| java.lang.Object com.bostechcorp.cbesb.runtime.parser.FixedElementParser
FixedElementParser | public class FixedElementParser implements IElementParser(Code) | | The FixedElementParser class implements ElementParser. It is used to parse
elements defined as fixed format.
Basic flow of the parse method:
1. Create a new Element with the name and namespace provided in the ElementDefinition.
2. Loop over all of the child ContentElement nodes defined in the ElementDefinition.
For each child, do the following:
a. Get the length of the data for the child
b. Read that many characters from the InputStream into a buffer.
c. Using the justification and fill character settings, trim the buffer
to contain only meaningful data.
d. Create a new InputStream containing this data only.
e. Get the ElementDefinition from the ContentElement that defines the child.
f. Get an instance of ElementParser from ElementParserFactory using the
child ElementDefinition as input.
g. Call the parse method of this ElementParser passing in the new InputStream and
child ElementDefinition.
h. Append the returned DOM Element to the Element created in step 1.