| |
| java.lang.Object org.sakaiproject.tool.roster.RosterTool
RosterTool | public class RosterTool (Code) | | author: rshastri Rashmi Shastri version: $Id: RosterTool.java 1378 2005-08-25 16:25:41Z rshastri@iupui.edu $ |
Inner Class :public class DecoratedParticipant | |
RosterTool | public RosterTool()(Code) | | |
exportRosterCsv | public void exportRosterCsv(ActionEvent event)(Code) | | Export the current roster view to a csv file
Parameters: event - |
getAllUserCount | public int getAllUserCount()(Code) | | |
getDisplayedSection | public String getDisplayedSection()(Code) | | |
getParticipant | public DecoratedParticipant getParticipant()(Code) | | |
getPrintFriendlyTitle | public String getPrintFriendlyTitle()(Code) | | |
getPrintFriendlyUrl | public String getPrintFriendlyUrl()(Code) | | |
getViewMenuItems | public List getViewMenuItems()(Code) | | Returns the list of items to populate the "View" menu
isRenderExportButton | public boolean isRenderExportButton()(Code) | | |
isRenderOfficialId | public boolean isRenderOfficialId()(Code) | | |
isRenderPhotoColumn | public boolean isRenderPhotoColumn()(Code) | | |
isRenderPrivacyMessage | public boolean isRenderPrivacyMessage()(Code) | | Determine whether privacy message should be displayed. Will be shown if
roster.privacy.display in sakai.properties is "true" and the user does not
have roster.viewhidden permission
isRenderRoster | public boolean isRenderRoster()(Code) | | |
isRenderRosterUpdateInfo | public boolean isRenderRosterUpdateInfo()(Code) | | |
isRenderSectionsColumn | public boolean isRenderSectionsColumn()(Code) | | |
isRenderViewMenu | public boolean isRenderViewMenu()(Code) | | |
isShowCustomPhoto | public boolean isShowCustomPhoto()(Code) | | |
isShowIdPhoto | public boolean isShowIdPhoto()(Code) | | |
isShowTool | public boolean isShowTool()(Code) | | |
isSortLastNameAscending | public boolean isSortLastNameAscending()(Code) | | |
isSortLastNameDescending | public boolean isSortLastNameDescending()(Code) | | |
isSortRoleAscending | public boolean isSortRoleAscending()(Code) | | |
isSortRoleDescending | public boolean isSortRoleDescending()(Code) | | |
isSortSectionsAscending | public boolean isSortSectionsAscending()(Code) | | |
isSortSectionsDescending | public boolean isSortSectionsDescending()(Code) | | |
isSortUserIdAscending | public boolean isSortUserIdAscending()(Code) | | |
isSortUserIdDescending | public boolean isSortUserIdDescending()(Code) | | |
isUserMayViewRoster | public boolean isUserMayViewRoster()(Code) | | |
processActionDisplayProfile | public String processActionDisplayProfile()(Code) | | |
processActionToggleCustomPhotos | public String processActionToggleCustomPhotos()(Code) | | |
processActionToggleIdPhotos | public String processActionToggleIdPhotos()(Code) | | |
processValueChangeForView | public String processValueChangeForView(ValueChangeEvent vce)(Code) | | |
protectAgainstInstantDeletion | public static void protectAgainstInstantDeletion(HttpServletResponse response)(Code) | | Try to head off a problem with downloading files from a secure HTTPS
connection to Internet Explorer.
When IE sees it's talking to a secure server, it decides to treat all hints
or instructions about caching as strictly as possible. Immediately upon
finishing the download, it throws the data away.
Unfortunately, the way IE sends a downloaded file on to a helper
application is to use the cached copy. Having just deleted the file,
it naturally isn't able to find it in the cache. Whereupon it delivers
a very misleading error message like:
"Internet Explorer cannot download roster from sakai.yoursite.edu.
Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested
site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."
There are several ways to turn caching off, and so to be safe we use
several ways to turn it back on again.
This current workaround should let IE users save the files to disk.
Unfortunately, errors may still occur if a user attempts to open the
file directly in a helper application from a secure web server.
TODO Keep checking on the status of this.
setSelectedView | public void setSelectedView(String selected)(Code) | | |
setViewMenuItems | public void setViewMenuItems(List menuItems)(Code) | | |