0001: /*
0003: *
0004: * Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
0005: *
0006: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
0007: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
0008: * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
0009: * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
0010: * a copy of the License at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html
0011: * or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
0012: * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
0013: *
0014: * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
0015: * file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.
0016: * Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
0017: * as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
0018: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the License
0019: * Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own
0020: * identifying information: "Portions Copyrighted [year]
0021: * [name of copyright owner]"
0022: *
0023: * Contributor(s):
0024: *
0025: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
0026: * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
0027: * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
0028: * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
0029: * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
0030: * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
0031: * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
0032: * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
0033: * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
0034: * holder.
0035: */
0036: package com.sun.jbi.jsf.handlers;
0038: import java.util.ArrayList;
0039: import java.util.HashMap;
0040: import java.util.Iterator;
0041: import java.util.List;
0042: import java.util.Properties;
0043: import java.util.logging.Level;
0044: import java.util.logging.Logger;
0045: import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
0046: import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
0047: import com.sun.data.provider.FieldKey;
0048: import com.sun.data.provider.RowKey;
0049: import com.sun.data.provider.impl.ObjectListDataProvider;
0050: import com.sun.enterprise.tools.admingui.handlers.ConfigurationHandlers;
0051: import com.sun.enterprise.tools.admingui.util.GuiUtil;
0052: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.bean.AlertBean;
0053: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.bean.CompAppConfig;
0054: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.bean.ShowBean;
0055: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.util.AlertUtilities;
0056: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.util.AppConfigUtils;
0057: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.util.AppVarUtils;
0058: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.util.BeanUtilities;
0059: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.util.ClusterUtilities;
0060: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.util.CompConfigUtils;
0061: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.util.I18nUtilities;
0062: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.util.JBILogger;
0063: import com.sun.jbi.jsf.util.SharedConstants;
0064: import com.sun.jbi.ui.common.JBIAdminCommands;
0065: import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.Handler;
0066: import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.HandlerInput;
0067: import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.HandlerOutput;
0068: import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext;
0069: import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.HiddenField;
0070: import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.PasswordField;
0071: import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Property;
0072: import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.PropertySheet;
0073: import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.PropertySheetSection;
0074: import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.Table;
0075: import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TableRowGroup;
0076: import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TextField;
0078: /**
0079: * Provides jsftemplating handlers for Component Configuration setting
0080: *
0081: * @author Sun Microsystems Inc.
0082: */
0083: public final class ComponentConfigurationHandlers {
0085: /**
0086: * private CTOR to preven instantiation or subclassing
0087: */
0088: private ComponentConfigurationHandlers() {
0089: }
0091: /**
0092: * <p>
0093: *
0094: * This handler saves the values for all the attributes in the Server
0095: * Logging Levels Page.</p>
0096: *
0097: * @param handlerCtx Description of Parameter
0098: */
0099: @Handler(id="jbiSaveComponentConfiguration")
0100: public static void jbiSaveComponentConfiguration(
0101: HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
0102: // ConfigurationBean configurationBean = BeanUtilities.getConfigurationBean();
0103: // AlertBean alertBean = BeanUtilities.getAlertBean();
0104: // configurationBean.save();
0105: }
0107: /**
0108: * <p>
0109: *
0110: * This handler saves the updated component runtime configuration </p>
0111: *
0112: * @param handlerCtx Description of Parameter
0113: */
0114: @Handler(id="jbiSaveCompRuntimeConfig")
0115: public static void jbiSaveCompRuntimeConfig(
0116: HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
0117: // TBD
0118: }
0120: /**
0121: * <p>
0122: *
0123: * This handler saves the values for all the attributes in the Server
0124: * Logging Levels Page.</p>
0125: *
0126: * @param handlerCtx Description of Parameter
0127: */
0128: @Handler(id="jbiSaveInstancesComponentConfiguration",input={@HandlerInput(name="targets",type=String.class,required=true)})
0129: public static void jbiSaveInstancesComponentConfiguration(
0130: HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
0131: String[] targets = (String[]) handlerCtx
0132: .getInputValue("targets");
0133: // ConfigurationBean configurationBean = BeanUtilities.getConfigurationBean();
0134: // AlertBean alertBean = BeanUtilities.getAlertBean();
0135: // configurationBean.save(targets);
0136: }
0138: /**
0139: * <p>
0140: *
0141: * For a given (started) component type and name and a given instance,
0142: * updates the ShowBean with the list of application configuration names.
0143: * </p> <p>
0144: *
0145: * If the component has not targets, or the selected instance is not
0146: * started, or the component is not started, or the component has not
0147: * provided an application configuration MBean, returns an alert summary
0148: * and details. </p> <p>
0149: *
0150: * Input value: "requestedCompName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
0151: * the requested component name</p> <p>
0152: *
0153: * Input value: "compType" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0154: * requested component type</p> <p>
0155: *
0156: * Input value: "requestedInstanceName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
0157: * the requested instance name, or null</p> <p>
0158: *
0159: * Output value: "alertDetails" -- Type: <code>String</code> alert
0160: * details, if needed</p> <p>
0161: *
0162: * Output value: "alertSummary" -- Type: <code>String</code> alert
0163: * summary, if neeed</p> <p>
0164: *
0165: * Output value: "instanceList" -- Type: <code>SelectItem[]</code>list of
0166: * instances to populate dropDown, if any</p> <p>
0167: *
0168: * Output value: "isAlertNeeded" -- Type: <code>java.lang.Boolean</code>
0169: * true if alert should be displayed</p> <p>
0170: *
0171: * Output value: "isInstanceDropDownEnabled" -- Type: <code>java.lang.Boolean</code>
0172: * true if the dropDown selection may be changed</p> <p>
0173: *
0174: * Output value: "selectedInstance" -- Type: <code>String</code>the
0175: * currently selected instance, or a default</p>
0176: *
0177: * @param handlerCtx Description of Parameter
0178: */
0179: @Handler(id="jbiSetCompAppConfigNamesData",input={@HandlerInput(name="compName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="compType",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="instance",type=String.class,required=true)},output={@HandlerOutput(name="alertDetails",type=String.class),@HandlerOutput(name="alertSummary",type=String.class),@HandlerOutput(name="instanceList",type=SelectItem[].class),@HandlerOutput(name="isAlertNeeded",type=Boolean.class),@HandlerOutput(name="isInstanceDropDownEnabled",type=Boolean.class),@HandlerOutput(name="selectedInstance",type=String.class)})
0180: public static void jbiSetCompAppConfigNamesData(
0181: HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
0182: String compName = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compName");
0183: String compType = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compType");
0184: String instance = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("instance");
0186: sLog
0187: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSetCompAppConfigNamesData("
0188: + handlerCtx
0189: + "), compName="
0190: + compName
0191: + ", compType="
0192: + compType
0193: + ", instance="
0194: + instance);
0196: String alertDetails = "";
0197: String alertSummary = "";
0199: List allInstances = ClusterUtilities.findAllNonDomainTargets();
0200: String[] instances = new String[0];
0201: instances = (String[]) allInstances.toArray(instances);
0202: SelectItem[] instanceList = ConfigurationHandlers
0203: .getOptions(instances);
0205: boolean isAlertNeeded = false;
0206: boolean isInstanceDropDownEnabled = true;
0207: String selectedInstance = instance;
0209: ShowBean showBean = BeanUtilities.getShowBean();
0210: Properties statusProps = new Properties();
0212: boolean isCompStartedOnInstance = showBean
0213: .isCompStartedOnInstance(compName, compType, instance,
0214: statusProps);
0215: if (isCompStartedOnInstance) {
0216: // sets (or clears) table
0217: showBean.setCompAppConfigNamesTableData(compName, compType,
0218: instance);
0219: } else {
0220: isAlertNeeded = true;
0221: alertSummary = (String) statusProps.get("alert-summary");
0222: if (null == alertSummary) {
0223: alertSummary = I18nUtilities
0224: .getResourceString("jbi.configuration.alert");
0225: }
0226: alertDetails = (String) statusProps.get("alert-details");
0227: if (null == alertDetails) {
0228: alertDetails = I18nUtilities
0229: .getResourceString("jbi.configuration.msgComponentDown");
0230: }
0231: }
0233: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertDetails", alertDetails);
0234: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertSummary", alertSummary);
0235: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("instanceList", instanceList);
0236: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("isAlertNeeded", Boolean
0237: .toString(isAlertNeeded));
0238: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("isInstanceDropDownEnabled", Boolean
0239: .toString(isInstanceDropDownEnabled));
0240: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("selectedInstance", selectedInstance);
0242: sLog
0243: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSetCompInstanceAppConfigNames(...)"
