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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » ERP CRM Financial » sakai » org.sakaiproject.tool.messageforums.jsf 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /**********************************************************************************
002:         * $URL: $
003:         * $Id: 9227 2006-05-15 15:02:42Z $
004:         ***********************************************************************************
005:         *
006:         * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The Sakai Foundation.
007:         * 
008:         * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); 
009:         * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
010:         * You may obtain a copy of the License at
011:         * 
012:         *
013:         * 
014:         * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
015:         * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
016:         * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
017:         * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
018:         * limitations under the License.
019:         *
020:         **********************************************************************************/package org.sakaiproject.tool.messageforums.jsf;
022:        import com.sun.faces.util.Util;
023:        import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
024:        import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
026:        import javax.faces.component.UIColumn;
027:        import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
028:        import javax.faces.component.UIData;
029:        import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
030:        import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
031:        import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding;
033:        import com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicRenderer;
035:        import;
036:        import java.util.ArrayList;
037:        import java.util.Iterator;
038:        import java.util.List;
040:        import;
041:        import;
042:        import org.sakaiproject.tool.messageforums.ui.DiscussionMessageBean;
043:        import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager;
045:        /**
046:         * @author cwen
047:         *
048:         * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
049:         * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
050:         */
051:        public class HierDataTableRender extends HtmlBasicRenderer {
052:            protected static Log log = LogFactory
053:                    .getLog(HierDataTableRender.class);
055:            private static final String RESOURCE_PATH;
056:            private static final String BARIMG;
057:            private static final String CURSOR;
059:            static {
060:                RESOURCE_PATH = "/" + "sakai-messageforums-tool";
061:                BARIMG = RESOURCE_PATH + "/" + "images/collapse.gif";
062:                CURSOR = "cursor:pointer";
063:            }
065:            public boolean getRendersChildren() {
066:                return true;
067:            }
069:            public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
070:                    throws IOException {
072:                if ((context == null) || (component == null)) {
073:                    throw new NullPointerException(
074:                            Util
075:                                    .getExceptionMessageString(Util.NULL_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE_ID));
076:                }
077:                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
078:                    log.trace("Begin encoding component " + component.getId());
079:                }
081:                // suppress rendering if "rendered" property on the component is
082:                // false.
083:                if (!component.isRendered()) {
084:                    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
085:                        log.trace("No encoding necessary " + component.getId()
086:                                + " since "
087:                                + "rendered attribute is set to false ");
088:                    }
089:                    return;
090:                }
091:                UIData data = (UIData) component;
092:                data.setRowIndex(-1);
094:                // Render the beginning of the table
095:                ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
096:                writer.startElement("table", data);
097:                writeIdAttributeIfNecessary(context, writer, component);
098:                String noArrows = (String) data.getAttributes().get("noarrows");
099:                if (noArrows == null) {
100:                    noArrows = "";
101:                }
102:                String styleClass = (String) data.getAttributes().get(
103:                        "styleClass");
104:                if (styleClass != null) {
105:                    writer.writeAttribute("class", styleClass, "styleClass");
106:                }
107:                Util.renderPassThruAttributes(writer, component,
108:                        new String[] { "rows" });
109:                writer.writeText("\n", null);
111:                // Render the header facets (if any)
112:                UIComponent header = getFacet(data, "header");
113:                int headerFacets = getFacetCount(data, "header");
114:                String headerClass = (String) data.getAttributes().get(
115:                        "headerClass");
116:                if ((header != null) || (headerFacets > 0)) {
117:                    writer.startElement("thead", data);
118:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
119:                }
