001: package com.bostechcorp.cbesb.common.wsdl;
003: import java.io.File;
004: import java.io.IOException;
006: import java.util.Iterator;
007: import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
008: import java.util.Map;
009: import java.util.Set;
010: import java.util.List;
011: import java.util.ArrayList;
012: import java.util.HashMap;
014: import javax.wsdl.BindingFault;
015: import javax.wsdl.BindingInput;
016: import javax.wsdl.BindingOperation;
017: import javax.wsdl.BindingOutput;
018: import javax.wsdl.Definition;
019: import javax.wsdl.Fault;
020: import javax.wsdl.Input;
021: import javax.wsdl.Message;
022: import javax.wsdl.Operation;
023: import javax.wsdl.Output;
024: import javax.wsdl.WSDLException;
025: import javax.wsdl.Part;
026: import javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement;
027: import javax.wsdl.extensions.ElementExtensible;
028: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBody;
029: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPFault;
030: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPOperation;
031: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Body;
032: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Fault;
033: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Operation;
035: import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
037: import org.eclipse.xsd.*;
039: public class OperationInfo extends ComponentInfo {
041: protected static final String SOAP_NS_URL = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/";
042: protected static final String SOAP_ENCODING_URL = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";
043: protected static final String CBESB_WRAPPER_NS = "http://cbesb.bostechcorp.com/soap/1.0";
044: protected static final String CBESB_WRAPPER_NS_PREFIX = "cbesb_soap";
046: private WsdlInfo wsdlInfo = null;
048: /** The encoding type "document" vs. "rpc" */
049: private String style = "document";
051: /** The input message **/
052: private Message inputMessage = null;
054: private String inputNamespace = null;
056: /** The output message **/
057: private Message outputMessage = null;
059: private String outputNamespace = null;
061: private LinkedHashMap<String, Message> faultMessages = null;
062: private LinkedHashMap<String, String> faultNamespaces = null;
064: //Some helpful items when generating schemas
065: //So we don't have to pass them to every method.
066: private File destDir;
067: private String wsdlBaseName;
068: private String opSchemaBaseName;
069: private XSDFactory xsdFactory;
071: private class SchemaEntry {
072: public String filename;
073: public XSDSchema schema;
074: };
076: private HashMap<String, SchemaEntry> schemaNamespaceMap;
078: /**
079: * Constructor
080: */
081: public OperationInfo() {
082: faultMessages = new LinkedHashMap<String, Message>();
083: faultNamespaces = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
084: }
086: /**
087: * Constructor
088: *
089: * @param style Pass "document" or "rpc"
090: */
091: public OperationInfo(String style) {
092: faultMessages = new LinkedHashMap<String, Message>();
093: setStyle(style);
094: }
096: protected static OperationInfo load(WsdlInfo wsdlInfo,
097: BindingOperation wsdlOperation, String defaultStyle)
098: throws WSDLException {
099: OperationInfo opInfo = null;
101: ExtensibilityElement operElem = findExtensibilityElement(
102: wsdlOperation.getExtensibilityElements(), "operation");
104: String opStyle = null;
105: Operation operation = null;
107: if (operElem != null && operElem instanceof SOAPOperation) {
108: SOAPOperation soapOperation = (SOAPOperation) operElem;
109: operation = wsdlOperation.getOperation();
110: opStyle = soapOperation.getStyle();
112: } else if (operElem != null
113: && operElem instanceof SOAP12Operation) {
114: SOAP12Operation soapOperation = (SOAP12Operation) operElem;
115: operation = wsdlOperation.getOperation();
116: opStyle = soapOperation.getStyle();
117: }
119: if (operation != null) {
121: if (opStyle == null || opStyle.equals("")) {
122: opStyle = defaultStyle;
