| com.sun.jbi.messaging.TestMessageServiceStatistics
TestMessageServiceStatistics | public class TestMessageServiceStatistics extends junit.framework.TestCase (Code) | | Tests for MessageServiceStatistics.
author: Sun Microsystems, Inc. |
TestMessageServiceStatistics | public TestMessageServiceStatistics(String aTestName)(Code) | | The constructor for this testcase, forwards the test name to
the jUnit TestCase base class.
Parameters: aTestName - String with the name of this test. |
setUp | public void setUp() throws Exception(Code) | | Setup for the test. This creates the MessageServiceStatistics instance
and other objects needed for the tests.
throws: Exception - when set up fails for any reason. |
tearDown | public void tearDown() throws Exception(Code) | | Cleanup for the test.
throws: Exception - when tearDown fails for any reason. |
testLastRestartTime | public void testLastRestartTime()(Code) | | Tests get/setLastRestartTime.
throws: Exception - if an unexpected error occurs. |
testRegisteredEndpoints | public void testRegisteredEndpoints() throws Exception(Code) | | Tests get/increment/decrementRegisteredEndpoints.
throws: Exception - if an unexpected error occurs. |
testRegisteredServices | public void testRegisteredServices() throws Exception(Code) | | Tests get/increment/decrementRegisteredServices.
throws: Exception - if an unexpected error occurs. |
testResetStatistics | public void testResetStatistics()(Code) | | Test resetStatistics.
throws: Exception - if an unexpected error occurs. |