120:                if (header != null) {
121:                    writer.startElement("tr", header);
122:                    writer.startElement("th", header);
123:                    if (headerClass != null) {
124:                        writer.writeAttribute("class", headerClass,
125:                                "headerClass");
126:                    }
127:                    writer.writeAttribute("colspan", "" + getColumnCount(data),
128:                            null);
129:                    writer.writeAttribute("scope", "colgroup", null);
130:                    encodeRecursive(context, header);
131:                    writer.endElement("th");
132:                    writer.endElement("tr");
133:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
134:                }
135:                if (headerFacets > 0) {
136:                    writer.startElement("tr", data);
137:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
138:                    Iterator columns = getColumns(data);
139:                    UIColumn oldColumn = null;
140:                    while (columns.hasNext()) {
141:                        UIColumn column = (UIColumn);
142:                        //write column for arrows... only if last column did not specify arrows
143:                        if (column.getId().endsWith("_msg_subject")
144:                                && !oldColumn.getId().endsWith("_toggle")
145:                                && !noArrows.equals("true")) {
146:                            writer.startElement("th", null);
147:                            writer.writeAttribute("scope", "col", null);
148:                            writer.endElement("th");
149:                            writer.writeText("\n", null);
150:                        }
151:                        writer.startElement("th", column);
152:                        if (headerClass != null) {
153:                            writer.writeAttribute("class", headerClass,
154:                                    "headerClass");
155:                        }
156:                        writer.writeAttribute("scope", "col", null);
157:                        UIComponent facet = getFacet(column, "header");
158:                        if (facet != null) {
159:                            encodeRecursive(context, facet);
160:                        }
161:                        writer.endElement("th");
162:                        writer.writeText("\n", null);
163:                        oldColumn = column;
164:                    }
165:                    writer.endElement("tr");
166:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
167:                }
168:                if ((header != null) || (headerFacets > 0)) {
169:                    writer.endElement("thead");
170:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
171:                }
173:                // Render the footer facets (if any)
174:                UIComponent footer = getFacet(data, "footer");
175:                int footerFacets = getFacetCount(data, "footer");
176:                String footerClass = (String) data.getAttributes().get(
177:                        "footerClass");
178:                if ((footer != null) || (footerFacets > 0)) {
179:                    writer.startElement("tfoot", data);
180:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
181:                }
182:                if (footer != null) {
183:                    writer.startElement("tr", footer);
184:                    writer.startElement("td", footer);
185:                    if (footerClass != null) {
186:                        writer.writeAttribute("class", footerClass,
187:                                "footerClass");
188:                    }
189:                    writer.writeAttribute("colspan", "" + getColumnCount(data),
190:                            null);
191:                    encodeRecursive(context, footer);
192:                    writer.endElement("td");
193:                    writer.endElement("tr");
194:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
195:                }
196:                if (footerFacets > 0) {
197:                    writer.startElement("tr", data);
198:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
199:                    Iterator columns = getColumns(data);
200:                    while (columns.hasNext()) {
201:                        UIColumn column = (UIColumn);
202:                        writer.startElement("td", column);
203:                        if (footerClass != null) {
204:                            writer.writeAttribute("class", footerClass,
205:                                    "footerClass");
206:                        }
207:                        UIComponent facet = getFacet(column, "footer");
208:                        if (facet != null) {
209:                            encodeRecursive(context, facet);
210:                        }
211:                        writer.endElement("td");
212:                        writer.writeText("\n", null);
213:                    }
214:                    writer.endElement("tr");
215:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
216:                }
217:                if ((footer != null) || (footerFacets > 0)) {
218:                    writer.endElement("tfoot");
219:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
220:                }
222:            }
224:            public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context,
225:                    UIComponent component) throws IOException {
226:                MessageForumsMessageManager messageManager = (MessageForumsMessageManager) ComponentManager
227:                        .get("");
229:                if ((context == null) || (component == null)) {
230:                    throw new NullPointerException(
231:                            Util