123: }
124: opInfo = new OperationInfo(opStyle);
125: opInfo.setName(wsdlOperation.getName());
126: opInfo.wsdlInfo = wsdlInfo;
128: ExtensibilityElement bodyElem = null;
129: // Get the Input Message
130: BindingInput bindingInput = wsdlOperation.getBindingInput();
131: if (bindingInput != null) {
132: processSoapHeaders(bindingInput);
133: bodyElem = findExtensibilityElement(bindingInput
134: .getExtensibilityElements(), "body");
135: opInfo.setInputNamespace(processSoapBody(bodyElem));
136: Input input = operation.getInput();
137: if (input != null) {
138: opInfo.setInputMessage(input.getMessage());
139: }
140: }
142: // Get the Output Message
143: BindingOutput bindingOutput = wsdlOperation
144: .getBindingOutput();
145: if (bindingOutput != null) {
146: processSoapHeaders(bindingOutput);
147: bodyElem = findExtensibilityElement(bindingOutput
148: .getExtensibilityElements(), "body");
149: opInfo.setOutputNamespace(processSoapBody(bodyElem));
150: Output output = operation.getOutput();
151: if (output != null) {
152: opInfo.setOutputMessage(output.getMessage());
153: }
154: }
156: // Get the Fault Message(s)
157: Map bindingFaults = wsdlOperation.getBindingFaults();
158: for (Iterator iter = bindingFaults.values().iterator(); iter
159: .hasNext();) {
160: BindingFault bindingFault = (BindingFault) iter.next();
161: ExtensibilityElement faultElem = findExtensibilityElement(
162: bindingFault.getExtensibilityElements(),
163: "fault");
164: String namespace = processSoapFault(faultElem);
165: if (namespace != null) {
166: opInfo.faultNamespaces.put(bindingFault.getName(),
167: namespace);
168: }
169: }
171: for (Iterator iter = operation.getFaults().values()
172: .iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
173: Fault fault = (Fault) iter.next();
174: Message faultMessage = fault.getMessage();
175: opInfo.addFaultMessage(faultMessage);
176: }
178: }
180: return opInfo;
181: }
183: private static void processSoapHeaders(
184: ElementExtensible bindingInputOrOutput) {
185: List extensibilityElements = bindingInputOrOutput
186: .getExtensibilityElements();
187: if (extensibilityElements != null) {
188: QName soapHeaderQName = new QName(SOAP_NS_URL, "header");
189: Iterator iter = extensibilityElements.iterator();
190: while (iter.hasNext()) {
191: ExtensibilityElement element = (ExtensibilityElement) iter
192: .next();
193: if (element.getElementType().equals(soapHeaderQName)) {
194: //Found a header, process it here
196: }
197: }
198: }
199: ExtensibilityElement bodyElem = findExtensibilityElement(
200: bindingInputOrOutput.getExtensibilityElements(), "body");
202: }
204: private static String processSoapBody(ExtensibilityElement extElem)
205: throws WSDLException {
206: String namespace = null;
207: if (extElem != null && extElem instanceof SOAPBody) {
208: SOAPBody soapBody = (SOAPBody) extElem;
209: //Check if something other than Soap Encoding is specified
210: if ("encoded".equals(soapBody.getUse())) {
211: List encodingStyles = soapBody.getEncodingStyles();
212: for (Iterator iter = encodingStyles.iterator(); iter
213: .hasNext();) {
214: String encodingStyle = (String) iter.next();
215: if (!SOAP_ENCODING_URL.equals(encodingStyle)) {
216: throw new WSDLException(
217: WSDLException.OTHER_ERROR,
218: "Detected an unsupported encodingStyle: "
219: + encodingStyle);
220: }
221: }
222: }
223: //Get the namespace and return it
224: namespace = soapBody.getNamespaceURI();
225: } else if (extElem != null && extElem instanceof SOAP12Body) {
226: SOAP12Body soapBody = (SOAP12Body) extElem;
227: //Check if something other than Soap Encoding is specified
228: if ("encoded".equals(soapBody.getUse())) {
229: String encodingStyle = soapBody.getEncodingStyle();
231: if (!SOAP_ENCODING_URL.equals(encodingStyle)) {
232: throw new WSDLException(WSDLException.OTHER_ERROR,
233: "Detected an unsupported encodingStyle: "
234: + encodingStyle);
235: }
237: }
238: //Get the namespace and return it
239: namespace = soapBody.getNamespaceURI();
240: }
242: return namespace;
243: }
