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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » GIS » GeoTools 2.4.1 » org.geotools.util 
package org.geotools.util Contains utilities and addition to the collection framework. Some classes implements the {@link java.util.Set} interface and provides facilities for mutually exclusive set, caching or handling ranges of values.
Java Source File NameTypeComment
AbstractInternationalString.javaClass A that has been internationalized into several .
BooleanConverterFactory.javaClass ConverterFactory for handling boolean conversions.
CanonicalSet.javaClass A canonical set of objects, used to optimize memory use. The operation of this set is similar in spirit to the String.intern method. The following example shows a convenient way to use CanonicalSet as an internal pool of immutable objects.
 public Foo create(String definition) {
 Foo created = new Foo(definition);
 return (Foo) canonicalSet.unique(created);
The CanonicalSet has a CanonicalSet.get method that is not part of the Set interface.
CanonicalSetTest.javaClass Test the CanonicalSet .
CheckedArrayList.javaClass Acts as a typed java.util.List while we wait for Java 5.0.
CheckedCollection.javaInterface Collection that ensures that all elements are assignable to a given base type.
CheckedHashMap.javaClass Acts as a typed java.util.Map while we wait for Java 5.0.
CheckedHashSet.javaClass Acts as a typed java.util.Set while we wait for Java 5.0.
CommonHandler.javaClass An adapter that redirect all Java logging events to the Apache's commons logging framework.
CommonsConverterFactory.javaClass ConverterFactory based on the apache commons org.apache.commons.beanutils.Converter interface.
Converter.javaInterface Converts values of one type into another.
ConverterFactory.javaInterface Factory used to create instances of Converter .
Converters.javaClass Convenience class for converting an object from one type to an object of another.
DerivedMap.javaClass A map whose keys are derived from an other map.
DerivedSet.javaClass A set whose values are derived from an other set.
DisjointSet.javaClass A set which is disjoint from others DisjointSet s.
DisjointSetTest.javaClass Test the DisjointSet class.
GenericName.javaClass Base class for and structure for type and attribute name in the context of name spaces.
GeometryConverterFactory.javaClass Converter factory performing converstions among geometric types.
GrowableInternationalString.javaClass An implementation of international string using a of strings for different .
GTContainer.javaClass This "container" is used by several utility classes to get their game on.
InternationalStringTest.javaClass Tests the various InternationalString implementations.
KeySortedList.javaClass List of elements sorted by a key which is not the element itself.
KeySortedListTest.javaClass Tests KeySortedList .
ListenerList.javaClass This class is used to maintain a list of listeners, and is used in the implementations of several classes within JFace which allow you to register listeners of various kinds. It is a fairly lightweight object, occupying minimal space when no listeners are registered.

Note that the add method checks for and eliminates duplicates based on identity (not equality).

LocalName.javaClass Identifier within a name space for a local object.
LoggedFormat.javaClass Wraps a Format object in order to either parse fully a string, or log a warning. This class provides a LoggedFormat.parse method which performs the following tasks:

  • Checks if the string was fully parsed and log a warning if it was not.
Logging.javaClass A set of utilities method for configuring loggings in Geotools.
LRULinkedHashMap.javaClass A Map with a fixed maximum size which removes the least recently used (LRU) entry if an entry is added when full.
MapEntry.javaClass A default implementation of java.util.Map.Entry which map an arbitrary key-value pairs.
MeasurementRange.javaClass A range of numbers associated with a unit of measurement.
MeasurementRangeTest.javaClass Tests the MeasurementRange .
MemberNameImpl.javaClass MemberName is used in a Record as part of a Map.
MonolineFormatter.javaClass A formatter writting log messages on a single line.
MonolineFormatterTest.javaClass Test the MonolineFormatter class.
NameFactory.javaClass A factory for GenericName objects.
NullProgressListener.javaClass A default progress listener implementation suitable for subclassing.
NumberRange.javaClass A range of numbers.
NumericConverterFactory.javaClass ConverterFactory which converts between the "standard" numeric types.
ProgressListener.javaInterface Monitor the progress of some lengthly operation.
RangeSet.javaClass An ordered set of ranges.
RangeSetTest.javaClass Test the RangeSet implementation.
RecordTypeImpl.javaClass Used to provde a record of data (in a manner similar to a strongly typed Map).

Please note that a record is *strongly* typed (and may be better thought of as a mathmatical tuple).

ResourceInternationalString.javaClass An international string backed by a .
ScopedName.javaClass Fully qualified identifier for an object.
SimpleInternationalString.javaClass A simple international string consisting of a single string for all locales.
Singleton.javaClass A mutable set containing only one element.
SoftValueHashMap.javaClass A hash map implementation that uses , leaving memory when an entry is not used anymore and memory is low.

This map implementation actually maintains some of the first entries as hard references. Only oldest entries are retained by soft references, in order to avoid too aggressive garbage collection.

SoftValueHashMapTest.javaClass Tests SoftValueHashMap .
TemporalConverterFactory.javaClass Converter factory which created converting between the various temporal types.
UnsupportedImplementationException.javaClass Throws when an operation can't use arbitrary implementation of an interface, and a given instance doesn't meet the requirement.
Version.javaClass Holds a version number.
VersionTest.javaClass Tests the Version class, especially the compareTo method.
WeakCollectionCleaner.javaClass A thread invoking Reference.clear on each enqueded reference.
WeakHashSet.javaClass A set of objects hold by weak references.
WeakValueHashMap.javaClass A hashtable-based Map implementation with weak values.
WeakValueHashMapTest.javaClass Test the WeakHashSet . | Contact Us
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