| java.lang.Object com.sun.jbi.management.repository.Repository
Repository | public class Repository (Code) | | A repository for ESB artifacts. The ESB Repository stores bindings, engines,
shared libraries, service assemblies, service units, and temporary uploads
from remote administration clients.
The ArchiveType enumeration is used to declare the type used by an archive
operation. In addition to the archive type, a name is given to identify
an archive uniquely. The combination of name and type prevents naming
conflicts between different classes of artifacts (e.g. bindings and shared
libraries). When attempting to reference a service unit, the following
naming rule is used:
DIR_SUFFIX_PATTERN | final protected static String DIR_SUFFIX_PATTERN(Code) | | The Directory suffix pattern. This is the suffix of a directory name
when a directory by the actual name exists. It is ".(n)+"
example SunFileBinding.12
archiveExists | public boolean archiveExists(ArchiveType type, String name)(Code) | | Used to determine if a particular archive is stored in the repository.
cleanRepository | public void cleanRepository()(Code) | | |
findArchive | public synchronized String findArchive(ArchiveType type, String name)(Code) | | Returns the path to the specified archive, or null if it does not exist
in the repository.
findArchiveDirectory | public String findArchiveDirectory(ArchiveType type, String name)(Code) | | Returns the path to the directory where the archive is stored, or null
if archive does not exist in the repository.
getArchive | public synchronized Archive getArchive(Object archiveId)(Code) | | Retrieve archive details for the specified id.
getArchiveEntityNames | public List<String> getArchiveEntityNames(ArchiveType type)(Code) | | an list of names of entities of type ArchiveType, which are stored in the repository and are not marked for deletion. |
getTempStore | public File getTempStore()(Code) | | Returns a file pointer to the repository temp store.
purge | public synchronized void purge()(Code) | | Purges the repository, removing all archives.