| org.sakaiproject.sitemanage.api.SectionFieldManager
All known Subclasses: org.sakaiproject.sitemanage.impl.SectionFieldManagerImpl,
SectionFieldManager | public interface SectionFieldManager (Code) | | The site management applications allow installations to configure a variable
number of "fields" to use when looking up a Section from the
CourseManagementService. The SectionFieldManager provides method for
finding the number and type of fields to use in the UI, and for finding Section EIDs
from a number of Fields.
author: jholtzman@berkeley.edu |
getRequiredFields | public List<SectionField> getRequiredFields()(Code) | | Gets the List of SectionFields to use in the UI.
getSectionEid | public String getSectionEid(String academicSessionEid, List<SectionField> fields)(Code) | | Generates a Section EID from a List of fields. This EID may be used to look up
Sections from the CourseManagementService. This may be implemented with
simple text formatting, or an intermediary lookup may be needed to convert
the human-understandable field values to a recognized EID.
Parameters: fields - |