232:                                    .getExceptionMessageString(Util.NULL_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE_ID));
233:                }
234:                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
235:                    log.trace("Begin encoding children " + component.getId());
236:                }
237:                if (!component.isRendered()) {
238:                    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
239:                        log.trace("No encoding necessary " + component.getId()
240:                                + " since "
241:                                + "rendered attribute is set to false ");
242:                    }
243:                    return;
244:                }
245:                UIData data = (UIData) component;
247:                ValueBinding msgsBinding = component.getValueBinding("value");
248:                List msgBeanList = (List) msgsBinding.getValue(context);
250:                String noArrows = (String) data.getAttributes().get("noarrows");
251:                if (noArrows == null) {
252:                    noArrows = "";
253:                }
254:                // Set up variables we will need
255:                String columnClasses[] = getColumnClasses(data);
256:                int columnStyle = 0;
257:                int columnStyles = columnClasses.length;
258:                String rowClasses[] = getRowClasses(data);
259:                int rowStyles = rowClasses.length;
260:                ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
261:                Iterator kids = null;
262:                Iterator grandkids = null;
264:                // Iterate over the rows of data that are provided
265:                int processed = 0;
266:                int rowIndex = data.getFirst() - 1;
267:                int rows = data.getRows();
268:                int rowStyle = 0;
270:                writer.startElement("tbody", component);
271:                writer.writeText("\n", null);
272:                int hideDivNo = 0;
273:                while (true) {
274:                    DiscussionMessageBean dmb = null;
275:                    if (msgBeanList != null
276:                            && msgBeanList.size() > (rowIndex + 1)
277:                            && rowIndex > -2) {
278:                        dmb = (DiscussionMessageBean) msgBeanList
279:                                .get(rowIndex + 1);
280:                    }
281:                    //remove from manager, get hasChild from msgBeanList List hasChild = null;
282:                    boolean hasChildBoolean = false;
283:                    if (dmb != null) {
284:                        //hasChild = messageManager.getFirstLevelChildMsgs(dmb.getMessage().getId());
285:                        for (int i = 0; i < msgBeanList.size(); i++) {
286:                            DiscussionMessageBean tempDmb = (DiscussionMessageBean) msgBeanList
287:                                    .get(i);
288:                            if (tempDmb.getMessage().getInReplyTo() != null
289:                                    && tempDmb.getMessage().getInReplyTo()
290:                                            .getId().equals(
291:                                                    dmb.getMessage().getId())) {
292:                                hasChildBoolean = true;
293:                                break;
294:                            }
295:                        }
296:                    }
297:                    /*			if(hasChild!=null && hasChild.size()>0)
298:                     {
299:                     hasChildBoolean = true;
300:                     }
301:                     */
302:                    // Have we displayed the requested number of rows?
303:                    if ((rows > 0) && (++processed > rows)) {
304:                        break;
305:                    }
306:                    // Select the current row
307:                    data.setRowIndex(++rowIndex);
308:                    if (!data.isRowAvailable()) {
309:                        break; // Scrolled past the last row
310:                    }
312:                    // Render the beginning of this row
313:                    ////writer.startElement("tr", data);
314:                    //////
315:                    if (dmb.getDepth() > 0 && !noArrows.equals("true")) {
316:                        //////writer.write("<div style=\"display:none\"  id=\"_id_" + new Integer(hideDivNo).toString() + "__hide_division_" + "\">");
317:                        writer.write("<tr style=\"display:none\" id=\"_id_"
318:                                + new Integer(hideDivNo).toString()
319:                                + "__hide_division_" + "\">");
320:                    } else if (dmb.getDepth() > 0) {
321:                        writer.write("<tr>");
322:                    } else {
323:                        writer.write("<tr class=\"hierItemBlock\">");
324:                    }
326:                    if (rowStyles > 0) {
327:                        writer.writeAttribute("class", rowClasses[rowStyle++],
328:                                "rowClasses");
329:                        if (rowStyle >= rowStyles) {
330:                            rowStyle = 0;
331:                        }
332:                    }
333:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
335:                    // Iterate over the child UIColumn components for each row
336:                    columnStyle = 0;
337:                    kids = getColumns(data);
338:                    Boolean toggleWritten = false;
339:                    while (kids.hasNext()) {
341:                        // Identify the next renderable column
342:                        UIColumn column = (UIColumn);
344:                        //check if we need the arraow column
