001: //
002: // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v1.0.5-b16-fcs
003: // See <a href="http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb">http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb</a>
004: // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
005: // Generated on: 2005.12.29 at 03:19:11 PM GMT+07:00
006: //
008: package com.mvnforum.jaxb.db;
010: /**
011: * This object contains factory methods for each
012: * Java content interface and Java element interface
013: * generated in the com.mvnforum.jaxb.db package.
014: * <p>An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically
015: * construct new instances of the Java representation
016: * for XML content. The Java representation of XML
017: * content can consist of schema derived interfaces
018: * and classes representing the binding of schema
019: * type definitions, element declarations and model
020: * groups. Factory methods for each of these are
021: * provided in this class.
022: *
023: */
024: public class ObjectFactory extends
025: com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.runtime.DefaultJAXBContextImpl {
027: private static java.util.HashMap defaultImplementations = new java.util.HashMap(
028: 51, 0.75F);
029: private static java.util.HashMap rootTagMap = new java.util.HashMap();
030: public final static com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.runtime.GrammarInfo grammarInfo = new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.runtime.GrammarInfoImpl(
031: rootTagMap, defaultImplementations,
032: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ObjectFactory.class));
033: public final static java.lang.Class version = (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.JAXBVersion.class);
035: static {
036: defaultImplementations.put(
037: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.CategoryWatchList.class),
038: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.CategoryWatchListImpl");
039: defaultImplementations.put(
040: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GlobalPermissionList.class),
041: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GlobalPermissionListImpl");
042: defaultImplementations.put(
043: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MemberType.class),
044: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MemberTypeImpl");
045: defaultImplementations.put(
046: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.RankType.class),
047: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.RankTypeImpl");
048: defaultImplementations.put(
049: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ThreadList.class),
050: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ThreadListImpl");
051: defaultImplementations.put(
052: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GroupMemberType.class),
053: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GroupMemberTypeImpl");
054: defaultImplementations.put(
055: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ThreadWatchList.class),
056: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ThreadWatchListImpl");
057: defaultImplementations.put(
058: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.AttachmentList.class),
059: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.AttachmentListImpl");
060: defaultImplementations.put(
061: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ForumList.class),
062: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ForumListImpl");
063: defaultImplementations.put(
064: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.FavoriteThreadList.class),
065: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.FavoriteThreadListImpl");
066: defaultImplementations
067: .put(
068: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MvnforumType.RankListType.class),
069: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MvnforumTypeImpl.RankListTypeImpl");
070: defaultImplementations.put(
071: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MessageFolderList.class),
072: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MessageFolderListImpl");
073: defaultImplementations.put(
074: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MessageType.class),
075: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MessageTypeImpl");
076: defaultImplementations.put(
077: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MvnforumType.class),
078: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MvnforumTypeImpl");
079: defaultImplementations.put(
080: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GlobalWatchType.class),
081: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GlobalWatchTypeImpl");
082: defaultImplementations.put(
083: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.PostType.class),
084: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.PostTypeImpl");
085: defaultImplementations
086: .put(
087: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MemberForumPermissionList.class),
088: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MemberForumPermissionListImpl");
089: defaultImplementations.put(
090: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.FavoriteThreadType.class),
091: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.FavoriteThreadTypeImpl");
092: defaultImplementations.put(
093: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ThreadType.class),
094: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ThreadTypeImpl");
095: defaultImplementations.put(
096: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GlobalWatchList.class),
097: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GlobalWatchListImpl");
098: defaultImplementations.put(
099: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GroupType.class),
100: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GroupTypeImpl");
101: defaultImplementations
102: .put(
103: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MvnforumType.MemberListType.class),
104: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MvnforumTypeImpl.MemberListTypeImpl");
105: defaultImplementations
106: .put(
107: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GroupForumPermissionList.class),
