| java.lang.Object com.sun.jbi.binding.file.FileBindingSUManager
Method Summary | |
public String | deploy(String suId, String suPath) This method is called by the framework when a deployment request comes
for the file binding.
Parameters: suId - service unit id. Parameters: suPath - service unit path. | public String[] | getDeployments() Returns a list of all service units (SUs) currently deployed in to the
named component. | public void | init(String suId, String suPath) This method is called by the framework when the deployment has to be \
initialised , just before starting it. | public void | setValues(EndpointManager manager, FileBindingResolver reslv) Creates a new instance of FileBindingSUManager. | public void | shutDown(String str) Shuts down the deplyment. | public void | start(String suId) Starts a deployment. | public void | stop(String suId) Stops the service unit. | public String | undeploy(String suId, String suPath) Undeploys the service unit.
Parameters: suId - service unit id. Parameters: suPath - service unit path. |
FileBindingSUManager | public FileBindingSUManager()(Code) | | Creates a new FileBindingSUManager object.
getDeployments | public String[] getDeployments()(Code) | | Returns a list of all service units (SUs) currently deployed in to the
named component. This method is a convenient wrapper for the same
operation in the DeployerMBean.
array of SU UUID strings. |
setValues | public void setValues(EndpointManager manager, FileBindingResolver reslv)(Code) | | Creates a new instance of FileBindingSUManager.
Parameters: manager - endpoint manager Parameters: reslv - resolver. |