345:                        // if this is the _msg_subject column, then quickly add an arrow column
346:                        if ((column.getId().endsWith("_msg_subject") || column
347:                                .getId().endsWith("_toggle"))
348:                                && !toggleWritten && !noArrows.equals("true")) {
349:                            writer.startElement("td", null);
350:                            if (columnStyles > 0) {
351:                                writer.writeAttribute("class",
352:                                        columnClasses[columnStyle++],
353:                                        "columnClasses");
354:                                if (columnStyle >= columnStyles) {
355:                                    columnStyle = 0;
356:                                }
357:                            }
358:                            if (hasChildBoolean && dmb.getDepth() == 0) {
359:                                writer.write(" <img src=\"" + BARIMG
360:                                        + "\" style=\"" + CURSOR
361:                                        + "\" id=\"_id_"
362:                                        + new Integer(hideDivNo).toString()
363:                                        + "__img_hide_division_\""
364:                                        + " onclick=\"");
365:                                int childNo = getTotalChildNo(dmb, msgBeanList);
366:                                String hideTr = "";
367:                                for (int i = 0; i < childNo; i++) {
368:                                    hideTr += "javascript:showHideDiv('_id_"
369:                                            + new Integer(hideDivNo + i)
370:                                                    .toString() + "', '"
371:                                            + RESOURCE_PATH + "');";
372:                                }
373:                                writer.write(hideTr);
374:                                writer
375:                                        .write("setMainFrameHeight('Main"
376:                                                + org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.ToolManager
377:                                                        .getCurrentPlacement()
378:                                                        .getId().replace("-",
379:                                                                "x") + "');");
380:                                writer.write("\" />");
381:                            }
382:                            writer.endElement("td");
383:                            writer.writeText("\n", null);
384:                            toggleWritten = true;
385:                        }
386:                        if (column.getId().endsWith("_toggle")) {
387:                            continue;
388:                        }
390:                        // Render the beginning of this cell
391:                        writer.startElement("td", column);
392:                        if (columnStyles > 0) {
393:                            writer.writeAttribute("class",
394:                                    columnClasses[columnStyle++],
395:                                    "columnClasses");
396:                            if (columnStyle >= columnStyles) {
397:                                columnStyle = 0;
398:                            }
399:                        }
400:                        if (dmb != null) // && dmb.getDepth() > 0)
401:                        {
402:                            if (column.getId().endsWith("_msg_subject")) {
403:                                // rjlowe: using padding-left: 1em instead of &nbsp;
404:                                writer.writeAttribute("style", "padding-left:"
405:                                        + dmb.getDepth() + "em;", "style");
407:                                //String indent = "";
408:                                //int indentInt = dmb.getDepth() * 4;
409:                                //for(int i=0; i<indentInt; i++)
410:                                //{
411:                                //	indent += "&nbsp;";
412:                                //}
413:                                //writer.write(indent);
414:                            }
415:                        }
416:                        // rjlowe: arrow is now in it's own column, see above
417:                        /***
418:                        if(dmb.getDepth() == 0)
419:                        {
420:                        	if(column.getId().endsWith("_msg_subject"))
421:                        	{
422:                        		//if(hasChildBoolean)
425:                        		if(hasChildBoolean && dmb.getDepth()==0)
426:                        		{
427:                        			writer.write(" <img src=\""   + BARIMG + "\" style=\"position:absolute;left:-1em;" + CURSOR + "\" id=\"_id_" + new Integer(hideDivNo).toString() + "__img_hide_division_\"" +
428:                        					" onclick=\"");
429:                        			int childNo = getTotalChildNo(dmb, msgBeanList);
430:                        			String hideTr = "";
431:                        			for(int i=0; i<childNo; i++)
432:                        			{
433:                        				hideTr += "javascript:showHideDiv('_id_" + new Integer(hideDivNo+i).toString() + "', '" +  RESOURCE_PATH + "');";
434:                        			}
435:                        			writer.write(hideTr);
436:                        			writer.write("setMainFrameHeight('Main" + org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getId().replace("-","x") + "');");
437:                        			writer.write("\" />");
438:                        		}
439:                        	}
440:                        }
441:                         ***/
