| org.sakaiproject.search.api.SearchStatus
SearchStatus | public interface SearchStatus (Code) | | A search status object
author: ieb |
getCurrentWorker | String getCurrentWorker()(Code) | | the current operational worker performing an index, none if there is none
actively indexing
getCurrentWorkerETC | String getCurrentWorkerETC()(Code) | | The latest expected time of completion of the current worker
getLastLoad | String getLastLoad()(Code) | | Last time the index was loaded
getLoadTime | String getLoadTime()(Code) | | How long it tool to load the index
getNDocuments | String getNDocuments()(Code) | | the number of documents in the index, including those marked as deleted
getPDocuments | String getPDocuments()(Code) | | get the number of documents pending to be indexed, including master
getWorkerNodes | List getWorkerNodes()(Code) | | A list of all worker nodes in the cluster