For a given component and instance updates the CompConfigBean
with a configuration property sheet of the requested configuration type
(if any)
If the component has no targets, or the (possibly default) selected
instance is not running, or the component is not started, or the
component does not support the requested type of configuration, returns
an alert summary and details.
Input value: "compName" -- Type: java.lang.String the
requested component name
Input value: "compType" -- Type: java.lang.String the
requested component type
Input value: "configType" -- Type: java.lang.String the
requested configuration data type, one of: application ,
installation , or runtime
Input value: "prevSelectedInstance" -- Type: java.lang.String
the previous selected instance name, or null if this page
is being loaded for the first time.
Output value: "instancesList" -- Type: SelectItem[]
instances, if any, to populate dropDown
Output value: "isInstanceDropDownEnabled" -- Type: java.lang.Boolean
true if the dropDown selection may be changed, set to false if the list
contains one or zero choices
Output value: "currSelectedInstance" -- Type: String the
currently selected instance, or a default initial selection, or null if
there are no targets for this component
Output value: "isAlertNeeded" -- Type: java.lang.Boolean
true if alert should be displayed
Output value: "alertSummary" -- Type: String alert
summary, if neeed
Output value: "alertDetails" -- Type: String alert
details, if needed
Parameters: handlerCtx - Description of Parameter |