245: private static String processSoapFault(ExtensibilityElement extElem)
246: throws WSDLException {
247: String namespace = null;
248: if (extElem != null && extElem instanceof SOAPFault) {
249: SOAPFault soapFault = (SOAPFault) extElem;
250: //Check if something other than Soap Encoding is specified
251: if ("encoded".equals(soapFault.getUse())) {
252: List encodingStyles = soapFault.getEncodingStyles();
253: for (Iterator iter = encodingStyles.iterator(); iter
254: .hasNext();) {
255: String encodingStyle = (String) iter.next();
256: if (!SOAP_ENCODING_URL.equals(encodingStyle)) {
257: throw new WSDLException(
258: WSDLException.OTHER_ERROR,
259: "Detected an unsupported encodingStyle: "
260: + encodingStyle);
261: }
262: }
263: }
264: //Get the namespace and return it
265: namespace = soapFault.getNamespaceURI();
266: } else if (extElem != null && extElem instanceof SOAP12Fault) {
267: SOAP12Fault soapFault = (SOAP12Fault) extElem;
268: //Check if something other than Soap Encoding is specified
269: if ("encoded".equals(soapFault.getUse())) {
270: String encodingStyle = soapFault.getEncodingStyle();
272: if (!SOAP_ENCODING_URL.equals(encodingStyle)) {
273: throw new WSDLException(WSDLException.OTHER_ERROR,
274: "Detected an unsupported encodingStyle: "
275: + encodingStyle);
276: }
278: }
279: //Get the namespace and return it
280: namespace = soapFault.getNamespaceURI();
281: }
282: return namespace;
283: }
285: /**
286: * Sets the encoding document/literal vs. rpc/encoded
287: *
288: * @return value A string value "document" or "rpc" should be passed.
289: */
290: public void setStyle(String value) {
291: style = value;
292: }
294: /**
295: * Returns the style "document" or "rpc"
296: *
297: * @return The style type is returned
298: */
299: public String getStyle() {
300: return style;
301: }
303: /**
304: * @return the inputMessage
305: */
306: public Message getInputMessage() {
307: return inputMessage;
308: }
310: /**
311: * @param inputMessage the inputMessage to set
312: */
313: public void setInputMessage(Message inputMessage) {
314: this .inputMessage = inputMessage;
315: }
317: /**
318: * @return the outputMessage
319: */
320: public Message getOutputMessage() {
321: return outputMessage;
322: }
324: /**
325: * @param outputMessage the outputMessage to set
326: */
327: public void setOutputMessage(Message outputMessage) {
328: this .outputMessage = outputMessage;
329: }
331: /**
332: * @return the inputNamespace
333: */
334: public String getInputNamespace() {
335: return inputNamespace;
336: }
338: /**
339: * @param inputNamespace the inputNamespace to set
340: */
341: public void setInputNamespace(String inputNamespace) {
342: this .inputNamespace = inputNamespace;
343: }
345: /**
346: * @return the outputNamespace
347: */
348: public String getOutputNamespace() {
349: return outputNamespace;
350: }
352: /**
353: * @param outputNamespace the outputNamespace to set
354: */
355: public void setOutputNamespace(String outputNamespace) {
356: this .outputNamespace = outputNamespace;
357: }
359: public String[] getFaultMessageNames() {
360: String[] retArray = null;
361: Set faultNames = faultMessages.keySet();
362: retArray = new String[faultNames.size()];
363: int i = 0;
364: for (Iterator iter = faultNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
365: retArray[i] = (String) iter.next();
366: i++;
367: }
368: return retArray;
369: }
371: public List getFaultMessages() {
372: return new ArrayList<Message>(faultMessages.values());
373: }
375: public Message getFaultMessage(String name) {
376: return faultMessages.get(name);
377: }
379: public void addFaultMessage(Message faultMessage) {
380: faultMessages.put(faultMessage.getQName().getLocalPart(),
381: faultMessage);
382: }
384: public void SaveAsSchema(File destFile) throws IOException {
385: XSDSchema schema = generateSchema(destFile);
386: SchemaUtil.saveXSDSchema(schema, destFile);
387: }
389: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
390: public XSDSchema generateSchema(File destFile) throws IOException {
391: destDir = destFile.getParentFile();