108: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GroupForumPermissionListImpl");
109: defaultImplementations
110: .put(
111: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MvnforumType.GroupListType.class),
112: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MvnforumTypeImpl.GroupListTypeImpl");
113: defaultImplementations.put(
114: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.AttachmentType.class),
115: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.AttachmentTypeImpl");
116: defaultImplementations.put(
117: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MessageFolderType.class),
118: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MessageFolderTypeImpl");
119: defaultImplementations.put(
120: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GroupMemberList.class),
121: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GroupMemberListImpl");
122: defaultImplementations.put(
123: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.PostList.class),
124: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.PostListImpl");
125: defaultImplementations.put(
126: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.CategoryType.class),
127: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.CategoryTypeImpl");
128: defaultImplementations.put(
129: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MessageList.class),
130: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MessageListImpl");
131: defaultImplementations
132: .put(
133: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MemberForumPermissionType.class),
134: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MemberForumPermissionTypeImpl");
135: defaultImplementations.put(
136: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ForumType.class),
137: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ForumTypeImpl");
138: defaultImplementations.put(
139: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.CategoryListType.class),
140: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.CategoryListTypeImpl");
141: defaultImplementations.put(
142: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ThreadWatchType.class),
143: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ThreadWatchTypeImpl");
144: defaultImplementations.put(
145: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.Mvnforum.class),
146: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MvnforumImpl");
147: defaultImplementations.put(
148: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ForumWatchList.class),
149: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ForumWatchListImpl");
150: defaultImplementations
151: .put(
152: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GroupForumPermissionType.class),
153: "com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GroupForumPermissionTypeImpl");
154: rootTagMap.put(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "mvnforum"),
155: (com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.Mvnforum.class));
156: }
158: /**
159: * Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.mvnforum.jaxb.db
160: *
161: */
162: public ObjectFactory() {
163: super (grammarInfo);
164: }
166: /**
167: * Create an instance of the specified Java content interface.
168: *
169: * @param javaContentInterface
170: * the Class object of the javacontent interface to instantiate
171: * @return
172: * a new instance
173: * @throws JAXBException
174: * if an error occurs
175: */
176: public java.lang.Object newInstance(
177: java.lang.Class javaContentInterface)
178: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
179: return super .newInstance(javaContentInterface);
180: }
182: /**
183: * Get the specified property. This method can only be
184: * used to get provider specific properties.
185: * Attempting to get an undefined property will result
186: * in a PropertyException being thrown.
187: *
188: * @param name
189: * the name of the property to retrieve
190: * @return
191: * the value of the requested property
192: * @throws PropertyException
193: * when there is an error retrieving the given property or value
194: */
195: public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String name)
196: throws javax.xml.bind.PropertyException {
197: return super .getProperty(name);
198: }
200: /**
201: * Set the specified property. This method can only be
202: * used to set provider specific properties.
203: * Attempting to set an undefined property will result
204: * in a PropertyException being thrown.
205: *
206: * @param name
207: * the name of the property to retrieve
208: * @param value
209: * the value of the property to be set
210: * @throws PropertyException
211: * when there is an error processing the given property or value
212: */
213: public void setProperty(java.lang.String name,
214: java.lang.Object value)
215: throws javax.xml.bind.PropertyException {
216: super .setProperty(name, value);
217: }
219: /**
220: * Create an instance of CategoryWatchList
221: *
222: * @throws JAXBException
223: * if an error occurs
224: */
225: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.CategoryWatchList createCategoryWatchList()
226: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
227: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.CategoryWatchListImpl();
228: }
230: /**
231: * Create an instance of GlobalPermissionList
232: *
233: * @throws JAXBException
234: * if an error occurs
235: */
236: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GlobalPermissionList createGlobalPermissionList()
237: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
238: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GlobalPermissionListImpl();
239: }
241: /**
242: * Create an instance of MemberType
243: *
244: * @throws JAXBException
245: * if an error occurs
246: */
247: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MemberType createMemberType()
248: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
249: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MemberTypeImpl();
250: }
252: /**
253: * Create an instance of RankType
254: *
255: * @throws JAXBException
256: * if an error occurs
257: */