0244: + ", alertDetails="
0245: + alertDetails
0246: + ", alertSummary="
0247: + alertSummary
0248: + ", instanceList="
0249: + instanceList
0250: + ", isAlertNeeded="
0251: + isAlertNeeded
0252: + ", isInstanceDropDownEnabled="
0253: + isInstanceDropDownEnabled
0254: + ", selectedInstance=" + selectedInstance + "");
0255: }
0257: /**
0258: * <p>
0259: *
0260: * For a given component and instance updates the <code>CompConfigBean</code>
0261: * with a configuration property sheet of the requested configuration type
0262: * (if any) <p>
0263: *
0264: * If the component has no targets, or the (possibly default) selected
0265: * instance is not running, or the component is not started, or the
0266: * component does not support the requested type of configuration, returns
0267: * an alert summary and details. </p> <p />
0268: *
0269: * <p>
0270: *
0271: * Input value: "compName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0272: * requested component name</p> <p>
0273: *
0274: * Input value: "compType" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0275: * requested component type</p> <p>
0276: *
0277: * Input value: "configType" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0278: * requested configuration data type, one of: <code>application</code>,
0279: * <code>installation</code>, or <code>runtime</code></p> <p>
0280: *
0281: * Input value: "prevSelectedInstance" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
0282: * the previous selected instance name, or <code>null</code> if this page
0283: * is being loaded for the first time.</p> <p />
0284: *
0285: * <p>
0286: *
0287: * Output value: "instancesList" -- Type: <code>SelectItem[]</code>
0288: * instances, if any, to populate dropDown</p> <p>
0289: *
0290: * Output value: "isInstanceDropDownEnabled" -- Type: <code>java.lang.Boolean</code>
0291: * true if the dropDown selection may be changed, set to false if the list
0292: * contains one or zero choices</p> <p>
0293: *
0294: * Output value: "currSelectedInstance" -- Type: <code>String</code>the
0295: * currently selected instance, or a default initial selection, or null if
0296: * there are no targets for this component</p> <p>
0297: *
0298: * Output value: "isAlertNeeded" -- Type: <code>java.lang.Boolean</code>
0299: * true if alert should be displayed</p> <p>
0300: *
0301: * Output value: "alertSummary" -- Type: <code>String</code> alert
0302: * summary, if neeed</p> <p>
0303: *
0304: * Output value: "alertDetails" -- Type: <code>String</code> alert
0305: * details, if needed</p>
0306: *
0307: * @param handlerCtx Description of Parameter
0308: */
0309: @Handler(id="jbiSetCompConfigData",input={@HandlerInput(name="compName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="compType",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="configType",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="prevSelectedInstance",type=String.class,required=true)},output={@HandlerOutput(name="instancesList",type=SelectItem[].class),@HandlerOutput(name="isInstanceDropDownEnabled",type=Boolean.class),@HandlerOutput(name="currSelectedInstance",type=String.class),@HandlerOutput(name="isAlertNeeded",type=Boolean.class),@HandlerOutput(name="alertSummary",type=String.class),@HandlerOutput(name="alertDetails",type=String.class)})
0310: public static void jbiSetCompConfigData(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
0311: String compName = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compName");
0312: String compType = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compType");
0313: String configType = (String) handlerCtx
0314: .getInputValue("configType");
0315: String prevSelectedInstance = (String) handlerCtx
0316: .getInputValue("prevSelectedInstance");
0318: sLog
0319: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSetCompConfigData("
0320: + handlerCtx
0321: + "), compName="
0322: + compName
0323: + ", compType="
0324: + compType
0325: + ", configType="
0326: + configType
0327: + ", prevSelectedInstance="
0328: + prevSelectedInstance);
0330: String alertDetails = AlertBean.ALERT_DETAIL_NONE;
0331: String alertSummary = AlertBean.ALERT_SUMMARY_NONE;
0333: String compState = null;
0334: String currSelectedInstance = null;
0335: List instanceNamesList = null;
0336: String instanceState = null;
0337: SelectItem[] instancesList = new SelectItem[0];
0338: boolean isAlertNeeded = false;
0339: boolean isConfigDataAvailable = false;
0340: boolean isConfigTypeSupported = false;
0341: boolean isInstanceDropDownEnabled = false;
0342: boolean isInternalError = false;
0344: /*
0345: * ************************* (begin) commented-out section *************************
0346: * // try
0347: * // get instance list for comp name/type
0348: * try
0349: * {
0350: * (end) commented-out section *************************
0351: */
0352: instanceNamesList = CompConfigUtils.getInstances(compName,
0353: compType);
0355: // if there is an instance list,
0356: // get currSel for instance list for comp name/type and prev selection
0357: if ((null != instanceNamesList)
0358: && (0 < instanceNamesList.size())) {
0359: // (use the prevSelectedInstance if valid, regardless of instance
0360: // state or component state; if prevSelectedInstance is null or
0361: // invalid, select "server" (if valid) or the "first" started
0362: // instance or (if none started) just the "first" instance.
