java.lang .Object org.sakaiproject.metaobj.utils.xml.impl .ValidatedNodeImpl ValidatedNodeImpl public class ValidatedNodeImpl implements ValidatedNode (Code) Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
User: John Ellis
Date: Apr 15, 2004
Time: 12:10:37 PM
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ValidatedNodeImpl public ValidatedNodeImpl(SchemaNode parentSchema, Element currentElement)(Code)
getChild public ValidatedNode getChild(String elementName)(Code) Get the named child node as a validated node
Parameters: elementName -
getChildren public List getChildren()(Code) Get all the direct children of this node as
a list of ValidatedNode objects
getChildren public List getChildren(String elementName)(Code) Get all the named direct children of this node
as a list of ValidatedNode objects.
Parameters: elementName -
getElement public Element getElement()(Code) This returnes the element associated with this node.
getErrors public List getErrors()(Code) The errors associated with this node if any or null if the
node validated completely.
getNormalizedValue public Object getNormalizedValue()(Code) Get the normalized value of this element as an object.
Note: in the case of complex nodes, this could return
a List of ValidatedNode objects (the children of this node)
getSchema public SchemaNode getSchema()(Code) Get the schema responsible for this node.
setNormalizedValue public void setNormalizedValue(Object normalizedValue)(Code)