392: wsdlBaseName = wsdlInfo.wsdlBaseName;
393: opSchemaBaseName = destFile.getName();
394: if (opSchemaBaseName.endsWith(".xsd")) {
395: opSchemaBaseName = opSchemaBaseName.substring(0,
396: opSchemaBaseName.lastIndexOf('.'));
397: }
398: xsdFactory = SchemaUtil.getXSDFactory();
399: XSDSchema operationSchema = SchemaUtil.createBlankSchema();
400: operationSchema.setTargetNamespace(CBESB_WRAPPER_NS);
401: operationSchema
402: .setElementFormDefault(XSDForm.QUALIFIED_LITERAL);
403: Map nsMap = operationSchema.getQNamePrefixToNamespaceMap();
404: nsMap.put("tns", CBESB_WRAPPER_NS);
405: // populateSchemaNamespaceMap(operationSchema);
407: if (getStyle().equals("document")) {
408: addReferencesToTypesSchemas(operationSchema);
409: }
411: if (inputMessage != null) {
412: XSDModelGroup requestContainer = addWrapperRoot(
413: operationSchema, "SoapRequest");
414: XSDModelGroup headerContainer = addWrapperHeader(requestContainer);
415: XSDModelGroup bodyContainer = addWrapperBody(requestContainer);
416: if (getStyle().equals("document")) {
417: populateBodyDocStyle(operationSchema, bodyContainer,
418: inputMessage, inputNamespace);
419: } else {
420: populateBodyRpcStyle(operationSchema, bodyContainer,
421: inputMessage, inputNamespace, name);
422: }
423: }
424: if (outputMessage != null) {
425: XSDModelGroup requestContainer = addWrapperRoot(
426: operationSchema, "SoapResponse");
427: XSDModelGroup headerContainer = addWrapperHeader(requestContainer);
428: XSDModelGroup bodyContainer = addWrapperBody(requestContainer);
429: if (getStyle().equals("document")) {
430: populateBodyDocStyle(operationSchema, bodyContainer,
431: outputMessage, outputNamespace);
432: } else {
433: populateBodyRpcStyle(operationSchema, bodyContainer,
434: outputMessage, outputNamespace, name
435: + "Response");
437: }
438: }
440: //TODO: generate fault messages
442: return operationSchema;
443: }
445: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
446: private void populateSchemaNamespaceMap(XSDSchema operationSchema) {
447: Map schemaNamespaceMap = operationSchema
448: .getQNamePrefixToNamespaceMap();
449: Map wsdlNamespaceMap = wsdlInfo.wsdlDefinition.getNamespaces();
450: schemaNamespaceMap.put(CBESB_WRAPPER_NS_PREFIX,
453: //For each namespace prefix defined in the wsdl, add to the schema
454: for (Iterator iter = wsdlNamespaceMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter
455: .hasNext();) {
456: Map.Entry<String, String> entry = (Map.Entry<String, String>) iter
457: .next();
458: //Filter out the default namespace
459: if (!entry.getKey().equals("")) {
460: schemaNamespaceMap
461: .put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
462: }
463: }
464: }
466: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
467: private XSDModelGroup addWrapperRoot(XSDSchema operationSchema,
468: String name) {
469: // Create global element declaration
470: XSDElementDeclaration messageElement = xsdFactory
471: .createXSDElementDeclaration();
472: messageElement.setName(name);
473: operationSchema.getContents().add(messageElement);
474: // Add anonymous complexType definition inside element
475: XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexType = xsdFactory
476: .createXSDComplexTypeDefinition();
477: messageElement.setAnonymousTypeDefinition(complexType);
478: // Add sequence to complexType
479: XSDModelGroup sequenceModelGroup = xsdFactory
480: .createXSDModelGroup();
481: sequenceModelGroup
482: .setCompositor(XSDCompositor.SEQUENCE_LITERAL);
483: XSDParticle sequenceParticle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
484: sequenceParticle.setContent(sequenceModelGroup);
485: complexType.setContent(sequenceParticle);
487: return sequenceModelGroup;
488: }
490: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
491: private XSDModelGroup addWrapperHeader(XSDModelGroup container) {
492: // //Create SoapBody wrapper
493: // XSDElementDeclaration headerElement = xsdFactory.createXSDElementDeclaration();
494: // headerElement.setName("SoapHeader");