0363: currSelectedInstance = CompConfigUtils
0364: .selectCurrentInstance(compName, compType,
0365: instanceNamesList, prevSelectedInstance);
0366: }
0368: // if there is a currently selected instance
0369: // get its running state
0370: if (null != currSelectedInstance) {
0371: instanceState = CompConfigUtils
0372: .getInstanceState(currSelectedInstance);
0373: }
0375: // If the instance is running,
0376: // gets the state for comp name/type on instance (-> target)
0377: if ("running".equals(instanceState)) {
0378: compState = CompConfigUtils.getCompState(compName,
0379: compType, currSelectedInstance);
0380: }
0382: // If the component is started on the instance,
0383: // determins if the configuration type is supported
0384: if ("started".equals(compState)) {
0385: isConfigTypeSupported = CompConfigUtils
0386: .isConfigTypeSupported(configType, compName,
0387: compType, currSelectedInstance);
0388: }
0390: // if capable
0391: // set PS for comp name/type on instance for config type
0392: if (isConfigTypeSupported) {
0393: isConfigDataAvailable = CompConfigUtils.setConfigPS(
0394: configType, compName, compType,
0395: currSelectedInstance);
0396: }
0397: /*
0398: * ************************* (begin) commented-out section *************************
0399: * }
0400: * // catch exception
0401: * // set/log exception
0402: * catch (Exception ex)
0403: * {
0404: * isInternalError = true;
0405: * // TBD log exception
0406: * }
0407: * // check results
0408: * // if successful, set data PS
0409: * // else if unsuccessful, set alert and n/a PS
0410: * // else if not capable, set n/a PS
0411: * // else if not started, set alert and n/a PS
0412: * // else if no instance, set alert and n/a PS
0413: * // else if no targets, set alert and n/a PS
0414: * // else if exception, set alert and n/a PS
0415: * //TBDsetResults(handlerCtx);
0416: * // 1. prepare alert summary for requested config type
0417: * // 2.
0418: * // I. get all instances and selected instance for the specified component
0419: * try
0420: * {
0421: * // IA. gets all instances
0422: * List instanceNamesList =
0423: * CompConfigUtils.getInstances(compName,
0424: * compType);
0425: * // IB. if there are instances, gets the current selected instance
0426: * if ((null != instanceNamesList)
0427: * &&(0 < instanceNamesList.size()))
0428: * {
0429: * // (use the prevSelectedInstance if valid, regardless of instance
0430: * // state or component state; if prevSelectedInstance is null or
0431: * // invalid, select "server" (if valid) or the "first" started
0432: * // instance or (if none started) just the "first" instance.
0433: * currSelectedInstance =
0434: * CompConfigUtils.selectCurrentInstance(compName,
0435: * compType,
0436: * instanceNamesList,
0437: * prevSelectedInstance);
0438: * }
0439: * else
0440: * {
0441: * isAlertNeeded =
0442: * setAlertBean(alertSummary,
0443: * "TBD no targets");
0444: * }
0445: * if (!isAlertNeeded)
0446: * {
0447: * // if there are targets, yet none could be selected,
0448: * // consider this an internal error
0449: * if (null == currSelectedInstance)
0450: * {
0451: * currSelectedInstance =
0452: * prevSelectedInstance;
0453: * // show alert "internal error"
0454: * isAlertNeed =
0455: * setAlertBean(alertSummary,
0456: * "internal error");
0457: * }
0458: * }
0459: * }
0460: * catch (Exception ex)
0461: * {
0462: * // show alert "internal error"
0463: * isAlertNeeded =
0464: * setAlertBean(alertSummary,
0465: * "TBD caught exception");
0466: * // TBD log exception
0467: * }
0468: * // II. if no error, check component state and capabilities
0469: * if (!isAlertNeeded)
0470: * {
0471: * boolean isConfigTypeSupported = false;
0472: * boolean isCompStartedOnInstance =
0473: * CompConfigUtils.isCompStartedOnInstance(compName,
0474: * compType,
0475: * currSelectedInstance);
0476: * if (!isCompStartedOnInstance)
0477: * {
0478: * isAlertNeeded =
0479: * setAlertBean(alertSummary,
0480: * "TBD component not started"); // TBD inserts
0481: * }
0482: * else if ("application".equalsIgnoreCase(configType))
0483: * {
0484: * isConfigTypeSupported =
0485: * CompConfuigUtils.isAppConfigSupported(compName,
0486: * compType,
0487: * currSelectedInstance);
0488: * if (!isConfigTypeSupported)
0489: * {
0490: * isAlertNeeded = true;
0491: * alertSummary = "TBD app config not available";
0492: * alertDetails = "comp " + compName +
0493: * " does not support application configuration";
0494: * }
0495: * }
0496: * else if ("installation".equalsIgnoreCase(configType))
0497: * {
0498: * isConfigTypeSupported =
0499: * CompConfuigUtils.isInstallConfigSupported(compName,
0500: * compType,
0501: * currSelectedInstance);
0502: * if (!isConfigTypeSupported)
0503: * {
0504: * isAlertNeeded = true;
0505: * alertSummary = "TBD component installation config not available";
0506: * alertDetails = "TBD comp " + compName +
0507: * " does not support installation configuration";
0508: * }
0509: * }
0510: * else if ("runtime".equalsIgnoreCase(configType))
0511: * {
0512: * isConfigTypeSupported =
0513: * CompConfuigUtils.isRuntimeConfigSupported(compName,
0514: * compType,
0515: * currSelectedInstance);
0516: * if (!isConfigTypeSupported)
0517: * {
0518: * isAlertNeeded = true;
0519: * alertSummary = "TBD component config not available";
0520: * alertDetails = "TBD comp " + compName +
0521: * " does not support component configuration";
0522: * }
0523: * }
0524: * else
0525: * {
0526: * isAlertNeeded = true;
0527: * alertSummary = "TBD internal error";
0528: * alertDetails = "TBD unrecognized configType " + configType;
0529: * }
0530: * }
0531: * // III. if no error, obtain requested configuration data
0532: * // TBD
0533: * // 1. if specified component has no targets (and therefore no instances), show alert
0534: * if (true)
0535: * {
0536: * isAlertNeeded = true;
0537: * alertSummary = "I18n TBD: component configuration not available";
0538: * alertDetails = "I18n TBD: " + compName + " not installed to any targets";
0539: * }
0540: * else
0541: * {
0542: * // 2a. if no target selected so far,
0543: * // and server running and component installed on server, select server
0544: * // 2b. if no target selected so far,
0545: * // and component installed on any targets, select "first" running instance
0546: * // 2c. no target selected so far,
0547: * // and component installed on any targets, select "first" instance
0548: * // 3a. if selected instance is not running, show alert
0549: * // 3b. else if component is not started on selected instance, show alert
0550: * // 3c. else if component does not support the requested config type, show alert
0551: * // 4. else happy path: set requested config type PS on bean
0552: * // 4a. if component application configuration requested, set that
0553: * // 4b. else if component installation configuration requested, set that
0554: * // 4c. else if component runtime configuration requested, set that
0555: * // 4d. else internal error
0556: * CompConfigBean compConfigBean =
0557: * BeanUtilities.getCompConfigBean();
0558: * if ("runtime".equalsIgnoreCase(configType))
0559: * {
0560: * compConfigBean
0561: * .setCompRuntimeConfigPS(JSFUtils
0562: * .getCompRuntimeConfigPS(compName,
0563: * compType,
0564: * currSelectedInstance));
0565: * }
0566: * }
0567: * (end) commented-out section *************************
0568: */
0570: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("instancesList", instancesList);
0571: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("isInstanceDropDownEnabled",
0572: isInstanceDropDownEnabled);
0573: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("currSelectedInstance",
0574: currSelectedInstance);
0575: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("isAlertNeeded", Boolean
0576: .toString(isAlertNeeded));
0577: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertSummary", alertSummary);
0578: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertDetails", alertDetails);
0580: sLog
0581: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSetCompConfigData(...)"
