService org.sakaiproject.event.impl.DbNotificationService
All known Subclasses: org.sakaiproject.event.impl.NotificationServiceTest,
Field Summary | |
protected boolean | m_autoDdl Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not. | protected boolean | m_locksInDb If true, we do our locks in the remote database, otherwise we do them here. | protected String | m_tableName Table name for users. |
m_autoDdl | protected boolean m_autoDdl(Code) | | Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not.
m_locksInDb | protected boolean m_locksInDb(Code) | | If true, we do our locks in the remote database, otherwise we do them here.
m_tableName | protected String m_tableName(Code) | | Table name for users.
init | public void init()(Code) | | Final initialization, once all dependencies are set.
newStorage | protected Storage newStorage()(Code) | | Construct a Storage object.
The new storage object. |
setAutoDdl | public void setAutoDdl(String value)(Code) | | Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not.
Parameters: value - the auto ddl value. |
setLocksInDb | public void setLocksInDb(String value)(Code) | | Configuration: set the locks-in-db
Parameters: value - The locks-in-db value. |
setTableName | public void setTableName(String name)(Code) | | Configuration: set the table name
Parameters: path - The table name. |
sqlService | abstract protected SqlService sqlService()(Code) | | the MemoryService collaborator. |
Methods inherited from org.sakaiproject.event.impl.BaseNotificationService | public NotificationEdit addNotification()(Code)(Java Doc) public NotificationEdit addTransientNotification()(Code)(Java Doc) public void cancelEdit(NotificationEdit notification)(Code)(Java Doc) public void commitEdit(NotificationEdit notification)(Code)(Java Doc) public void destroy()(Code)(Java Doc) public NotificationEdit editNotification(String id) throws NotificationNotDefinedException, NotificationLockedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected EventTrackingService eventTrackingService()(Code)(Java Doc) public Notification findNotification(String function, String filter)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getAccessPoint(boolean relative)(Code)(Java Doc) public Time getDate(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) public Notification getNotification(String id) throws NotificationNotDefinedException(Code)(Java Doc) public List getNotifications(String function)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getOwnerId(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected IdManager idManager()(Code)(Java Doc) public void init()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDraft(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isNotificationFromReplyable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isNotificationToReplyable()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean match(String filter, String ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newContainer(String ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newContainer(Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newContainer(Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newContainerEdit(String ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newContainerEdit(Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newContainerEdit(Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newResource(Entity container, String id, Object[] others)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newResource(Entity container, Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Entity newResource(Entity container, Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, String id, Object[] others)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, Element element)(Code)(Java Doc) public Edit newResourceEdit(Entity container, Entity other)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected Storage newStorage()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String notificationId(String ref)(Code)(Java Doc) public String notificationReference(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String notificationUrl(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object refresh(Object key, Object oldValue, Event event)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeNotification(NotificationEdit notification)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEmailFromReplyable(boolean value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEmailToReplyable(boolean value)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object[] storageFields(Entity r)(Code)(Java Doc) public void update(Observable o, Object arg)(Code)(Java Doc)