495: // XSDParticle headerParticle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
496: // headerParticle.setContent(headerElement);
497: // container.getContents().add(headerParticle);
498: // // Add anonymous complexType definition inside element
499: // XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexType = xsdFactory.createXSDComplexTypeDefinition();
500: // headerElement.setAnonymousTypeDefinition(complexType);
501: // // Add sequence to complexType
502: // XSDModelGroup sequenceModelGroup = xsdFactory.createXSDModelGroup();
503: // sequenceModelGroup.setCompositor(XSDCompositor.SEQUENCE_LITERAL);
504: // XSDParticle sequenceParticle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
505: // sequenceParticle.setContent(sequenceModelGroup);
506: // complexType.setContent(sequenceParticle);
507: //
508: // return sequenceModelGroup;
509: return null;
510: }
512: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
513: private XSDModelGroup addWrapperBody(XSDModelGroup container) {
514: //Create SoapBody wrapper
515: XSDElementDeclaration bodyElement = xsdFactory
516: .createXSDElementDeclaration();
517: bodyElement.setName("SoapBody");
518: XSDParticle bodyParticle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
519: bodyParticle.setContent(bodyElement);
520: container.getContents().add(bodyParticle);
521: // Add anonymous complexType definition inside element
522: XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexType = xsdFactory
523: .createXSDComplexTypeDefinition();
524: bodyElement.setAnonymousTypeDefinition(complexType);
525: // Add sequence to complexType
526: XSDModelGroup sequenceModelGroup = xsdFactory
527: .createXSDModelGroup();
528: sequenceModelGroup
529: .setCompositor(XSDCompositor.SEQUENCE_LITERAL);
530: XSDParticle sequenceParticle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
531: sequenceParticle.setContent(sequenceModelGroup);
532: complexType.setContent(sequenceParticle);
534: return sequenceModelGroup;
535: }
537: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
538: private void populateBodyDocStyle(XSDSchema operationSchema,
539: XSDModelGroup container, Message message,
540: String messageNamespace) {
541: // Map partMap = message.getParts();
542: // for (Iterator partIter = partMap.values().iterator(); partIter.hasNext();)
543: List partList = message.getOrderedParts(null);
544: for (Iterator partIter = partList.iterator(); partIter
545: .hasNext();) {
546: Part part = (Part) partIter.next();
547: XSDElementDeclaration partElem = xsdFactory
548: .createXSDElementDeclaration();
549: if (part.getElementName() != null) {
550: QName elemName = part.getElementName();
551: XSDElementDeclaration resolvedElem = operationSchema
552: .resolveElementDeclaration(elemName
553: .getNamespaceURI(), elemName
554: .getLocalPart());
555: partElem.setResolvedElementDeclaration(resolvedElem);
556: } else if (part.getTypeName() != null) {
557: partElem.setName(part.getName());
558: QName partType = part.getTypeName();
559: XSDTypeDefinition resolvedType = operationSchema
560: .resolveTypeDefinition(partType
561: .getNamespaceURI(), partType
562: .getLocalPart());
563: partElem.setTypeDefinition(resolvedType);
564: }
565: XSDParticle partParticle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
566: partParticle.setContent(partElem);
567: container.getContents().add(partParticle);
568: }
569: }
571: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
572: private void populateBodyRpcStyle(XSDSchema operationSchema,
573: XSDModelGroup container, Message message,
574: String messageNamespace, String elementName)
575: throws IOException {
576: SchemaEntry se = createRpcMessageSchema(message,
577: messageNamespace, elementName);
579: //Add import to operation schema
580: addReferenceToSchema(operationSchema, messageNamespace,
581: se.filename);
583: //Add ref element pointing to the element defined in the external schema
584: XSDElementDeclaration partElem = xsdFactory
585: .createXSDElementDeclaration();
586: partElem.setResolvedElementDeclaration(operationSchema
587: .resolveElementDeclaration(messageNamespace,
