| |
| java.lang.Object org.geotools.data.shapefile.shp.xml.IdInfo
IdInfo | public class IdInfo (Code) | | Bean of idinfo element of shp.xml.
bounding | Envelope bounding(Code) | | spdom/bounding represents
lbounding | Envelope lbounding(Code) | | spdom/lbounding represents
getBounding | public Envelope getBounding()(Code) | | Returns the bounding. |
getLbounding | public Envelope getLbounding()(Code) | | Returns the lbounding. |
setBounding | public void setBounding(Envelope bounding)(Code) | | Parameters: bounding - The bounding to set. |
setLbounding | public void setLbounding(Envelope lbounding)(Code) | | Parameters: lbounding - The lbounding to set. |