Method Summary |
protected void | checkDisposed() |
public void | connect() |
protected MessageReceiver | createReceiver(Service service, InboundEndpoint endpoint) Create a Message receiver for this connector
Parameters: service - the service that will receive events from this receiver,the listener Parameters: endpoint - the endpoint that defies this inbound communication an instance of the message receiver defined in this connectors'org.mule.transport.service.TransportServiceDescriptorinitialised using the service and endpoint. throws: Exception - if there is a problem creating the receiver. |
public void | destroyReceiver(MessageReceiver receiver, InboundEndpoint endpoint) |
public void | disconnect() |
public void | dispatch(OutboundEndpoint endpoint, MuleEvent event) |
final public synchronized void | dispose() |
protected void | disposeDispatchers() |
protected void | disposeReceivers() |
protected void | disposeRequesters() |
protected void | disposeWorkManagers() |
abstract protected void | doConnect() |
abstract protected void | doDisconnect() |
abstract protected void | doDispose() |
abstract protected void | doInitialise() |
abstract protected void | doStart() |
abstract protected void | doStop() |
public void | exceptionThrown(Exception e) |
public void | fireNotification(ServerNotification notification) |
protected String | getConnectEventId() |
public String | getConnectionDescription() |
public ConnectionStrategy | getConnectionStrategy() Getter for property 'connectionStrategy'. |
public List | getDefaultInboundTransformers() |
public List | getDefaultOutboundTransformers() |
public List | getDefaultResponseTransformers() |
public MessageDispatcherFactory | getDispatcherFactory() |
public ThreadingProfile | getDispatcherThreadingProfile() Getter for property 'dispatcherThreadingProfile'. |
protected WorkManager | getDispatcherWorkManager() Returns a work manager for message dispatchers. |
public ExceptionListener | getExceptionListener() |
public int | getMaxDispatchersActive() Returns the maximum number of dispatchers that can be concurrently active per
max. |
public int | getMaxRequestersActive() Returns the maximum number of requesters that can be concurrently active per
max. |
public MessageAdapter | getMessageAdapter(Object message) |
public MuleContext | getMuleContext() |
public String | getName() |
public int | getNumberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers() Returns the number of concurrent receivers that will be launched when
AbstractConnector.isCreateMultipleTransactedReceivers() returns true . |
public OutputStream | getOutputStream(OutboundEndpoint endpoint, MuleMessage message) Will get the output stream for this type of transport. |
public MessageReceiver | getReceiver(Service service, InboundEndpoint endpoint) |
protected Object | getReceiverKey(Service service, InboundEndpoint endpoint) The method determines the key used to store the receiver against. |
public ThreadingProfile | getReceiverThreadingProfile() Getter for property 'receiverThreadingProfile'. |
protected WorkManager | getReceiverWorkManager(String receiverName) Returns a work manager for message receivers. |
public Map | getReceivers() Getter for property 'receivers'. |
public MessageReceiver[] | getReceivers(String wildcardExpression) |
public ReplyToHandler | getReplyToHandler() Getter for property 'replyToHandler'. |
public MessageRequesterFactory | getRequesterFactory() |
public ThreadingProfile | getRequesterThreadingProfile() Getter for property 'requesterThreadingProfile'. |
protected WorkManager | getRequesterWorkManager() Returns a work manager for message requesters. |
public ScheduledExecutorService | getScheduler() Returns a Scheduler service for periodic tasks, currently limited to internal
use. |
protected TransportServiceDescriptor | getServiceDescriptor() Get the
TransportServiceDescriptor for this connector. |
public Map | getServiceOverrides() |
public SessionHandler | getSessionHandler() Getter for property 'sessionHandler'. |
public List | getSupportedProtocols() |
public void | handleException(Exception exception) |
protected void | handleWorkException(WorkEvent event, String type) |
protected synchronized void | initFromServiceDescriptor() Initialises this connector from its
TransportServiceDescriptor This
will be called before the
AbstractConnector.doInitialise() method is called. |
protected void | initWorkManagers() |
final public synchronized LifecycleTransitionResult | initialise() |