588: elementName));
589: XSDParticle partParticle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
590: partParticle.setContent(partElem);
591: container.getContents().add(partParticle);
593: }
595: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
596: private SchemaEntry createRpcMessageSchema(Message message,
597: String messageNamespace, String elementName)
598: throws IOException {
599: SchemaEntry se = getSchemaforNamespace(messageNamespace);
600: XSDSchema schema = se.schema;
602: addReferencesToTypesSchemas(schema);
604: // Create global element declaration
605: XSDElementDeclaration messageElement = xsdFactory
606: .createXSDElementDeclaration();
607: messageElement.setName(elementName);
608: schema.getContents().add(messageElement);
609: // Add anonymous complexType definition inside element
610: XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexType = xsdFactory
611: .createXSDComplexTypeDefinition();
612: messageElement.setAnonymousTypeDefinition(complexType);
613: // Add sequence to complexType
614: XSDModelGroup sequenceModelGroup = xsdFactory
615: .createXSDModelGroup();
616: sequenceModelGroup
617: .setCompositor(XSDCompositor.SEQUENCE_LITERAL);
618: XSDParticle sequenceParticle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
619: sequenceParticle.setContent(sequenceModelGroup);
620: complexType.setContent(sequenceParticle);
622: // Map partMap = message.getParts();
623: List partList = message.getOrderedParts(null);
624: // for (Iterator partIter = partMap.values().iterator(); partIter.hasNext();)
625: for (Iterator partIter = partList.iterator(); partIter
626: .hasNext();) {
627: Part part = (Part) partIter.next();
629: XSDElementDeclaration partElement = xsdFactory
630: .createXSDElementDeclaration();
631: if (part.getTypeName() != null) {
632: partElement.setName(part.getName());
633: QName partType = part.getTypeName();
634: XSDTypeDefinition resolvedType = schema
635: .resolveTypeDefinition(partType
636: .getNamespaceURI(), partType
637: .getLocalPart());
638: partElement.setTypeDefinition(resolvedType);
639: } else if (part.getElementName() != null) {
640: QName elemName = part.getElementName();
641: XSDElementDeclaration resolvedElem = schema
642: .resolveElementDeclaration(elemName
643: .getNamespaceURI(), elemName
644: .getLocalPart());
645: partElement.setResolvedElementDeclaration(resolvedElem);
646: }
647: XSDParticle partParticle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
648: partParticle.setContent(partElement);
649: sequenceModelGroup.getContents().add(partParticle);
650: }
652: SchemaUtil
653: .saveXSDSchema(schema, new File(destDir, se.filename));
654: return se;
655: }
657: private void addReferencesToTypesSchemas(XSDSchema schema) {
658: TypesInfo types = wsdlInfo.wsdlTypes;
659: Map typesMap = types.getSchemaMap();
660: for (Iterator iter = typesMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter
661: .hasNext();) {
662: Map.Entry<String, String> entry = (Map.Entry<String, String>) iter
663: .next();
664: String namespace = entry.getKey();
665: if (namespace == null) {
666: namespace = "";
667: }
668: String schemaLoc = entry.getValue();
669: addReferenceToSchema(schema, namespace, schemaLoc);
670: }
671: }
673: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
674: private void addReferenceToSchema(XSDSchema schema,
675: String namespace, String schemaLoc) {
676: String targetNamespace = schema.getTargetNamespace();
677: if (targetNamespace == null) {
678: targetNamespace = "";
679: }
680: if (targetNamespace.equals(namespace)) {
681: //Same namespace, use include
682: List contents = schema.getContents();
683: for (Iterator iter = contents.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
684: XSDSchemaContent schemaContent = (XSDSchemaContent) iter
685: .next();
686: if (schemaContent instanceof XSDInclude) {
687: XSDInclude xsdInclude = (XSDInclude) schemaContent;
688: String incLoc = xsdInclude.getSchemaLocation();
689: if (incLoc.equals(schemaLoc)) {
690: //The schema has already been included.