0582: + ", instancesList="
0583: + instancesList
0584: + ", isInstanceDropDownEnabled="
0585: + isInstanceDropDownEnabled
0586: + ", currSelectedInstance="
0587: + currSelectedInstance
0588: + ", isAlertNeeded="
0589: + isAlertNeeded
0590: + ", alertSummary="
0591: + alertSummary
0592: + ", alertDetails="
0593: + alertDetails + "");
0594: }
0596: /**
0597: * <p>
0598: *
0599: * For a given component name and an application configuration name,
0600: * returns the properties. <p>
0601: *
0602: * Input value: "action" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> 'create'
0603: * or 'edit' for new or exisitng app configs <p>
0604: *
0605: * Input value: "appConfigName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
0606: * the application configuration name</p> <p>
0607: *
0608: * Input value: "compName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0609: * component name</p> <p>
0610: *
0611: * Input value: "instanceName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0612: * instance name</p> <p>
0613: *
0614: * Input value: "propertySheet" -- Type: <code>com.sun.webui.jsf.component.PropertySheet</code>
0615: * the edited property sheet</p> <p>
0616: *
0617: * Input value: "redirectOnFailure" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
0618: * what to show if it fails <p>
0619: *
0620: * Input value: "redirectOnSuccess" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
0621: * what to show if it works <p>
0622: *
0623: * Output value: "alertDetails" -- Type: <code>String</code>details, if
0624: * failure</p> <p>
0625: *
0626: * Output value: "alertSummary" -- Type: <code>String</code>summary, if
0627: * failure</p> <p>
0628: *
0629: * Output value: "isAlertNeeded" -- Type: <code>java.lang.Boolean</code>
0630: * show alert or not</p> <p>
0631: *
0632: * Output value: "redirectTo" -- Type: <code>String</code> Where to go
0633: * next, based on success/failure</p> Sets the application configuration
0634: * properties into the ShowBean</p>
0635: *
0636: * @param handlerCtx Description of Parameter
0637: */
0638: @Handler(id="jbiSaveCompAppConfigChanges",input={@HandlerInput(name="action",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="appConfigName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="compName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="instanceName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="redirectOnFailure",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="redirectOnSuccess",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="propertySheet",type=PropertySheet.class,required=true)},output={@HandlerOutput(name="isAlertNeeded",type=Boolean.class),@HandlerOutput(name="alertDetails",type=String.class),@HandlerOutput(name="alertSummary",type=String.class),@HandlerOutput(name="redirectTo",type=String.class)})
0639: public static void jbiSaveCompAppConfigChanges(
0640: HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
0641: String action = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("action");
0642: String appConfigName = (String) handlerCtx
0643: .getInputValue("appConfigName");
0644: String compName = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compName");
0645: String instanceName = (String) handlerCtx
0646: .getInputValue("instanceName");
0647: String redirectOnFailure = (String) handlerCtx
0648: .getInputValue("redirectOnFailure");
0649: String redirectOnSuccess = (String) handlerCtx
0650: .getInputValue("redirectOnSuccess");
0651: PropertySheet propertySheet = (PropertySheet) handlerCtx
0652: .getInputValue("propertySheet");
0654: String alertDetails = "";
0655: String alertSummary = "";
0656: boolean isAlertNeeded = false;
0657: String redirectTo = redirectOnSuccess;
0659: sLog
0660: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSaveCompAppConfigChanges("
0661: + handlerCtx
0662: + ")"
0663: + ", action="
0664: + action
0665: + ", appConfigName="
0666: + appConfigName
0667: + ", compName="
0668: + compName
0669: + ", instanceName="
0670: + instanceName
0671: + ", redirectOnFailure="
0672: + redirectOnFailure
0673: + ", redirectOnSuccess="
0674: + redirectOnSuccess
0675: + ", propertySheet="
0676: + propertySheet);
0678: Properties editedProps = new Properties();
0680: Properties statusProps = new Properties();
0682: if (null != propertySheet) {
0683: List pssList = propertySheet.getChildren();
0685: List selectionProperties = ((PropertySheetSection) pssList
0686: .get(0)).getChildren();
0688: // extract new configuration name
0689: if ("create".equals(action)) {
0690: for (int i = 0; i < selectionProperties.size(); ++i) {
0691: Property p = (Property) selectionProperties.get(i);
0692: List subElts = p.getChildren();
0693: for (int j = 0; j < subElts.size(); ++j) {
0694: UIComponent uiComp = (UIComponent) subElts
0695: .get(j);
0696: if (uiComp instanceof TextField) {
0697: TextField textField = (TextField) uiComp;
0698: if ("configNameTextField".equals(textField
0699: .getId())) {
0700: appConfigName = (String) textField
0701: .getText();
0702: sLog
0703: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSaveCompAppConfigChanges("
0704: + "action=create, ...), appConfigName="
0705: + appConfigName);
0707: }
0708: }
0709: }
0710: }
0711: }
0713: List propertiesList = ((PropertySheetSection) pssList
0714: .get(1)).getChildren();
0716: for (int i = 0; i < propertiesList.size(); ++i) {
0717: Property p = (Property) propertiesList.get(i);
0718: List subElts = p.getChildren();
0719: String fieldName = "";
0720: String fieldValue = "";
0721: for (int j = 0; j < subElts.size(); ++j) {
0722: UIComponent uiComp = (UIComponent) subElts.get(j);
0723: sLog
0724: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSaveCompAppConfigChanges(...), subElt["
0725: + j + "]=" + uiComp);
0726: if (uiComp instanceof TextField) {
0727: TextField textField = (TextField) uiComp;
0728: fieldValue = (String) textField.getText();
0729: } else if (uiComp instanceof PasswordField) {
0730: PasswordField passwordField = (PasswordField) uiComp;
0731: fieldValue = (String) passwordField.getText();
0732: } else if (uiComp instanceof Table) {
0733: Table table = (Table) uiComp;
0734: TableRowGroup trg = (TableRowGroup) table
0735: .getChildren().get(0);
0736: RowKey[] rows = trg.getRowKeys();
0737: for (int k = 0; k < rows.length; ++k) {
0738: RowKey row = rows[k];
0739: sLog
0740: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSaveCompAppConfigChanges k="
0741: + k + ", row=" + row);
0742: }
0743: }
0744: // must check for this last since other types
0745: // subclass this type
0746: else if (uiComp instanceof HiddenField) {
0747: HiddenField hiddenField = (HiddenField) uiComp;
0748: fieldName = (String) hiddenField.getText();
0750: }
0752: sLog
0753: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSaveCompAppConfigChanges(...), fieldName="
0754: + fieldName
0755: + ", fieldValue="
0756: + fieldValue);
0757: if ((null != fieldName) && !"".equals(fieldName)) {
0758: editedProps.setProperty(fieldName, fieldValue);
0759: }
0760: }
0761: }
0763: ShowBean showBean = BeanUtilities.getShowBean();
0765: showBean.saveCompAppConfigProps(action, compName,
0766: instanceName, appConfigName, editedProps,
0767: statusProps);
0768: }
0770: String failureResult = (String) statusProps
0771: .get("failure-result");
0772: if (null != failureResult) {
0773: alertDetails = failureResult;
0774: alertSummary = "I18n TBD Save Failed";
0775: isAlertNeeded = true;
0776: redirectTo = redirectOnFailure;
0777: }
0779: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertDetails", alertDetails);