public void | initialiseFromUrl(EndpointURI endpointUri) When this connector is created via the
org.mule.transport.service.TransportFactory the endpoint used to
determine the connector type is passed to this method so that any properties
set on the endpoint that can be used to initialise the connector are made
available. |
final public boolean | isConnected() |
public boolean | isCreateMultipleTransactedReceivers() For better throughput when using TransactedMessageReceivers this will enable a
number of concurrent receivers, based on the value returned by
AbstractConnector.getNumberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers() . |
public boolean | isDisposed() |
public boolean | isDisposing() |
public boolean | isEnableMessageEvents() |
public boolean | isRemoteSyncEnabled() |
public boolean | isStarted() |
public boolean | isSyncEnabled(String protocol) |
public MessageReceiver | lookupReceiver(String key) |
public MessageReceiver | registerListener(Service service, InboundEndpoint endpoint) |
public void | registerSupportedProtocol(String protocol) Registers other protocols 'understood' by this connector. |
protected void | registerSupportedProtocolWithoutPrefix(String protocol) Registers other protocols 'understood' by this connector. |
public MuleMessage | request(String uri, long timeout) |
public MuleMessage | request(InboundEndpoint endpoint, long timeout) |
public MuleMessage | send(OutboundEndpoint endpoint, MuleEvent event) |
public void | setConnectionStrategy(ConnectionStrategy connectionStrategy) Setter for property 'connectionStrategy'. |
public void | setCreateMultipleTransactedReceivers(boolean createMultipleTransactedReceivers) |
public void | setDispatcherFactory(MessageDispatcherFactory dispatcherFactory) |
public void | setDispatcherThreadingProfile(ThreadingProfile dispatcherThreadingProfile) Setter for property 'dispatcherThreadingProfile'. |
public void | setDynamicNotification(boolean dynamic) |
public void | setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener listener) |
public void | setMaxDispatchersActive(int maxActive) Configures the maximum number of dispatchers that can be concurrently active
per endpoint
Parameters: maxActive - max. |
public void | setMaxRequestersActive(int maxActive) Configures the maximum number of requesters that can be concurrently active
per endpoint
Parameters: maxActive - max. |
public void | setMuleContext(MuleContext context) |
public void | setName(String newName) |
public void | setNumberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers(int count) |
public void | setReceiverThreadingProfile(ThreadingProfile receiverThreadingProfile) Setter for property 'receiverThreadingProfile'. |
public void | setRequesterFactory(MessageRequesterFactory requesterFactory) |
public void | setRequesterThreadingProfile(ThreadingProfile requesterThreadingProfile) Setter for property 'requesterThreadingProfile'. |
public void | setServiceOverrides(Map serviceOverrides) Set the Service overrides on this connector. |
public void | setSessionHandler(SessionHandler sessionHandler) Setter for property 'sessionHandler'. |
public void | setSupportedProtocols(List supportedProtocols) |
protected void | setupDispatchReturn(OutboundEndpoint endpoint, MessageDispatcher dispatcher, MuleMessage result) This method will return the dispatcher to the pool or, if the payload is an inputstream,
replace the payload with a new DelegatingInputStream which returns the dispatcher to
the pool when the stream is closed. |
protected void | setupRequestReturn(InboundEndpoint endpoint, MessageRequester requester, MuleMessage result) This method will return the requester to the pool or, if the payload is an inputstream,
replace the payload with a new DelegatingInputStream which returns the requester to
the pool when the stream is closed. |
final public synchronized LifecycleTransitionResult | start() |
final public synchronized LifecycleTransitionResult | stop() |
public boolean | supportsProtocol(String protocol) |
public String | toString() |
final public void | unregisterListener(Service service, InboundEndpoint endpoint) |
public void | unregisterSupportedProtocol(String protocol) |
protected void | updateCachedNotificationHandler() |
public void | workAccepted(WorkEvent event) |
public void | workCompleted(WorkEvent event) |
public void | workRejected(WorkEvent event) |
public void | workStarted(WorkEvent event) |