| java.lang.Object org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.facades.sakai2impl.XmlImportable
XmlImportable | public class XmlImportable implements Importable(Code) | | A simple generic wrapper to add new types of importable objects without needing
to subclass each of them.
THIS IS CURRENTLY UNUSED. It's here on a speculative basis for upcoming
import/archive/merge development.
TODO This would subclass AbstractImportable if AbstractImportable was bumped up to
the importer.api package for looser coupling. Currently, the AbstractImportable JAR
brings in unrelated dependencies such as the QTI class.
XmlImportable | public XmlImportable()(Code) | | |
XmlImportable | public XmlImportable(String typeName, String xmlData)(Code) | | Create an importable object in one line.
Parameters: typeName - identifies what type of domain data is serialized in the XML Parameters: xmlData - XML string describing the data itself, suitable for archivingor merging |
setContextPath | public void setContextPath(String contextPath)(Code) | | |
setLegacyGroup | public void setLegacyGroup(String legacyGroup)(Code) | | |
setXmlData | public void setXmlData(String xmlData)(Code) | | Since this class doesn't parse the data, this property could easily be renamed
"setDataDescription" and this class renamed "StringImportable".
But since XML is central to our archive / export / merge plans, it seems
worth advertising that the data can be parsed as such.
Parameters: xmlData - |