691: return;
692: }
693: }
694: }
695: //Didn't find an existing include.
696: //Add a new one
697: XSDInclude xsdInclude = xsdFactory.createXSDInclude();
698: xsdInclude.setSchemaLocation(schemaLoc);
699: schema.getContents().add(0, xsdInclude);
700: } else {
701: //Different namespace, use import
702: List contents = schema.getContents();
703: for (Iterator iter = contents.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
704: XSDSchemaContent schemaContent = (XSDSchemaContent) iter
705: .next();
706: if (schemaContent instanceof XSDImport) {
707: XSDImport xsdImport = (XSDImport) schemaContent;
708: String importNS = xsdImport.getNamespace();
709: if (importNS == null) {
710: importNS = "";
711: }
712: if (importNS.equals(namespace)) {
713: if (xsdImport.getSchemaLocation().equals(
714: schemaLoc)) {
715: //The schema has already imported.
716: return;
717: } else {
718: //This namespace was already imported,
719: //but from another schema.
720: System.err
721: .println("Trying to import the same namespace from multiple schemas.");
722: return;
723: }
724: }
725: }
726: }
727: //Didn't find an existing import.
728: //Add a new one
729: XSDImport xsdImport = xsdFactory.createXSDImport();
730: if (!namespace.equals("")) {
731: xsdImport.setNamespace(namespace);
732: }
733: xsdImport.setSchemaLocation(schemaLoc);
734: schema.getContents().add(0, xsdImport);
735: }
737: }
739: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
740: private SchemaEntry getSchemaforNamespace(String namespace) {
741: if (namespace == null) {
742: namespace = "";
743: }
744: if (schemaNamespaceMap == null) {
745: schemaNamespaceMap = new HashMap<String, SchemaEntry>();
746: }
747: SchemaEntry se = schemaNamespaceMap.get(namespace);
748: if (se == null) {
749: se = new SchemaEntry();
750: //create a new schema for this namespace
751: se.schema = SchemaUtil.createBlankSchema();
752: if (!namespace.equals("")) {
753: se.schema.setTargetNamespace(namespace);
754: Map nsMap = se.schema.getQNamePrefixToNamespaceMap();
755: nsMap.put("tns", namespace);
756: }
757: se.filename = opSchemaBaseName + ".inc"
758: + schemaNamespaceMap.size();
759: schemaNamespaceMap.put(namespace, se);
760: }
761: return se;
762: }
764: /**
765: * Override toString to return a name for the operation
766: *
767: * @return The name of the operation is returned
768: */
769: public String toString() {
770: StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
771: buffer.append("Operation: " + name + "\n");
772: buffer.append("Input:\n");
773: buffer.append(inputMessage.getQName().toString());
774: buffer.append("\n");
775: buffer.append("Output:\n");
776: buffer.append(outputMessage.getQName().toString());
777: buffer.append("\n");
778: buffer.append("Faults:\n");
779: for (Iterator iter = getFaultMessages().iterator(); iter
780: .hasNext();) {
781: Message fault = (Message) iter.next();
782: buffer.append(fault.getQName().toString() + "\n");
783: }
784: return buffer.toString();
785: }
786: }