| |
| java.lang.Object org.sakaiproject.util.ObservingCourier
All known Subclasses: org.sakaiproject.util.EventObservingCourier,
m_courierService | protected CourierService m_courierService(Code) | | Constructor discovered injected CourierService.
m_deliveryId | protected String m_deliveryId(Code) | | The key identifying the Portal PageSession.
m_elementId | protected String m_elementId(Code) | | The key identifying the element on the Portal Page.
m_enabled | protected boolean m_enabled(Code) | | The enabled state.
m_location | protected String m_location(Code) | | The location (id not ref).
ObservingCourier | public ObservingCourier(String location, String elementId)(Code) | | Construct.
Parameters: location - The key identifying the client window to which this courier delivers updates. Parameters: elementId - The key identifying the element on the Portal Page that would need a courier delivered message when things change. |
check | public boolean check(Object arg)(Code) | | Check to see if we want to process or ignore this update.
Parameters: arg - The arg from the update. true to continue, false to quit. |
disable | public void disable()(Code) | | |
enable | public void enable()(Code) | | |
getEnabled | public boolean getEnabled()(Code) | | |
getLocation | public String getLocation()(Code) | | Access the location this observer is observing.
the location this observer is observing. |
justDelivered | public void justDelivered()(Code) | | Accept notification that the portal element has just been delivered. If there are pending requests to deliver, they can be cleared.
update | public void update(Observable o, Object arg)(Code) | | This method is called whenever the observed object is changed. An application calls an Observable object's notifyObservers method to have all the object's observers notified of the change. default implementation is to
cause the courier service to deliver to the interface controlled by my controller. Extensions can override.
Parameters: o - the observable object. Parameters: arg - an argument passed to the notifyObservers method. |