convertToJarURL(URL fileURL, StringTranslator translator) Convert the URL to a JAR URL, for example if the File URL is
file://deploy/ it will be converted to jar:file://deploy/!/ .
getZipFileFromURL(URL fileURL, StringTranslator translator) Get the ZipFile from the fileURL.
Parameters: fileURL - is the File URL. Parameters: translator - is the StringTranslator. throws: - on IO related errors.
Convert the URL to a JAR URL, for example if the File URL is
file://deploy/ it will be converted to jar:file://deploy/!/ .
Parameters: fileURL - is the original JarFile URL. Parameters: translator - is the StringTranslator a jar URL created from the fileURL. throws: - if the URL cannot be converted to a JAR URL
Get the ZipFile from the fileURL.
Parameters: fileURL - is the File URL. Parameters: translator - is the StringTranslator. throws: - on IO related errors. the ZipFile for the URL.