This interface defines a generic way to obtain application server platform-
specific information at runtime. Each platform must provide an implementation
of this interface to the JBI framework.
author: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Get the instance name of the platform's administration server. If the
platform does not provide a separate administration server, then this
method returns the name of the local instance.
instance name of the administration server
Returns a platform-specific implementation of KeyStoreUtil.
an instance of KeyStoreUtil or null if KeyStoreUtilis not supported as part of this platform.
Get the MBean server connection for a particular instance.
the MBeanServerConnection for the specified instance. throws: Exception - if a MBeanServerConnection cannot beobtained.
Get the Target Name. If the instance is not a clustered instance then
the target name is the instance name. If the instance is part of a
cluster then the target name is the cluster name.
the target name.
Get the Target Name for a specified instance. If the instance is not
clustered the instance name is returned. This operation is invoked by
the JBI instance MBeans only.
the target name.
Get the TransactionManager for this implementation. The instance
returned is an implementation of the standard JTS interface. If none
is available, returns null.
a TransactionManager instance. throws: Exception - if a TransactionManager cannot be obtained.