This provides necessary methods for the components to
pass the task result data to ManagemntMessageBuilder.
ManagementMessageBuilder constructs an XML document
based on this.
author: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Returns the exception message parameters.
Parameters: nestingLevel - nesting level of the exception. exception message parameters at the given nesting level.
Set the name of the component that executed the task.
Parameters: name - - Name of the component.
public void setExceptionMessageType(String exMsgType)(Code)
Set the exception message type being returned by the component.
Parameters: exMsgType - - type of exception message that is being returned by the component.
Set the exception object.
Parameters: exObj - - exception object.
public void setLocMessage(int nestingLevel, String locMessage)(Code)
Set the message for the exception being
thrown by the component.
Parameters: nestingLevel - - nesting level of the exception. Parameters: locMessage - - exception message.
public void setLocParam(int nestingLevel, String[] locParam)(Code)
Set the message parameters for the exception being
thrown by the component.
Parameters: nestingLevel - - nesting level of the exception. Parameters: locParam - - exception message parameters.
public void setLocToken(int nestingLevel, String locToken)(Code)
Set the message token for the exception being
thrown by the component.
Parameters: nestingLevel - - nesting level of the exception Parameters: locToken - - message token.
public void setStatusMessageType(String statMsgType)(Code)
Set the message type being returned by the component.
Parameters: statMsgType - - type of success message that is being returned by the component.