| java.lang.Object com.Yasna.forum.ForumFactory com.Yasna.forum.ForumFactoryProxy
ForumFactoryProxy | public class ForumFactoryProxy extends ForumFactory (Code) | | A protection proxy for ForumFactory. It ensures that only authorized users
are allowed to access restricted methods.
forumsWithArticlesForums | public Iterator forumsWithArticlesForums()(Code) | | |
getForumCount | public int getForumCount()(Code) | | |
getUnderlyingForumFactory | public ForumFactory getUnderlyingForumFactory() throws UnauthorizedException(Code) | | Returns the forum factory class that the proxy wraps. In some cases,
this is necessary so that an outside class can get at methods that only
a particular forum factory sublclass contains. Because this is
potentially a dangerours operation, access to the underlying class is
restricted to those with SYSTEM_ADMIN permissions.
throws: UnauthorizedException - if does not have ADMIN permissions. |
getYesterdayUserCount | public int getYesterdayUserCount()(Code) | | |
hasPermission | public boolean hasPermission(int type)(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from com.Yasna.forum.ForumFactory | abstract public void BlackListIP(ClientIP cip, boolean add) throws UnauthorizedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Iterator categories()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Category createCategory(String name, String description) throws UnauthorizedException, CategoryAlreadyExistsException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Forum createForum(String name, String description, boolean moderated, int forumGroupID, boolean article) throws UnauthorizedException, ForumAlreadyExistsException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Query createQuery()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void deleteCategory(Category category) throws UnauthorizedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void deleteForum(Forum forum) throws UnauthorizedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Iterator forums()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Iterator forumsModeration()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Iterator forumsWithArticlesForums()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public ForumThread getArticleThread(String pageKey, Forum forum) throws ForumThreadNotFoundException, UnauthorizedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Category getCategory(int categoryID) throws CategoryNotFoundException, UnauthorizedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Category getCategory(String name) throws CategoryNotFoundException, UnauthorizedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Forum getForum(int forumID) throws ForumNotFoundException, UnauthorizedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Forum getForum(String name) throws ForumNotFoundException, UnauthorizedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public int getForumCount()(Code)(Java Doc) public static ForumFactory getInstance(Authorization authorization)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public ForumPermissions getPermissions(Authorization authorization)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public ProfileManager getProfileManager()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public SearchIndexer getSearchIndexer() throws UnauthorizedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Iterator getSessionList()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public ThreadType getThreadType(int typeid)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Iterator getThreadTypeIterator()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public int getYesterdayUserCount()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public int[] groupsWithPermission(int permissionType) throws UnauthorizedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public boolean hasPermission(int type)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public boolean isBlackListed(ClientIP cip)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public int[] usersWithPermission(int permissionType) throws UnauthorizedException(Code)(Java Doc)