| |
| java.lang.Object com.mvnforum.search.post.PostSearchQuery
PostSearchQuery | public class PostSearchQuery (Code) | | This class is used for specifying query that should be searched for. Query
can contain keywords and further it can be filtered by specifying member
name of the author, forumID as well as date interval for searching.
searchString contains one or more keywords. Each keyword can use wildcards.
? for single character and * for multiple characters.
For specifying boolean operators AND and OR operators can be used.....
For all available options consult Lucene documentation http://jakarta.apache.org/lucene
author: Dejan Krsmanovic dejan_krsmanovic@yahoo.com |
SEARCH_ANY_DATE | final public static int SEARCH_ANY_DATE(Code) | | |
SEARCH_NEWER | final public static int SEARCH_NEWER(Code) | | |
SEARCH_OLDER | final public static int SEARCH_OLDER(Code) | | |
SEARCH_ONLY_BODY | final public static int SEARCH_ONLY_BODY(Code) | | |
SEARCH_ONLY_TITLE | final public static int SEARCH_ONLY_TITLE(Code) | | |
SEARCH_SORT_DEFAULT | final public static int SEARCH_SORT_DEFAULT(Code) | | |
SEARCH_SORT_TIME_ASC | final public static int SEARCH_SORT_TIME_ASC(Code) | | |
SEARCH_SORT_TIME_DESC | final public static int SEARCH_SORT_TIME_DESC(Code) | | |
PostSearchQuery | public PostSearchQuery()(Code) | | |
getHitCount | public int getHitCount()(Code) | | |
getSearcher | protected IndexSearcher getSearcher(Directory directory) throws IOException(Code) | | |
getSort | public int getSort()(Code) | | |
setForumId | public void setForumId(int forumId)(Code) | | Id of forum where post belongs. Set to -1 if all forums should be searched
Parameters: forumId - |
setMemberId | public void setMemberId(int memberId)(Code) | | Set name of the author that should be searched for
Parameters: memberId - |
setMinAttachmentCount | public void setMinAttachmentCount(int count)(Code) | | |
setScopeInPost | public void setScopeInPost(int scopeInPost)(Code) | | |
setSearchString | public void setSearchString(String searchString)(Code) | | Set string that should be searched for.
Parameters: searchString - |
setSort | public void setSort(int sort)(Code) | | |