Internationalisation support for Mule messages and exception messages.
The Message class is a wrapper for an error message,
its error code and other information. The messages are read from ResourceBundle s
usually from classpath.
The class MessageFactory encapsulates the lookup of
ResourceBundle s and creation of messages. Since each mule
module should provide its own messages, subclasses of MessageFactory
should be created. It is convention to put the module specific class in
a subpackage called i18n .
Subclassing MessageFactory
For a mule module foo with base package
a MessageFactory subclass would typcially look like this:
public class FooMessages extends MessageFactory
private static final String BUNDLE_PATH = getBundlePath("foo");
public static final Message foo()
return createMessage(BUNDLE_PATH, 1);
public static final Message bar(String arg)
return createMessage(BUNDLE_PATH, 2, arg);
Note that the only publicly available methods are those from
FooMessages . This approach has various advantages:
Message instances are created using meaningful
java methods, i.e. client code is less cluttered with message
cration details.
- The method signature ensures that the right number of
arguments is passed in to format the message.
- No more constants for message codes needed as there is
exactly one occurrence of the constant in the code.
- By using the right
MessageFactory subclass it
is ensured that the correct ResourceBundle will be
chosen for lookup.
- Formatting the input to messages can be taken out of the
client code by putting it in this class