| java.lang.Object org.geotools.data.jdbc.JDBC1DataStore org.geotools.data.hsql.HsqlDataStore
allowTable | protected boolean allowTable(String tablename)(Code) | | |
buildAttributeType | protected AttributeType buildAttributeType(ResultSet rs) throws IOException(Code) | | Constructs an AttributeType from a row in a ResultSet. The ResultSet
contains the information retrieved by a call to getColumns() on the
DatabaseMetaData object. This information can be used to construct an
Attribute Type.
In addition to standard SQL types, this method identifies MySQL 4.1's geometric
datatypes and creates attribute types accordingly. This happens when the
datatype, identified by column 5 of the ResultSet parameter, is equal to
java.sql.Types.OTHER. If a Types.OTHER ends up not being geometric, this
method simply calls the parent class's buildAttributeType method to do something
with it.
Note: Overriding methods must never move the current row pointer in the
result set.
Parameters: rs - The ResultSet containing the result of aDatabaseMetaData.getColumns call. The AttributeType built from the ResultSet. throws: SQLException - If an error occurs processing the ResultSet. throws: DataSourceException - Provided for overriding classes to wrapexceptions caused by other operations they may perform todetermine additional types. This will only be thrown by thedefault implementation if a type is present that is not presentin the TYPE_MAPPINGS. |
getFeatureReader | public FeatureReader getFeatureReader(String typeName) throws IOException(Code) | | Provides FeatureReader over the entire contents of typeName .
Implements getFeatureReader contract for AbstractDataStore.
Parameters: typeName - a featureReader throws: IOException - If typeName could not be found |
getFeatureWriter | public FeatureWriter getFeatureWriter(String typeName) throws IOException(Code) | | Utility method for getting a FeatureWriter for modifying existing features,
using no feature filtering and auto-committing. Not used for adding new
Parameters: typeName - the feature type name (the table name) a FeatureWriter for modifying existing features throws: IOException - if the database cannot be properly accessed |
getFeatureWriter | public FeatureWriter getFeatureWriter(String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction) throws IOException(Code) | | Acquire FeatureWriter for modification of contents specifed by filter.
Parameters: typeName - Parameters: filter - Parameters: transaction - throws: IOException - If typeName could not be located throws: NullPointerException - If the provided filter is null See Also: org.geotools.data.DataStore#getFeatureWriter(java.lang.String,
* org.geotools.filter.Filter, org.geotools.data.Transaction,
* org.geotools.data.jdbc.JDBC1DataStore#getFeatureWriter) |
getFeatureWriterAppend | public FeatureWriter getFeatureWriterAppend(String typeName) throws IOException(Code) | | Utility method for getting a FeatureWriter for adding new features, using
auto-committing. Not used for modifying existing features.
Parameters: typeName - the feature type name (the table name) a FeatureWriter for adding new features throws: IOException - if the database cannot be properly accessed |
removeSchema | public void removeSchema(FeatureType featureType)(Code) | | Removes support for the featureType schema to HsqlDataStore. (Drops the table)
FeatureTypes are stored by typeName (in this case, table name = typeName).
Parameters: featureType - FeatureType to be removed |
requireAutoCommit | protected boolean requireAutoCommit()(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from org.geotools.data.jdbc.JDBC1DataStore | public boolean allSameOrder(String[] requestedNames, FeatureType ft)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean allowTable(String tablename)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String[] attributeNames(FeatureType featureType, Filter filter) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected AttributeType buildAttributeType(ResultSet rs) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected FIDMapper buildFIDMapper(String typeName, FIDMapperFactory factory) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected FIDMapperFactory buildFIDMapperFactory(JDBCDataStoreConfig config)(Code)(Java Doc) protected FeatureType buildSchema(String typeName, FIDMapper mapper) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected Connection createConnection() throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected FeatureReader createFeatureReader(FeatureType schema, org.opengis.filter.Filter postFilter, QueryData queryData) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected JDBCFeatureWriter createFeatureWriter(FeatureReader reader, QueryData queryData) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected LockingManager createLockingManager()(Code)(Java Doc) public void createSchema(FeatureType featureType) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String determineFidColumnName(String typeName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected int determineSRID(String tableName, String geometryColumnName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected QueryData executeQuery(FeatureTypeInfo featureTypeInfo, String tableName, String sqlQuery, Transaction transaction, boolean forWrite) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected QueryData executeQuery(FeatureTypeInfo featureTypeInfo, String tableName, String sqlQuery, Transaction transaction, boolean forWrite, Hints hints) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected AttributeIO getAttributeIO(AttributeType type)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected AttributeType[] getAttributeTypes(String typeName, String[] propertyNames) throws IOException, SchemaException(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getConcurrency(boolean forWrite)(Code)(Java Doc) public Connection getConnection(Transaction transaction) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public Envelope getEnvelope(String typeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public FIDMapper getFIDMapper(String tableName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public FIDMapperFactory getFIDMapperFactory()(Code)(Java Doc) public FeatureReader getFeatureReader(FeatureType requestType, Filter filter, Transaction transaction) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public FeatureReader getFeatureReader(Query query, Transaction trans) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public FeatureSource getFeatureSource(String typeName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected FeatureTypeHandler getFeatureTypeHandler(JDBCDataStoreConfig config) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public FeatureWriter getFeatureWriter(String typeName, Transaction transaction) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public FeatureWriter getFeatureWriter(String typeName, org.opengis.filter.Filter filter, Transaction transaction) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public FeatureWriter getFeatureWriterAppend(String typeName, Transaction transaction) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected AttributeIO getGeometryAttributeIO(AttributeType type, QueryData queryData) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected JDBCFeatureReader getJDBCFeatureReader(QueryData queryData) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public LockingManager getLockingManager()(Code)(Java Doc) public URI getNameSpace()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getResultSetType(boolean forWrite)(Code)(Java Doc) public FeatureType getSchema(String typeName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public SQLBuilder getSqlBuilder(String typeName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public String getSqlNameEscape()(Code)(Java Doc) public Set getSupportedHints()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getTransactionIsolation()(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getTypeNames() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public FeatureSource getView(Query query) throws IOException, SchemaException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String[] propertyNames(Query query) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean requireAutoCommit()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setAutoCommit(boolean forWrite, Connection conn) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFIDMapper(String featureTypeName, FIDMapper fidMapper)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFIDMapperFactory(FIDMapperFactory fmFactory) throws UnsupportedOperationException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setSqlNameEscape(String sqlNameEscape)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTransactionIsolation(int value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateSchema(String typeName, FeatureType featureType) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)