getPageContents() Bean with a list of all the sections in the current page
which in turn has a list of all the item contents for the page.
This is like the table of contents, but the selections are restricted to
that on one page.
Since these properties are on a page delivery basis--if:
getTableOfContents() Bean with table of contents information and
a list of all the sections in the assessment
which in turn has a list of all the item contents.
setPageContents(ContentsDeliveryBean pageContents) Bean with a list of all the sections in the current page
which in turn has a list of all the item contents for the page.
Since these properties are on a page delivery basis--if:
setTableOfContents(ContentsDeliveryBean tableOfContents) Bean with table of contents information and
a list of all the sections in the assessment
which in turn has a list of all the item contents.
This method is used by jsf/delivery/deliverAudioRecording.jsp and
is called by addMediaToItemGrading(javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent e)
Parameters: mediaLocation - the media location the action string
Bean with a list of all the sections in the current page
which in turn has a list of all the item contents for the page.
This is like the table of contents, but the selections are restricted to
that on one page.
Since these properties are on a page delivery basis--if:
1. there is only one item per page the list of items will
contain one item and the list of parts will return one part, or if--
2. there is one part per page the list of items will be that
for that part only and there will only be one part, however--
3. if it is all parts and items on a single page there
will be a list of all parts and items.
Bean with table of contents information and
a list of all the sections in the assessment
which in turn has a list of all the item contents.
table of contents
Bean with a list of all the sections in the current page
which in turn has a list of all the item contents for the page.
Since these properties are on a page delivery basis--if:
1. there is only one item per page the list of items will
contain one item and the list of parts will return one part, or if--
2. there is one part per page the list of items will be that
for that part only and there will only be one part, however--
3. if it is all parts and items on a single page there
will be a list of all parts and items.
Parameters: pageContents - ContentsDeliveryBean
Bean with table of contents information and
a list of all the sections in the assessment
which in turn has a list of all the item contents.
Parameters: tableOfContents - table of contents
public void setTimeElapse(String timeElapse)(Code)
Parameters: timeElapse -
public void setTimeElapseAfterFileUpload(String timeElapseAfterFileUpload)(Code)
public void setTimeElapseAfterFileUploadFloat(float timeElapseAfterFileUploadFloat)(Code)
public void setTimeElapseFloat(float timeElapseFloat)(Code)