442:                        // Render the contents of this cell by iterating over
443:                        // the kids of our kids
444:                        grandkids = getChildren(column);
445:                        while (grandkids.hasNext()) {
446:                            encodeRecursive(context, (UIComponent) grandkids
447:                                    .next());
448:                        }
450:                        // Render the ending of this cell
451:                        writer.endElement("td");
452:                        writer.writeText("\n", null);
454:                    }
456:                    // Render the ending of this row
457:                    writer.endElement("tr");
458:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
459:                    if (dmb.getDepth() == 0 && hasChildBoolean) {
460:                        //////writer.write("<div style=\"display:none\"  id=\"_id_" + new Integer(hideDivNo).toString() + "__hide_division_" + "\">");
461:                    }
462:                    if (dmb != null && dmb.getDepth() > 0) {
463:                        ValueBinding expandedBinding = component
464:                                .getValueBinding("expanded");
465:                        String expanded = "";
466:                        if (expandedBinding != null)
467:                            expanded = (String) expandedBinding
468:                                    .getValue(context);
470:                        if (expanded.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
471:                            writer.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
472:                            writer.write("  showHideDiv('_id_"
473:                                    + new Integer(hideDivNo).toString()
474:                                    + "', '" + RESOURCE_PATH + "');");
475:                            writer.write("</script>");
476:                        }
478:                        hideDivNo++;
479:                        /* get rid of div, tr - set display for every row of child msgs
480:                        DiscussionMessageBean nextBean = null;
481:                        if(msgBeanList !=null && msgBeanList.size()>(rowIndex+1))
482:                        {
483:                        	nextBean = (DiscussionMessageBean)msgBeanList.get(rowIndex+1);
484:                        }
485:                        if(nextBean != null)
486:                        {
487:                        	if(nextBean.getDepth() == 0)
488:                        	{
489:                        		//////writer.write("</div>");
490:                            writer.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
491:                            writer.write("  showHideDiv('_id_" + new Integer(hideDivNo).toString() +
492:                                "', '" +  RESOURCE_PATH + "');");
493:                            hideDivNo++;
494:                            writer.write("</script>");
495:                        	}
496:                        }
497:                        else
498:                        {
499:                        	//////writer.write("</div>");					
500:                        writer.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
501:                        writer.write("  showHideDiv('_id_" + new Integer(hideDivNo).toString() +
502:                            "', '" +  RESOURCE_PATH + "');");
503:                        hideDivNo++;
504:                        writer.write("</script>");
505:                        }*/
506:                    }
507:                }
508:                writer.endElement("tbody");
509:                writer.writeText("\n", null);
511:                // Clean up after ourselves
512:                data.setRowIndex(-1);
513:                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
514:                    log.trace("End encoding children " + component.getId());
515:                }
516:            }
518:            public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
519:                    throws IOException {
521:                if ((context == null) || (component == null)) {
522:                    throw new NullPointerException(
523:                            Util
524:                                    .getExceptionMessageString(Util.NULL_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE_ID));
525:                }
526:                if (!component.isRendered()) {
527:                    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
528:                        log.trace("No encoding necessary " + component.getId()
529:                                + " since "
530:                                + "rendered attribute is set to false ");
531:                    }
532:                    return;
533:                }
534:                UIData data = (UIData) component;
535:                data.setRowIndex(-1);
536:                ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
538:                // Render the ending of this table
539:                writer.endElement("table");
540:                writer.writeText("\n", null);
541:                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
542:                    log.trace("End encoding component " + component.getId());
543:                }
545:            }
547:            private int getTotalChildNo(DiscussionMessageBean dmb, List beanList) {
548:                int no = 0;
549:                MessageForumsMessageManager messageManager = (MessageForumsMessageManager) ComponentManager
550:                        .get("");
551:                List allChild = new ArrayList();
552:                messageManager.getChildMsgs(dmb.getMessage().getId(), allChild);
554:                //cwen: if every child is set to under some topic, no need to compare here.  