258: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.RankType createRankType()
259: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
260: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.RankTypeImpl();
261: }
263: /**
264: * Create an instance of ThreadList
265: *
266: * @throws JAXBException
267: * if an error occurs
268: */
269: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ThreadList createThreadList()
270: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
271: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ThreadListImpl();
272: }
274: /**
275: * Create an instance of GroupMemberType
276: *
277: * @throws JAXBException
278: * if an error occurs
279: */
280: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GroupMemberType createGroupMemberType()
281: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
282: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GroupMemberTypeImpl();
283: }
285: /**
286: * Create an instance of ThreadWatchList
287: *
288: * @throws JAXBException
289: * if an error occurs
290: */
291: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ThreadWatchList createThreadWatchList()
292: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
293: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ThreadWatchListImpl();
294: }
296: /**
297: * Create an instance of AttachmentList
298: *
299: * @throws JAXBException
300: * if an error occurs
301: */
302: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.AttachmentList createAttachmentList()
303: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
304: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.AttachmentListImpl();
305: }
307: /**
308: * Create an instance of ForumList
309: *
310: * @throws JAXBException
311: * if an error occurs
312: */
313: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ForumList createForumList()
314: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
315: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ForumListImpl();
316: }
318: /**
319: * Create an instance of FavoriteThreadList
320: *
321: * @throws JAXBException
322: * if an error occurs
323: */
324: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.FavoriteThreadList createFavoriteThreadList()
325: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
326: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.FavoriteThreadListImpl();
327: }
329: /**
330: * Create an instance of MvnforumTypeRankListType
331: *
332: * @throws JAXBException
333: * if an error occurs
334: */
335: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MvnforumType.RankListType createMvnforumTypeRankListType()
336: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
337: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MvnforumTypeImpl.RankListTypeImpl();
338: }
340: /**
341: * Create an instance of MessageFolderList
342: *
343: * @throws JAXBException
344: * if an error occurs
345: */
346: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MessageFolderList createMessageFolderList()
347: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
348: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MessageFolderListImpl();
349: }
351: /**
352: * Create an instance of MessageType
353: *
354: * @throws JAXBException
355: * if an error occurs
356: */
357: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MessageType createMessageType()
358: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
359: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MessageTypeImpl();
360: }
362: /**
363: * Create an instance of MvnforumType
364: *
365: * @throws JAXBException
366: * if an error occurs
367: */
368: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MvnforumType createMvnforumType()
369: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
370: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MvnforumTypeImpl();
371: }
373: /**
374: * Create an instance of GlobalWatchType
375: *
376: * @throws JAXBException
377: * if an error occurs
378: */
379: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GlobalWatchType createGlobalWatchType()
380: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
381: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GlobalWatchTypeImpl();
382: }
384: /**
385: * Create an instance of PostType
386: *
387: * @throws JAXBException
388: * if an error occurs
389: */
390: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.PostType createPostType()
391: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
392: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.PostTypeImpl();
393: }
395: /**
396: * Create an instance of MemberForumPermissionList
397: *
398: * @throws JAXBException
399: * if an error occurs
400: */
401: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MemberForumPermissionList createMemberForumPermissionList()
402: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
403: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MemberForumPermissionListImpl();
404: }
406: /**
407: * Create an instance of FavoriteThreadType
408: *
409: * @throws JAXBException
410: * if an error occurs
411: */
412: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.FavoriteThreadType createFavoriteThreadType()
413: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
414: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.FavoriteThreadTypeImpl();
415: }
417: /**
418: * Create an instance of ThreadType
419: *
420: * @throws JAXBException
421: * if an error occurs
422: */
423: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ThreadType createThreadType()
424: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
425: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ThreadTypeImpl();
426: }
428: /**
429: * Create an instance of GlobalWatchList
430: *
431: * @throws JAXBException
432: * if an error occurs
433: */
434: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GlobalWatchList createGlobalWatchList()
435: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
436: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GlobalWatchListImpl();
437: }
439: /**
440: * Create an instance of GroupType
441: *
442: * @throws JAXBException
443: * if an error occurs
444: */
