| java.lang.Object org.vfny.geoserver.global.xml.XMLConfigWriter
XMLConfigWriter | public class XMLConfigWriter (Code) | | XMLConfigWriter purpose.
This class is intended to store a configuration to be written and complete
the output to XML.
author: dzwiers, Refractions Research, Inc. version: $Id: XMLConfigWriter.java 8482 2008-02-29 04:59:42Z arneke $ |
Inner Class :public static class WriterUtils | |
Method Summary | |
public static void | store(DataDTO data, File root) | public static void | store(WCSDTO wcs, WMSDTO wms, WFSDTO wfs, GeoServerDTO geoServer, File root) | public static void | store(WCSDTO wcs, WMSDTO wms, WFSDTO wfs, GeoServerDTO geoServer, DataDTO data, File root) | protected static void | storeCatalog(WriterHelper cw, DataDTO data) storeCatalog purpose. | protected static void | storeContact(ContactDTO c, WriterHelper cw) storeContact purpose. | protected static void | storeCoverage(CoverageInfoDTO cv, File dir) | protected static void | storeCoverages(File dir, DataDTO data) | protected static void | storeDataStore(WriterHelper cw, DataStoreInfoDTO ds) storeDataStore purpose. | protected static void | storeFeature(FeatureTypeInfoDTO ft, File dir) storeStyle purpose. | protected static void | storeFeatureSchema(FeatureTypeInfoDTO fs, File dir) | public static void | storeFeatureSchema(FeatureTypeInfoDTO fs, Writer w) | protected static void | storeFeatures(File dir, DataDTO data) storeStyle purpose. | protected static void | storeFormat(WriterHelper cw, CoverageStoreInfoDTO df) storeFormat purpose. | protected static void | storeNameSpace(WriterHelper cw, NameSpaceInfoDTO ns) storeNameSpace purpose. | protected static void | storeService(Object obj, WriterHelper cw) storeService purpose. | protected static void | storeServices(WriterHelper cw, WCSDTO wcs, WMSDTO wms, WFSDTO wfs, GeoServerDTO geoServer) storeServices purpose. | protected static void | storeStyle(WriterHelper cw, StyleDTO s) storeStyle purpose. |
storeCatalog | protected static void storeCatalog(WriterHelper cw, DataDTO data) throws ConfigurationException(Code) | | storeCatalog purpose.
Writes a catalog into the WriterUtils provided from Data provided in
Parameters: cw - The Configuration Writer Parameters: data - DOCUMENT ME! throws: ConfigurationException - When an IO exception occurs. |
storeContact | protected static void storeContact(ContactDTO c, WriterHelper cw) throws ConfigurationException(Code) | | storeContact purpose.
Writes a contact into the WriterUtils provided from the ContactConfig
Parameters: c - The ContactConfig to write. Parameters: cw - The Configuration Writer throws: ConfigurationException - When an IO exception occurs. |
storeFeatures | protected static void storeFeatures(File dir, DataDTO data) throws ConfigurationException(Code) | | storeStyle purpose.
Sets up writing FeatureTypes into their Directories.
Parameters: dir - The FeatureTypes directory Parameters: data - DOCUMENT ME! throws: ConfigurationException - When an IO exception occurs. See Also: storeFeature(FeatureTypeInfo,File) |
storeService | protected static void storeService(Object obj, WriterHelper cw) throws ConfigurationException(Code) | | storeService purpose.
Writes a service into the WriterUtils provided from the WFS or WMS
object provided.
Parameters: obj - either a WFS or WMS object. Parameters: cw - The Configuration Writer throws: ConfigurationException - When an IO exception occurs or the objectprovided is not of the correct type. |