555:                // -- no such case: replyTo child is moved to another topic but still has the inReplyTo set to point to the old msg. 
556:                for (int i = 0; i < beanList.size(); i++) {
557:                    DiscussionMessageBean this Bean = (DiscussionMessageBean) beanList
558:                            .get(i);
559:                    for (int j = 0; j < allChild.size(); j++) {
560:                        Message child = (Message) allChild.get(j);
561:                        if (this Bean.getMessage().getId().equals(child.getId())) {
562:                            no++;
563:                            break;
564:                        }
565:                    }
566:                }
568:                return no;
569:            }
571:            // --------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods
573:            /**
574:             * <p>Return an array of stylesheet classes to be applied to
575:             * each column in the table in the order specified. Every column may or
576:             * may not have a stylesheet.</p>
577:             *
578:             * @param data {@link UIData} component being rendered
579:             */
580:            private String[] getColumnClasses(UIData data) {
582:                String values = (String) data.getAttributes().get(
583:                        "columnClasses");
584:                if (values == null) {
585:                    return (new String[0]);
586:                }
587:                values = values.trim();
588:                ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
589:                while (values.length() > 0) {
590:                    int comma = values.indexOf(",");
591:                    if (comma >= 0) {
592:                        list.add(values.substring(0, comma).trim());
593:                        values = values.substring(comma + 1);
594:                    } else {
595:                        list.add(values.trim());
596:                        values = "";
597:                    }
598:                }
599:                String results[] = new String[list.size()];
600:                return ((String[]) list.toArray(results));
602:            }
604:            /**
605:             * <p>Return the number of child <code>UIColumn</code> components
606:             * that are nested in the specified {@link UIData}.</p>
607:             *
608:             * @param data {@link UIData} component being analyzed
609:             */
610:            private int getColumnCount(UIData data) {
612:                int columns = 0;
613:                Iterator kids = getColumns(data);
614:                while (kids.hasNext()) {
615:                    UIComponent kid = (UIComponent);
616:                    columns++;
617:                }
618:                return (columns);
620:            }
622:            /**
623:             * <p>Return an Iterator over the <code>UIColumn</code> children
624:             * of the specified <code>UIData</code> that have a
625:             * <code>rendered</code> property of <code>true</code>.</p>
626:             *
627:             * @param data <code>UIData</code> for which to extract children
628:             */
629:            private Iterator getColumns(UIData data) {
631:                List results = new ArrayList();
632:                Iterator kids = data.getChildren().iterator();
633:                while (kids.hasNext()) {
634:                    UIComponent kid = (UIComponent);
635:                    if ((kid instanceof  UIColumn) && kid.isRendered()) {
636:                        results.add(kid);
637:                    }
638:                }
639:                return (results.iterator());
641:            }
643:            /**
644:             * <p>Return the number of child <code>UIColumn</code> components
645:             * nested in the specified <code>UIData</code> that have a facet with
646:             * the specified name.</p>
647:             *
648:             * @param data <code>UIData</code> component being analyzed
649:             * @param name Name of the facet being analyzed
650:             */
651:            private int getFacetCount(UIData data, String name) {
653:                int n = 0;
654:                Iterator kids = getColumns(data);
655:                while (kids.hasNext()) {
656:                    UIComponent kid = (UIComponent);
657:                    if (getFacet(kid, name) != null) {
658:                        n++;
659:                    }
660:                }
661:                return (n);
663:            }
665:            /**
666:             * <p>Return an array of stylesheet classes to be applied to
667:             * each row in the table, in the order specified.  Every row may or
668:             * may not have a stylesheet.</p>
669:             *
670:             * @param data {@link UIData} component being rendered
671:             */
672:            private String[] getRowClasses(UIData data) {
674:                String values = (String) data.getAttributes().get("rowClasses");
