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001:        /*
002:         * $Id: 10802 2008-02-14 11:39:16Z holger $
003:         * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
004:         * Copyright (c) MuleSource, Inc.  All rights reserved.
005:         *
006:         * The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
007:         * license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
008:         * LICENSE.txt file.
009:         */
011:        package org.mule.util;
013:        import org.mule.api.DefaultMuleException;
015:        import;
016:        import;
017:        import java.lang.reflect.Method;
018:        import java.util.Collections;
019:        import java.util.HashMap;
020:        import java.util.Map;
022:        import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser;
023:        import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
024:        import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
025:        import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
026:        import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
027:        import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
028:        import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
030:        // @ThreadSafe
031:        public class SystemUtils extends org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils {
032:            // class logger
033:            protected static final Log logger = LogFactory
034:                    .getLog(SystemUtils.class);
036:            // bash prepends: declare -x
037:            // zsh prepends: typeset -x
038:            private static final String[] UNIX_ENV_PREFIXES = new String[] {
039:                    "declare -", "typeset -" };
041:            // the environment of the VM process
042:            private static Map environment = null;
044:            /**
045:             * Get the operating system environment variables. This should work for Windows
046:             * and Linux.
047:             * 
048:             * @return Map<String, String> or an empty map if there was an error.
049:             */
050:            public static synchronized Map getenv() {
051:                if (environment == null) {
052:                    try {
053:                        if (SystemUtils.IS_JAVA_1_4) {
054:                            // fallback to external process
055:                            environment = Collections
056:                                    .unmodifiableMap(getenvJDK14());
057:                        } else {
058:                            // the following runaround is necessary since we still want to
059:                            // compile on JDK 1.4
060:                            Class target = System.class;
061:                            Method envMethod = target.getMethod("getenv",
062:                                    ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY);
063:                            environment = Collections
064:                                    .unmodifiableMap((Map) envMethod.invoke(
065:                                            target, (Object[]) null));
066:                        }
067:                    } catch (Exception ex) {
068:                        logger.error("Could not access OS environment: ", ex);
069:                        environment = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
070:                    }
071:                }
073:                return environment;
074:            }
076:            private static Map getenvJDK14() throws Exception {
077:                Map env = new HashMap();
078:                Process process = null;
080:                try {
081:                    boolean isUnix = true;
082:                    String command;
084:                    if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
085:                        command = "cmd /c set";
086:                        isUnix = false;
087:                    } else {
088:                        command = "env";
089:                    }
091:                    process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
092:                    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
093:                            new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
095:                    String line;
096:                    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
097:                        for (int prefix = 0; prefix < UNIX_ENV_PREFIXES.length; prefix++) {
098:                            if (line.startsWith(UNIX_ENV_PREFIXES[prefix])) {
099:                                line = line.substring(UNIX_ENV_PREFIXES[prefix]
100:                                        .length());
101:                            }
102:                        }
104:                        int index = -1;
105:                        if ((index = line.indexOf('=')) > -1) {
106:                            String key = line.substring(0, index).trim();
107:                            String value = line.substring(index + 1).trim();
108:                            // remove quotes, if any
109:                            if (isUnix
110:                                    && value.length() > 1
111:                                    && (value.startsWith("\"") || value
112:                                            .startsWith("'"))) {
113:                                value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1);
114:                            }
115:                            env.put(key, value);
116:                        } else {
117:                            env.put(line, StringUtils.EMPTY);
118:                        }
119:                    }
120:                } catch (Exception e) {
121:                    throw e; // bubble up
122:                } finally {
123:                    if (process != null) {
124:                        process.destroy();
125:                    }
126:                }
128:                return env;
129:            }
131:            public static String getenv(String name) {
132:                return (String) SystemUtils.getenv().get(name);
133:            }
135:            public static boolean isSunJDK() {
136:                return SystemUtils.JAVA_VM_VENDOR.toUpperCase().indexOf("SUN") != -1;
137:            }
139:            public static boolean isIbmJDK() {
140:                return SystemUtils.JAVA_VM_VENDOR.toUpperCase().indexOf("IBM") != -1;
141:            }
143:            /** 
144:             * @deprecated MULE-1947 Command-line arguments will be handled exclusively by the bootloader in 2.0 
145:             */
146:            private static CommandLine parseCommandLine(String args[],
147:                    String opts[][]) throws DefaultMuleException {
148:                Options options = new Options();
149:                for (int i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
150:                    options.addOption(opts[i][0],
151:                            opts[i][1].equals("true") ? true : false,
152:                            opts[i][2]);
153:                }
155:                BasicParser parser = new BasicParser();
157:                try {
158:                    CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args, true);
159:                    if (line == null) {
160:                        throw new DefaultMuleException(
161:                                "Unknown error parsing the Mule command line");
162:                    }
164:                    return line;
165:                } catch (ParseException p) {
166:                    throw new DefaultMuleException(
167:                            "Unable to parse the Mule command line because of: "
168:                                    + p.toString(), p);
169:                }
170:            }
172:            /**
173:             * Returns the value corresponding to the given option from the command line, for
174:             * example if the options are "-config mule-config.xml"
175:             * getCommandLineOption("config") would return "mule-config.xml"
176:             * 
177:             * @deprecated MULE-1947 Command-line arguments will be handled exclusively by the bootloader in 2.0
178:             */
179:            public static String getCommandLineOption(String option,
180:                    String args[], String opts[][]) throws DefaultMuleException {
181:                CommandLine line = parseCommandLine(args, opts);
182:                return line.getOptionValue(option);
183:            }
185:            /**
186:             * Checks whether a command line option is set. This is useful for command line
187:             * options that don't have an argument, like "-cluster", which means that this
188:             * Mule instance is part of a cluster.