0780: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertSummary", alertSummary);
0781: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("isAlertNeeded", Boolean
0782: .toString(isAlertNeeded));
0783: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("redirectTo", redirectTo);
0785: sLog
0786: .fine("ComponentConfigPropsTableHandler.jbiSaveCompAppConfigChanges("
0787: + handlerCtx
0788: + ")"
0789: + ", alertDetails="
0790: + alertDetails
0791: + ", alertSummary="
0792: + alertSummary
0793: + ", isAlertNeeded="
0794: + isAlertNeeded + ", redirectTo=" + redirectTo);
0795: }
0797: /**
0798: * <p>
0799: *
0800: * For a given component name saves the edited variables <p>
0801: *
0802: * Input value: "compName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0803: * component name</p> <p>
0804: *
0805: * Input value: "instanceName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0806: * instance name</p> <p>
0807: *
0808: * Output value: "alertDetails" -- Type: <code>String</code>details, if
0809: * failure</p> <p>
0810: *
0811: * Output value: "alertSummary" -- Type: <code>String</code>summary, if
0812: * failure</p> <p>
0813: *
0814: * Output value: "isAlertNeeded" -- Type: <code>java.lang.Boolean</code>
0815: * show alert or not</p> Sets the component application variables
0816: * properties into the ShowBean</p>
0817: *
0818: * @param handlerCtx Description of Parameter
0819: */
0820: @Handler(id="jbiSaveCompAppVarsChanges",input={@HandlerInput(name="compName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="instanceName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="tableRowGroup",type=TableRowGroup.class,required=true)},output={@HandlerOutput(name="isAlertNeeded",type=Boolean.class),@HandlerOutput(name="alertDetails",type=String.class),@HandlerOutput(name="alertSummary",type=String.class)})
0821: public static void jbiSaveCompAppVarsChanges(
0822: HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
0823: String compName = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compName");
0824: String instanceName = (String) handlerCtx
0825: .getInputValue("instanceName");
0826: TableRowGroup trg = (TableRowGroup) handlerCtx
0827: .getInputValue("tableRowGroup");
0829: String alertDetails = "";
0830: String alertSummary = "";
0831: boolean isAlertNeeded = false;
0833: sLog
0834: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSaveCompAppVarsChanges("
0835: + handlerCtx
0836: + ")"
0837: + ", compName="
0838: + compName
0839: + ", instanceName="
0840: + instanceName
0841: + ", trg="
0842: + trg);
0844: Properties editedProps = new Properties();
0846: ObjectListDataProvider dp = (ObjectListDataProvider) trg
0847: .getSourceData();
0849: if (null != dp) {
0850: try {
0851: dp.commitChanges();
0853: List<CompAppConfig> origList = dp.getList();
0854: sLog
0855: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSaveCompAppVarsChanges(...)"
0856: + ", origList=" + origList);
0858: FieldKey fkName = dp.getFieldKey("name");
0859: FieldKey fkType = dp.getFieldKey("type");
0860: FieldKey fkValue = dp.getFieldKey("value");
0862: RowKey[] rowKeys = trg.getRowKeys();
0864: sLog
0865: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSaveCompAppVarsChanges(...)"
0866: + ", fkName="
0867: + fkName
0868: + ", fkValue="
0869: + fkValue + ", rowKeys=" + rowKeys);
0871: for (int cnt = 0; cnt < rowKeys.length; cnt++) {
0872: String propName = (String) dp.getValue(fkName,
0873: rowKeys[cnt]);
0875: String propType = (String) dp.getValue(fkType,
0876: rowKeys[cnt]);
0878: String propValue = (String) dp.getValue(fkValue,
0879: rowKeys[cnt]);
0881: sLog
0882: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSaveCompAppVarsChanges(...)"
0883: + ", propName="
0884: + propName
0885: + ", propType="
0886: + propType
0887: + ", propValue=" + propValue);
0889: editedProps.put(propName, (propType + propValue));
0890: }
0891: } catch (Exception ex) {
0892: sLog
0893: .log(
0894: Level.FINE,
0895: ("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSaveCompAppVarsChanges(), caught ex=" + ex),
0896: ex);
0897: }
0898: } else {
0899: // TBD
0900: }
0901: sLog
0902: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiSaveCompAppVarsChanges(...)"
0903: + ", editedProps=" + editedProps);
0905: Properties updateResult = AppVarUtils.update(compName,
0906: instanceName, editedProps);
0908: // TBD error processing
0909: alertDetails = "not implemented";
0910: alertSummary = "Save failed";
0911: isAlertNeeded = true;
0913: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertDetails", alertDetails);
0914: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertSummary", alertSummary);
0915: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("isAlertNeeded", Boolean
0916: .toString(isAlertNeeded));
0918: sLog
0919: .fine("ComponentConfigPropsTableHandler.jbiSaveCompAppVarsChanges("
0920: + handlerCtx
0921: + ")"
0922: + ", alertDetails="
0923: + alertDetails
0924: + ", alertSummary="
0925: + alertSummary
0926: + ", isAlertNeeded="
0927: + isAlertNeeded);
0928: }
0930: /**
0931: * <p>
0932: *
0933: * For a given component name and an application configuration name,
0934: * returns the properties. <p>
0935: *
0936: * Input value: "appConfigName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
0937: * the application configuration name</p> <p>
0938: *
0939: * Input value: "compName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0940: * component name</p> <p>
0941: *
0942: * Input value: "instanceName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0943: * instance name</p> Sets the application configuration properties into
0944: * the ShowBean</p>
0945: *
0946: * @param handlerCtx Description of Parameter
0947: */
0948: @Handler(id="jbiSetAppConfig",input={@HandlerInput(name="appConfigName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="compName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="instanceName",type=String.class,required=true)})
0949: public static void jbiSetAppConfig(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
0950: String compName = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compName");
0951: String instanceName = (String) handlerCtx
0952: .getInputValue("instanceName");
0953: String appConfigName = (String) handlerCtx
0954: .getInputValue("appConfigName");
0956: sLog.fine("ComponentConfigPropsTableHandler.jbiGetAppConfig("
0957: + handlerCtx + "), compName=" + compName
0958: + ", instanceName=" + instanceName + ", appConfigName="
0959: + appConfigName);
0961: Properties status = AppConfigUtils.checkAppConfig(instanceName,
0962: compName, appConfigName);
0963: // TBD parse status for success-result or failure-result="alert details"
0965: // if success
0967: ShowBean showBean = BeanUtilities.getShowBean();
0968: showBean.setCompAppConfigProps(compName, instanceName,
0969: appConfigName);
0970: // if failure, set alert
0972: }
0974: /**
0975: * <p>
0976: *
0977: * For a given component name creates an empty set of properties <p>
0978: *
0979: * Input value: "compName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0980: * component name</p> <p>
0981: *
0982: * Input value: "instanceName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
0983: * instance name</p> Sets the new application configuration properties
0984: * into the ShowBean</p>
0985: *
0986: * @param handlerCtx Description of Parameter
0987: */
0988: @Handler(id="jbiSetNewAppConfig",input={@HandlerInput(name="compName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="instanceName",type=String.class,required=true)})
0989: public static void jbiSetNewAppConfig(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