675:                if (values == null) {
676:                    return (new String[0]);
677:                }
678:                values = values.trim();
679:                ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
680:                while (values.length() > 0) {
681:                    int comma = values.indexOf(",");
682:                    if (comma >= 0) {
683:                        list.add(values.substring(0, comma).trim());
684:                        values = values.substring(comma + 1);
685:                    } else {
686:                        list.add(values.trim());
687:                        values = "";
688:                    }
689:                }
690:                String results[] = new String[list.size()];
691:                return ((String[]) list.toArray(results));
693:            }
695:            private void renderThread(ResponseWriter writer, UIData data,
696:                    int rows, Integer processed, int rowIndex, int rowStyles,
697:                    int rowStyle, int columnStyle, int columnStyles,
698:                    String columnClasses[], String rowClasses[],
699:                    FacesContext context, List msgs, Message currentMsg) {
700:                Iterator kids = null;
701:                Iterator grandkids = null;
703:                for (int i = 0; i < msgs.size(); i++) {
704:                    Message this Msg = (Message) msgs.get(i);
705:                    if (this Msg.getId().equals(currentMsg.getId())) {
706:                        msgs.remove(i);
707:                        break;
708:                    }
709:                }
711:                try {
712:                    int processedInt = processed.intValue();
713:                    if ((rows > 0) && (++processedInt > rows)) {
714:                        processed = new Integer(processedInt);
715:                        return;
716:                    }
717:                    data.setRowIndex(++rowIndex);
718:                    if (!data.isRowAvailable()) {
719:                        return;
720:                    }
722:                    writer.startElement("tr", data);
723:                    if (rowStyles > 0) {
724:                        writer.writeAttribute("class", rowClasses[rowStyle++],
725:                                "rowClasses");
726:                        if (rowStyle >= rowStyles) {
727:                            rowStyle = 0;
728:                        }
729:                    }
730:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
732:                    columnStyle = 0;
733:                    kids = getColumns(data);
734:                    while (kids.hasNext()) {
735:                        UIColumn column = (UIColumn);
737:                        writer.startElement("td", column);
738:                        if (columnStyles > 0) {
739:                            writer.writeAttribute("class",
740:                                    columnClasses[columnStyle++],
741:                                    "columnClasses");
742:                            if (columnStyle >= columnStyles) {
743:                                columnStyle = 0;
744:                            }
745:                        }
747:                        grandkids = getChildren(column);
748:                        while (grandkids.hasNext()) {
749:                            encodeRecursive(context, (UIComponent) grandkids
750:                                    .next());
751:                        }
753:                        writer.endElement("td");
754:                        writer.writeText("\n", null);
756:                    }
758:                    writer.endElement("tr");
759:                    writer.writeText("\n", null);
760:                } catch (Exception e) {
761:                    e.printStackTrace();
762:                }
764:                MessageForumsMessageManager messageManager = (MessageForumsMessageManager) ComponentManager
765:                        .get("");
766:                List replyMsgs = messageManager
767:                        .getFirstLevelChildMsgs(currentMsg.getId());
768:                if (replyMsgs != null) {
769:                    for (int i = 0; i < replyMsgs.size(); i++) {
770:                        Message childM = (Message) replyMsgs.get(i);
771:                        for (int j = 0; j < msgs.size(); j++) {
772:                            Message remainMsg = (Message) msgs.get(j);
773:                            if (childM.getId().equals(remainMsg.getId())) {
774:                                renderThread(writer, data, rows, processed,
775:                                        rowIndex, rowStyles, rowStyle,
776:                                        columnStyle, columnStyles,
777:                                        columnClasses, rowClasses, context,
778:                                        msgs, remainMsg);
779:                            }
780:                        }
781:                    }
782:                }
783:            }
784:        } | Contact Us
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