| Data Transfer Object for GeoServer Format information.
Used to describe a Format, typically one specified in the catalog.xml
config file.
Data Transfer object are used to communicate between the GeoServer
application and its configuration and persistent layers. As such the class
is final - to allow for its future use as an on-the-wire message.
Example: CoverageStoreInfoDTO dsiDto = new CoverageStoreInfoDTO();
dsiDto.setIde("myFormat"); dsiDto.setEnabled(true); dsiDto.setTile("My
Data Store"); Map m = new HashMap(); m.put("key","param");
author: dzwiers, Refractions Research, Inc. author: $Author: Alessio Fabiani (alessio.fabiani@gmail.com) $ (last modification) author: $Author: Simone Giannecchini (simboss1@gmail.com) $ (last modification) version: $Id: CoverageStoreInfoDTO.java 6326 2007-03-15 18:36:40Z jdeolive $ |