This is the top-level class that provides the lifecycle for the JBI
framework. The methods defined here are called by a wrapper that is specific
to a particular application server implementation.
author: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Initialize the Framework (if not already initialized.)
This happens in a few situations. These situations arise because the Framework
is lazy initialized if it can be determined that JBI is effectively unused.
This typically happens in the DAS if no components will be started. It can also
happen in a server instance in the same situation.
In the DAS the framework will complete initialization in three different ways:
1) An instance requests a registry download for synchronization purposes.
2) A JBI client command is received and processed.
3) A cluster change occurred and we need to perform some framework actions.
In the server instance case the Framework will be started when a JBI client request
is forward by the DAS to this instance (similar to 2) above.)
This method returns the startup time for the JBI Framework. It may be overridden
for specific AS types. Sun AS provider includes the cost of synchronization.
long - time for startup
This method initializes the JBI framework.
Parameters: initialProperties - the Properties provider. Parameters: platformContext - the PlatformContext instance. throws: javax.jbi.JBIException - if any error occurs.
Initialize the persistent Registry that is used to populate the local
Component Registry.
the Registry instance that will provide the persistent registry. throws: javax.jbi.JBIException - if the registry fails to initialize.
Indicates if the framework has entered the ready state. This flag
is used by on-demand initialization logic to determine if the
framework was initialized but not started.
true if the framework is in the ready state, false otherwise.
This method makes the JBI framework ready to process requests.
This is where the remaining framework services are
started, as all AppServer services are now available.
Parameters: wait - when true, waits for startup to complete before returning. throws: javax.jbi.JBIException - if any error occurs.
Here all we do is initialize the JNDI naming context and the Management
Runtime Service. This is the minimal initialization required.
Parameters: context - contains the JBI InitialContext Parameters: namingprefix - used from JNDI resolution. throws: javax.jbi.JBIException - if any error occurs.