| |
| java.lang.Object java.lang.Thread com.sun.jbi.installer.StreamConsumer
StreamConsumer | class StreamConsumer extends Thread (Code) | | This is the inner class that consumes the error and output stream
isInstall | boolean isInstall(Code) | | |
run | public void run()(Code) | | the thread execution method. This method consumes the input from the
given stream and write it in the given resultStore. If no resultStore is given
then it is written into the debug file. Installer uses resultStore for commands
where the output has to be analysed and is predictably small. For example
output of asadmin start-domain. But for cases like invoking ant commands to
install files into the domain/or to install sample components, installer does not
supply result store and thus the output goes to the debug files.
writeToLog | public void writeToLog(String line)(Code) | | This method is used to dump the contents of the Stream
consumers to a log file