| |
| java.lang.Object org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.integration.helper.integrated.FacadeUtils
FacadeUtils | public class FacadeUtils (Code) | | borrowed gradebook's FacadeUtils class
ENROLLMENT_DISPLAY_UID_COMPARATOR | final public static Comparator ENROLLMENT_DISPLAY_UID_COMPARATOR(Code) | | A comparator that sorts enrollments by student display UID (for installations
where a student UID is not a number)
ENROLLMENT_DISPLAY_UID_NUMERIC_COMPARATOR | final public static Comparator ENROLLMENT_DISPLAY_UID_NUMERIC_COMPARATOR(Code) | | A comparator that sorts enrollments by student display UID (for installations
where a student UID is a number)
ENROLLMENT_NAME_COMPARATOR | final public static Comparator ENROLLMENT_NAME_COMPARATOR(Code) | | A comparator that sorts enrollments by student sortName
getStudentUids | public static Set getStudentUids(Collection enrollments)(Code) | | A convenience method for UID-based filtering.