| |
| java.lang.Object com.Yasna.forum.database.DbConnectionManager
DbConnectionManager | public class DbConnectionManager (Code) | | Central manager of database connections. All methods are static so that they
can be easily accessed throughout the classes in the database package.
CONTEXT_JDBC_NAME | final public static String CONTEXT_JDBC_NAME(Code) | | |
getConnection | public static Connection getConnection()(Code) | | Returns a database connection from the currently active connection
getDbConnectionProvider | public static DbConnectionProvider getDbConnectionProvider()(Code) | | Returns the current connection provider. The only case in which this
method should be called is if more information about the current
connection provider is needed. Database connections should always be
obtained by calling the getConnection method of this class.
setDbConnectionProvider | public static void setDbConnectionProvider(DbConnectionProvider provider)(Code) | | Sets the connection provider. The old provider (if it exists) is shut
down before the new one is started. A connection provider should
not be started before being passed to the connection manager
because the manager will call the start() method automatically.