0990: String compName = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compName");
0991: String instanceName = (String) handlerCtx
0992: .getInputValue("instanceName");
0994: sLog
0995: .fine("ComponentConfigPropsTableHandler.jbiSetNewAppConfig("
0996: + handlerCtx
0997: + "), compName="
0998: + compName
0999: + ", instanceName=" + instanceName);
1001: ShowBean showBean = BeanUtilities.getShowBean();
1002: showBean.setNewCompAppConfigProps(compName, instanceName);
1003: }
1005: /**
1006: * <p>
1007: *
1008: * Returns Component Variables data to populate table rows in a List of
1009: * HashMaps, each HashMap containing the name, type, and value.</p> <p>
1010: *
1011: * Input value: "compName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
1012: * component name</p> <p>
1013: *
1014: * Input value: "instanceName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> the
1015: * instance name</p> <p>
1016: *
1017: * Output value: "TableList" -- Type: <code>java.util.List</code>/</p>
1018: *
1019: * @param handlerCtx Description of Parameter
1020: */
1021: @Handler(id="jbiGetCompVarsTableList",input={@HandlerInput(name="compName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="instanceName",type=String.class,required=true)},output={@HandlerOutput(name="TableList",type=List.class)})
1022: public static void jbiGetCompVarsTableList(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
1023: List data = new ArrayList();
1025: String compName = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compName");
1026: String instanceName = (String) handlerCtx
1027: .getInputValue("instanceName");
1029: sLog
1030: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiGetCompVarsTableList("
1031: + handlerCtx
1032: + "), compName="
1033: + compName
1034: + ", instanceName=" + instanceName);
1036: // maps name to [type]value (or just to value)
1037: Properties appVarsProps = AppVarUtils.getCompAppVars(compName,
1038: instanceName);
1040: Iterator varsIt = appVarsProps.keySet().iterator();
1041: while (varsIt.hasNext()) {
1042: String appVarName = (String) varsIt.next();
1043: String appVarOptTypeAndValue = (String) appVarsProps
1044: .get(appVarName);
1045: sLog
1046: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiGetCompVarsTableList(), appVarName="
1047: + appVarName
1048: + ", appVarOptTypeAndValue="
1049: + appVarOptTypeAndValue);
1051: String displayType = null;
1052: String appVarType = null;
1053: String appVarValue = null;
1055: if (0 == appVarOptTypeAndValue
1056: .indexOf(SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) {
1057: displayType = I18nUtilities
1058: .getResourceString("jbi.show.comp.app.vars.typeIsBoolean");
1059: appVarType = SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_BOOLEAN;
1060: appVarValue = appVarOptTypeAndValue
1061: .substring(SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_BOOLEAN
1062: .length());
1063: // ensure TRUE or FALSE when needed
1064: if (SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_BOOLEAN
1065: .equals(appVarType)) {
1066: if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(appVarValue)) {
1067: appVarValue = "TRUE";
1068: } else {
1069: appVarValue = "FALSE";
1070: }
1071: }
1072: } else if (0 == appVarOptTypeAndValue
1073: .indexOf(SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_NUMBER)) {
1074: displayType = I18nUtilities
1075: .getResourceString("jbi.show.comp.app.vars.typeIsNumber");
1076: appVarType = SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_NUMBER;
1077: appVarValue = appVarOptTypeAndValue
1078: .substring(SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_NUMBER
1079: .length());
1080: } else if (0 == appVarOptTypeAndValue
1081: .indexOf(SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_PASSWORD)) {
1082: displayType = I18nUtilities
1083: .getResourceString("jbi.show.comp.app.vars.typeIsPassword");
1084: appVarType = SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_PASSWORD;
1085: appVarValue = appVarOptTypeAndValue
1086: .substring(SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_PASSWORD
1087: .length());
1088: } else {
1089: displayType = I18nUtilities
1090: .getResourceString("jbi.show.comp.app.vars.typeIsString");
1091: appVarType = SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_STRING;
1093: // if prefixed by [STRING] remove that
1094: if (0 == appVarOptTypeAndValue
1095: .indexOf(SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_STRING)) {
1096: appVarValue = appVarOptTypeAndValue
1097: .substring(SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_STRING
1098: .length());
1099: }
1100: // implicitly a String (not explicit type, or unrecognized type
1101: else {
1102: appVarValue = appVarOptTypeAndValue;
1103: }
1104: }
1106: sLog
1107: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiGetCompVarsTableList()"
1108: + ", displayType="
1109: + displayType
1110: + ", appVarValue=" + appVarValue);
1112: HashMap compVarsRow = new HashMap();
1113: compVarsRow.put("selected", false);
1114: compVarsRow.put("name", appVarName);
1115: compVarsRow.put("type", appVarType);
1116: compVarsRow.put("displayType", displayType);
1117: compVarsRow.put("value", appVarValue);
1118: compVarsRow.put("disabled", true);
1119: data.add(compVarsRow);
1120: sLog
1121: .finer("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiGetCompVarsTableList()"
1122: + ", selected="
1123: + compVarsRow.get("selected")
1124: + ", name="
1125: + compVarsRow.get("name")
1126: + ", type="
1127: + compVarsRow.get("type")
1128: + ", displayType="
1129: + compVarsRow.get("displayType")
1130: + ", value="
1131: + compVarsRow.get("value")
1132: + ", disabled="
1133: + compVarsRow.get("disabled"));
1134: }
1136: sLog
1137: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiGetCompVarsTableList(), data="
1138: + data);
1139: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("TableList", data);
1140: }
1142: /**
1143: * <p>
1144: *
1145: * Validates and adds a new component Application Variable name and type
1146: * on the specified instance for the specified component. <p>
1147: *
1148: * Input value: "instance" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> target
1149: * instance <p>
1150: *
1151: * Input value: "component" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> target
1152: * component <p>
1153: *
1154: * Input value: "compAppVarName" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
1155: * new app var name <p>
1156: *
1157: * Input value: "compAppVarType" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
1158: * new app var type <p>
1159: *
1160: * Input value: "compAppVarValue" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
1161: * new app var value <p>
1162: *
1163: * Input value: "redirectOnFailure" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
1164: * what to show if it fails <p>
1165: *
1166: * Input value: "redirectOnSuccess" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code>
1167: * what to show if it works <p>
1168: *
1169: * Output value: "isAlertNeeded" -- Type: <code>java.lang.Boolean</code>
1170: * show alert or not</p> <p>
1171: *
1172: * Output value: "alertSummary" -- Type: <code>String</code>summary, if
1173: * failure</p> <p>
1174: *
1175: * Output value: "alertDetails" -- Type: <code>String</code>details, if
1176: * failure</p> <p>
1177: *
1178: * Output value: "redirectTo" -- Type: <code>String</code> Where to go
1179: * next, based on success/failure</p>
1180: *
1181: * @param handlerCtx <code>HandlerContext</code> provides inputs and
1182: * outputs.
