| java.lang.Object org.vfny.geoserver.config.validation.ArgumentConfig
ArgumentConfig | public class ArgumentConfig (Code) | | ArgumentConfig purpose.
Description of ArgumentConfig ...
author: dzwiers, Refractions Research, Inc. author: $Author: dmzwiers $ (last modification) version: $Id: ArgumentConfig.java 6177 2007-02-19 10:11:27Z aaime $ |
ArgumentConfig | public ArgumentConfig()(Code) | | ArgumentConfig constructor.
ArgumentConfig | public ArgumentConfig(ArgumentDTO dto)(Code) | | |
getDescription | public static synchronized String getDescription(PropertyDescriptor pd)(Code) | | getDescription purpose.
This is used to provide the locale to the property descriptor if it is required. This method is thread safe.
This method must be both synchornized and static.
Parameters: pd - PropertyDescriptor to get the display description from Parameters: locale - Locale to use if required. String the display description |
getDisplayName | public static synchronized String getDisplayName(PropertyDescriptor pd)(Code) | | getDisplayName purpose.
This is used to provide the locale to the property descriptor if it is required. This method is thread safe.
This method must be both synchornized and static. The global locale is maintained from start to completion of execution, even when an unexpected exception occurs.
Parameters: pd - PropertyDescriptor to get the display name from Parameters: locale - Locale to use if required. String the Display Name |
getName | public String getName()(Code) | | Access name property.
Returns the name. |
getValue | public Object getValue()(Code) | | Access value property.
Returns the value. |
hashCode | public int hashCode()(Code) | | |
isFinal | public boolean isFinal()(Code) | | Access _final property.
Returns the _final. |
setFinal | public void setFinal(boolean _final)(Code) | | Set _final to _final.
Parameters: _final - The _final to set. |
setName | public void setName(String name)(Code) | | Set name to name.
Parameters: name - The name to set. |
setValue | public void setValue(Object value)(Code) | | Set value to value.
Parameters: value - The value to set. |
toDTO | public ArgumentDTO toDTO()(Code) | | |