189:             * 
190:             * @deprecated MULE-1947 Command-line arguments will be handled exclusively by the bootloader in 2.0
191:             */
192:            public static boolean hasCommandLineOption(String option,
193:                    String args[], String opts[][]) throws DefaultMuleException {
194:                CommandLine line = parseCommandLine(args, opts);
195:                return line.hasOption(option);
196:            }
198:            /**
199:             * Returns a Map of all options in the command line. The Map is keyed off the
200:             * option name. The value will be whatever is present on the command line.
201:             * Options that don't have an argument will have the String "true".
202:             * 
203:             * @deprecated MULE-1947 Command-line arguments will be handled exclusively by the bootloader in 2.0
204:             */
205:            public static Map getCommandLineOptions(String args[],
206:                    String opts[][]) throws DefaultMuleException {
207:                CommandLine line = parseCommandLine(args, opts);
208:                Map ret = new HashMap();
209:                Option[] options = line.getOptions();
211:                for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
212:                    Option option = options[i];
213:                    ret.put(option.getOpt(), option.getValue("true"));
214:                }
216:                return ret;
217:            }
219:            /**
220:             * Returns a Map of all valid property definitions in <code>-Dkey=value</code>
221:             * format. <code>-Dkey</code> is interpreted as <code>-Dkey=true</code>,
222:             * everything else is ignored. Whitespace in values is properly handled but needs
223:             * to be quoted properly: <code>-Dkey="some value"</code>.
224:             * 
225:             * @param input String with property definitionn
226:             * @return a {@link Map} of property String keys with their defined values
227:             *         (Strings). If no valid key-value pairs can be parsed, the map is
228:             *         empty.
229:             */
230:            public static Map parsePropertyDefinitions(String input) {
231:                if (StringUtils.isEmpty(input)) {
232:                    return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
233:                }
235:                // the result map of property key/value pairs
236:                final Map result = new HashMap();
238:                // where to begin looking for key/value tokens
239:                int tokenStart = 0;
241:                // this is the main loop that scans for all tokens
242:                findtoken: while (tokenStart < input.length()) {
243:                    // find first definition or bail
244:                    tokenStart = StringUtils.indexOf(input, "-D", tokenStart);
245:                    if (tokenStart == StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
246:                        break findtoken;
247:                    } else {
248:                        // skip leading -D
249:                        tokenStart += 2;
250:                    }
252:                    // find key
253:                    int keyStart = tokenStart;
254:                    int keyEnd = keyStart;
256:                    if (keyStart == input.length()) {
257:                        // short input: '-D' only
258:                        break;
259:                    }
261:                    // let's check out what we have next
262:                    char cursor = input.charAt(keyStart);
264:                    // '-D xxx'
265:                    if (cursor == ' ') {
266:                        continue findtoken;
267:                    }
269:                    // '-D='
270:                    if (cursor == '=') {
271:                        // skip over garbage to next potential definition
272:                        tokenStart = StringUtils
273:                                .indexOf(input, ' ', tokenStart);
274:                        if (tokenStart != StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
275:                            // '-D= ..' - continue with next token
276:                            continue findtoken;
277:                        } else {
278:                            // '-D=' - get out of here
279:                            break findtoken;
280:                        }
281:                    }
283:                    // apparently there's a key, so find the end
284:                    findkey: while (keyEnd < input.length()) {
285:                        cursor = input.charAt(keyEnd);
287:                        // '-Dkey ..'
288:                        if (cursor == ' ') {
289:                            tokenStart = keyEnd;
290:                            break findkey;
291:                        }
293:                        // '-Dkey=..'
294:                        if (cursor == '=') {
295:                            break findkey;
296:                        }
298:                        // keep looking
299:                        keyEnd++;
300:                    }
302:                    // yay, finally a key
303:                    String key = StringUtils.substring(input, keyStart, keyEnd);
305:                    // assume that there is no value following
306:                    int valueStart = keyEnd;
307:                    int valueEnd = keyEnd;
309:                    // default value
310:                    String value = "true";
312:                    // now find the value, but only if the current cursor is not a space
313:                    if (keyEnd < input.length() && cursor != ' ') {
314:                        // bump value start/end
315:                        valueStart = keyEnd + 1;
316:                        valueEnd = valueStart;
318:                        // '-Dkey="..'
319:                        cursor = input.charAt(valueStart);
320:                        if (cursor == '"') {
321:                            // opening "
322:                            valueEnd = StringUtils.indexOf(input, '"',
323:                                    ++valueStart);
324:                        } else {
325:                            // unquoted value
326:                            valueEnd = StringUtils.indexOf(input, ' ',
327:                                    valueStart);
328:                        }
330:                        // no '"' or ' ' delimiter found - use the rest of the string
331:                        if (valueEnd == StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
332:                            valueEnd = input.length();
333:                        }
335:                        // create value
336:                        value = StringUtils.substring(input, valueStart,
337:                                valueEnd);
338:                    }
340:                    // finally create key and value && loop again for next token
341:                    result.put(key, value);
343:                    // start next search at end of value
344:                    tokenStart = valueEnd;
345:                }
347:                return result;
348:            }
350:        } | Contact Us
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