445: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GroupType createGroupType()
446: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
447: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GroupTypeImpl();
448: }
450: /**
451: * Create an instance of MvnforumTypeMemberListType
452: *
453: * @throws JAXBException
454: * if an error occurs
455: */
456: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MvnforumType.MemberListType createMvnforumTypeMemberListType()
457: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
458: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MvnforumTypeImpl.MemberListTypeImpl();
459: }
461: /**
462: * Create an instance of GroupForumPermissionList
463: *
464: * @throws JAXBException
465: * if an error occurs
466: */
467: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GroupForumPermissionList createGroupForumPermissionList()
468: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
469: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GroupForumPermissionListImpl();
470: }
472: /**
473: * Create an instance of MvnforumTypeGroupListType
474: *
475: * @throws JAXBException
476: * if an error occurs
477: */
478: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MvnforumType.GroupListType createMvnforumTypeGroupListType()
479: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
480: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MvnforumTypeImpl.GroupListTypeImpl();
481: }
483: /**
484: * Create an instance of AttachmentType
485: *
486: * @throws JAXBException
487: * if an error occurs
488: */
489: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.AttachmentType createAttachmentType()
490: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
491: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.AttachmentTypeImpl();
492: }
494: /**
495: * Create an instance of MessageFolderType
496: *
497: * @throws JAXBException
498: * if an error occurs
499: */
500: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MessageFolderType createMessageFolderType()
501: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
502: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MessageFolderTypeImpl();
503: }
505: /**
506: * Create an instance of GroupMemberList
507: *
508: * @throws JAXBException
509: * if an error occurs
510: */
511: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GroupMemberList createGroupMemberList()
512: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
513: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GroupMemberListImpl();
514: }
516: /**
517: * Create an instance of PostList
518: *
519: * @throws JAXBException
520: * if an error occurs
521: */
522: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.PostList createPostList()
523: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
524: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.PostListImpl();
525: }
527: /**
528: * Create an instance of CategoryType
529: *
530: * @throws JAXBException
531: * if an error occurs
532: */
533: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.CategoryType createCategoryType()
534: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
535: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.CategoryTypeImpl();
536: }
538: /**
539: * Create an instance of MessageList
540: *
541: * @throws JAXBException
542: * if an error occurs
543: */
544: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MessageList createMessageList()
545: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
546: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MessageListImpl();
547: }
549: /**
550: * Create an instance of MemberForumPermissionType
551: *
552: * @throws JAXBException
553: * if an error occurs
554: */
555: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.MemberForumPermissionType createMemberForumPermissionType()
556: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
557: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MemberForumPermissionTypeImpl();
558: }
560: /**
561: * Create an instance of ForumType
562: *
563: * @throws JAXBException
564: * if an error occurs
565: */
566: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ForumType createForumType()
567: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
568: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ForumTypeImpl();
569: }
571: /**
572: * Create an instance of CategoryListType
573: *
574: * @throws JAXBException
575: * if an error occurs
576: */
577: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.CategoryListType createCategoryListType()
578: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
579: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.CategoryListTypeImpl();
580: }
582: /**
583: * Create an instance of ThreadWatchType
584: *
585: * @throws JAXBException
586: * if an error occurs
587: */
588: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ThreadWatchType createThreadWatchType()
589: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
590: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ThreadWatchTypeImpl();
591: }
593: /**
594: * Create an instance of Mvnforum
595: *
596: * @throws JAXBException
597: * if an error occurs
598: */
599: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.Mvnforum createMvnforum()
600: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
601: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.MvnforumImpl();
602: }
604: /**
605: * Create an instance of ForumWatchList
606: *
607: * @throws JAXBException
608: * if an error occurs
609: */
610: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.ForumWatchList createForumWatchList()
611: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
612: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.ForumWatchListImpl();
613: }
615: /**
616: * Create an instance of GroupForumPermissionType
617: *
618: * @throws JAXBException
619: * if an error occurs
620: */
621: public com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.GroupForumPermissionType createGroupForumPermissionType()
622: throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException {
623: return new com.mvnforum.jaxb.db.impl.GroupForumPermissionTypeImpl();
624: }
626: }