1183: */
1184: @Handler(id="jbiAddCompAppVar",input={@HandlerInput(name="instanceName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="componentName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="compAppVarName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="compAppVarType",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="compAppVarValue",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="redirectOnFailure",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="redirectOnSuccess",type=String.class,required=true)},output={@HandlerOutput(name="isAlertNeeded",type=Boolean.class),@HandlerOutput(name="alertSummary",type=String.class),@HandlerOutput(name="alertDetails",type=String.class),@HandlerOutput(name="redirectTo",type=String.class)})
1185: public static void jbiAddCompAppVar(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
1186: String instanceName = (String) handlerCtx
1187: .getInputValue("instanceName");
1188: String componentName = (String) handlerCtx
1189: .getInputValue("componentName");
1190: String compAppVarName = (String) handlerCtx
1191: .getInputValue("compAppVarName");
1192: String compAppVarType = (String) handlerCtx
1193: .getInputValue("compAppVarType");
1194: String compAppVarValue = (String) handlerCtx
1195: .getInputValue("compAppVarValue");
1196: String redirectOnFailure = (String) handlerCtx
1197: .getInputValue("redirectOnFailure");
1198: String redirectOnSuccess = (String) handlerCtx
1199: .getInputValue("redirectOnSuccess");
1200: String redirectTo = redirectOnSuccess;
1202: String compAppVarValueMasked;
1203: if (SharedConstants.APP_VAR_TYPE_PASSWORD
1204: .equals(compAppVarType)) {
1205: compAppVarValueMasked = "*masked*"; // not I18n
1206: } else {
1207: compAppVarValueMasked = compAppVarValue;
1208: }
1210: sLog
1211: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiAddCompAppVar(), instanceName="
1212: + instanceName
1213: + ", componentName="
1214: + componentName
1215: + ", compAppVarName="
1216: + compAppVarName
1217: + ", compAppVarType="
1218: + compAppVarType
1219: + ", compAppVarValue="
1220: + compAppVarValueMasked
1221: + ", redirectOnFailure="
1222: + redirectOnFailure
1223: + ", redirectOnSuccess=" + redirectOnSuccess);
1225: String alertDetails = "";
1226: String alertSummary = "";
1227: boolean isAlertNeeded = false;
1229: Properties saveResult = AppVarUtils.saveNewCompAppVar(
1230: componentName, instanceName, compAppVarName,
1231: compAppVarType, compAppVarValue);
1233: sLog
1234: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiAddCompAppVar(), saveResult="
1235: + saveResult);
1237: String failureResult = (String) saveResult
1238: .get("failure-result");
1239: if (null != failureResult) {
1240: isAlertNeeded = true;
1241: alertSummary = I18nUtilities
1242: .getResourceString("jbi.add.comp.app.var.failed.alert.summary.text");
1243: alertDetails = failureResult;
1244: redirectTo = redirectOnFailure;
1245: }
1247: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("isAlertNeeded", Boolean
1248: .toString(isAlertNeeded));
1249: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertSummary", alertSummary);
1250: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertDetails", alertDetails);
1251: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("redirectTo", redirectTo);
1253: sLog
1254: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiAddCompAppVar(...), "
1255: + " isAlertNeeded="
1256: + isAlertNeeded
1257: + ", alertSummary="
1258: + alertSummary
1259: + ", alertDetails="
1260: + alertDetails
1261: + ", redirectTo=" + redirectTo);
1262: }
1264: /**
1265: * <p>
1266: *
1267: * Delegates JBI deletion requests for each selected component Application
1268: * Configuration row. <p>
1269: *
1270: * Input value: "tableRowGroup" -- Type: <code> com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TableRowGroup</code>
1271: * </p> <p>
1272: *
1273: * Output value: "isAlertNeeded" -- Type: <code>java.lang.Boolean</code>
1274: * </p> <p>
1275: *
1276: * Output value: "alertSummary" -- Type: <code>String</code>/</p> <p>
1277: *
1278: * Output value: "alertDetails" -- Type: <code>String</code>/</p>
1279: *
1280: * @param handlerCtx <code>HandlerContext</code> provides inputs and
1281: * outputs.
1282: */
1283: @Handler(id="jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows",input={@HandlerInput(name="compName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="instanceName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="tableRowGroup",type=TableRowGroup.class,required=true)},output={@HandlerOutput(name="isAlertNeeded",type=Boolean.class),@HandlerOutput(name="alertSummary",type=String.class),@HandlerOutput(name="alertDetails",type=String.class)})
1284: public static void jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(
1285: HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
1287: String compName = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compName");
1288: String instanceName = (String) handlerCtx
1289: .getInputValue("instanceName");
1290: TableRowGroup trg = (TableRowGroup) handlerCtx
1291: .getInputValue("tableRowGroup");
1293: sLog
1294: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows("
1295: + compName
1296: + ", "
1297: + instanceName
1298: + ", "
1299: + trg
1300: + ")");
1302: int countFailedDeletions = 0;
1303: int countSuccessfulDeletions = 0;
1304: int countWarningDeletions = 0;
1306: boolean isAlertNeeded = false;
1308: String alertDetails = "";
1309: String alertType = "";
1311: ObjectListDataProvider dp = (ObjectListDataProvider) trg
1312: .getSourceData();
1314: sLog
1315: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(...)"
1316: + ", dp=" + dp);
1318: FieldKey fkName = dp.getFieldKey("name");
1319: sLog
1320: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(...)"
1321: + ", fkName=" + fkName);
1323: RowKey[] rowKeys = trg.getSelectedRowKeys();
1324: sLog
1325: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(...)"
1326: + ", rowKeys=" + rowKeys);
1328: for (int cnt = 0; cnt < rowKeys.length; cnt++) {
1329: String compAppConfigName = (String) dp.getValue(fkName,
1330: rowKeys[cnt]);
1331: sLog
1332: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(...)"
1333: + ", rowKeys["
1334: + cnt
1335: + " ].getValue("
1336: + fkName
1337: + ").getValue="
1338: + compAppConfigName);
1340: sLog
1341: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(...)"
1342: + ", delete compName/instanceName/compAppConfigName="
1343: + compAppConfigName);
1345: // TBD delete (compName, instanceName, compAppConfigName);
1346: String result = null;
1348: try {
1349: JBIAdminCommands jac = BeanUtilities.getClient();
1351: result = jac.deleteApplicationConfiguration(compName,
1352: instanceName, compAppConfigName);
1354: } catch (com.sun.jbi.ui.common.JBIRemoteException jrEx) {
1355: sLog
1356: .log(
1357: Level.FINE,
1358: ("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDelteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(...) caught jrEx=" + jrEx),
1359: jrEx);
1360: }
1361: sLog
1362: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(...), result="
1363: + result);
1365: String successResult = result;
1366: // TBD
1368: // (String)rowProperties.getProperty(SharedConstants.SUCCESS_RESULT);
1370: if (null != successResult) {
1371: ++countSuccessfulDeletions;
1372: sLog
1373: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(...), "
1374: + " success for "
1375: + compAppConfigName
1376: + ", countFailedDeletions="
1377: + countFailedDeletions
1378: + ", countSuccessfulDeletions="
1379: + countSuccessfulDeletions);
1380: } else {
1381: String failureResult = null;
1382: // TBD
1383: // (String) rowProperties.getProperty(SharedConstants.FAILURE_RESULT);
1385: if ((null != failureResult)
1386: && (failureResult.trim().startsWith("WARNING"))) {
1387: ++countWarningDeletions;
1388: } else {
1389: ++countFailedDeletions;
1390: }
1392: sLog
1393: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(...), "
1394: + " failure for "
1395: + compAppConfigName
1396: + ", countFailedDeletions="
1397: + countFailedDeletions
1398: + ", countSuccessfulDeletions="
1399: + countSuccessfulDeletions);
1401: String details = "";
1402: String exceptionMessage = AlertUtilities
1403: .getMessage(failureResult);
1404: if ("".equals(exceptionMessage)) {
1405: details = "" + failureResult;
1406: } else {
1407: details = "" + exceptionMessage;
1408: }
1410: Object[] args = { compAppConfigName, details };
1411: String i18nMessage = I18nUtilities
1412: .getResourceString("jbi.show.comp.app.config.deletion.failed.for.row");
1413: sLog
1414: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(...)"
1415: + ", i18nMessage="
1416: + i18nMessage
1417: + ", compAppConfigName="
1418: + compAppConfigName
1419: + ", details="
1420: + details);
1421: if (null != i18nMessage) {
1422: alertDetails += GuiUtil.getMessage(i18nMessage,
1423: args)
1424: + "<br />";
1425: }
1426: }
1427: }
1429: String alertSummary = "";
1430: if (0 < countFailedDeletions) {
1431: if ((0 < countSuccessfulDeletions)
1432: || (0 < countWarningDeletions)) {
1433: if (1 == countFailedDeletions) {
1434: alertSummary = I18nUtilities
1435: .getResourceString("jbi.show.comp.app.config.delete.one.failed.alert.summary.text");
1436: } else {
1437: alertSummary = I18nUtilities
1438: .getResourceString("jbi.show.comp.app.config.delete.some.failed.alert.summary.text");
1439: }
1440: } else {
1441: alertSummary = I18nUtilities
1442: .getResourceString("jbi.show.comp.app.config.delete.all.failed.alert.summary.text");
1443: }
1444: alertDetails = BeanUtilities
1445: .addAlertFooterMessage(alertDetails);
1446: } else if (0 < countWarningDeletions) {
1447: alertSummary = I18nUtilities
1448: .getResourceString("jbi.show.comp.app.config.deletion.warning.summary");
1449: alertType = "warning";
1450: AlertBean alertBean = BeanUtilities.getAlertBean();
1451: alertBean.setAlertType(alertType);
1452: }
1454: if ((countFailedDeletions > 0) || (countWarningDeletions > 0)) {
1455: isAlertNeeded = true;
1456: }
1457: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("isAlertNeeded", Boolean
1458: .toString(isAlertNeeded));
1459: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertSummary", alertSummary);
1460: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("alertDetails", alertDetails);
1462: sLog
1463: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteSelectedCompAppConfigRows(...), "
1464: + " isAlertNeeded="
1465: + isAlertNeeded
1466: + ", alertSummary="
1467: + alertSummary
1468: + ", alertDetails=" + alertDetails);
1469: }
1471: /**
1472: * <p>
1473: *
1474: * extracts the value of an option to a returned string <p>
1475: *
1476: * Input value: "option" -- Type: <code> com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option</code>
1477: * </p> <p>
1478: *
1479: * Output value: "string" -- Type: <code>java.lang.String</code></p>
1480: *
1481: * @param handlerCtx <code>HandlerContext</code> provides inputs and
1482: * outputs.
1483: */
1484: @Handler(id="jbiOptionToString",input={@HandlerInput(name="option",type=Object.class,required=true)},output={@HandlerOutput(name="string",type=String.class)})
1485: public static void jbiOptionToString(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
1486: String result = "";
1488: Object option = handlerCtx.getInputValue("option");
1489: System.err
1490: .println("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiOptionToString option.getClass="
1491: + option.getClass());
1493: sLog.fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiOptionToString()");
1495: Object value = null;
1496: // option.getValue();
1498: if (value instanceof String) {
1499: result = (String) value;
1500: }
1502: handlerCtx.setOutputValue("string", result);
1504: sLog
1505: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiOptionToString(), result="
1506: + result);
1507: }
1509: /**
1510: * <p>
1511: *
1512: * This handler deletes the given <code>RowKey</code>s and named
1513: * Application Variables</p> <p>
1514: *
1515: * Input value: "instance" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> target
1516: * instance <p>
1517: *
1518: * Input value: "component" -- Type: <code> java.lang.String</code> target
1519: * component <p>
1520: *
1521: * Input value: "tableRowGroup" -- Type: <code>com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TableRowGroup</code>
1522: * table group to find rows <p>
1523: *
1524: * Input value: "rowKeys" -- Type: <code>com.sun.data.provider.RowKey[].class</code>
1525: * selected row keys
1526: *
1527: * @param handlerCtx Description of Parameter
1528: */
1529: @Handler(id="jbiDeleteCompAppVarsTableRows",input={@HandlerInput(name="compName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="instanceName",type=String.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="tableRowGroup",type=TableRowGroup.class,required=true),@HandlerInput(name="rowKeys",type=RowKey[].class,required=true)})
1530: public static void jbiDeleteCompAppVarsTableRows(
1531: HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
1532: String compName = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compName");
1533: String instanceName = (String) handlerCtx
1534: .getInputValue("instanceName");
1535: TableRowGroup trg = (TableRowGroup) handlerCtx
1536: .getInputValue("tableRowGroup");
1537: RowKey[] keys = (RowKey[]) handlerCtx.getInputValue("rowKeys");
1538: sLog
1539: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteCompAppVarsTableRows()"
1540: + ", keys=" + keys);
1542: ObjectListDataProvider dp = (ObjectListDataProvider) trg
1543: .getSourceData();
1544: ArrayList toBeDeleted = new ArrayList();
1545: for (RowKey key : keys) {
1546: FieldKey fkName = dp.getFieldKey("name");
1547: String compAppVarName = (String) dp.getValue(fkName, key);
1548: sLog
1549: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteCompAppVarsTableRows()"
1550: + ", delete Row with id = "
1551: + key.getRowId()
1552: + " and compAppVarName="
1553: + compAppVarName);
1554: toBeDeleted.add(compAppVarName);
1555: dp.removeRow(key);
1556: }
1558: String[] appVarNamesArray = (String[]) toBeDeleted
1559: .toArray(new String[] {});
1561: Properties result = AppVarUtils.deleteCompAppVars(compName,
1562: instanceName, appVarNamesArray);
1564: // TBD error handling
1566: sLog
1567: .fine("ComponentConfigurationHandlers.jbiDeleteCompAppVarsTableRows(), result="
1568: + result);
1569: }
1571: private static Logger sLog = JBILogger.getInstance();
1573: // /**
1574: // * Sets the AlertBean attribute of the ComponentConfigurationHandlers
1575: // * object
1576: // *
1577: // * @param aSummary The new AlertBean value
1578: // * @param aDetails The new AlertBean value
1579: // */
1580: // private void setAlertBean(String aSummary,
1581: // String aDetails)
1582: // {
1583: // // TBD
1584: // }
1586: }