| java.lang.Object org.geotools.feature.collection.FeatureState
All known Subclasses: org.geotools.feature.collection.BaseFeatureState, org.geotools.feature.collection.SubFeatureState,
FeatureState | abstract public class FeatureState (Code) | | This is *not* a Feature - it is a Delegate used by FeatureCollection
implementations as "mix-in", provides implementation of featureCollection
events, featureType, and attribute access.
To use cut&paste the following code exactly:
On the bright side this means we can "fix" all the FeatureCollection implementations
in one fell-swoop.
author: Jody Garnett, Refractions Reserach, Inc. since: GeoTools 2.2 |
bounds | protected Envelope bounds(Code) | | |
addListener | abstract public void addListener(CollectionListener listener)(Code) | | Adds a listener for collection events.
Parameters: listener - The listener to add |
fids | public static Set fids(Collection stuff)(Code) | | Get the set of fids for the provided collection.
By doing a quick pass through the collection we can do
comparisons based on Feature ID (rather then collection
A subclass that tracks its FID information may wish to override
this method.
fireChange | abstract protected void fireChange(Feature[] features, int type)(Code) | | To let listeners know that something has changed.
fireChange | protected void fireChange(Feature feature, int type)(Code) | | |
getBounds | public Envelope getBounds()(Code) | | Gets the bounding box for the features in this feature collection.
the envelope of the geometries contained by this featurecollection. |
getDefaultGeometry | public Geometry getDefaultGeometry()(Code) | | |
getNumberOfAttributes | public int getNumberOfAttributes()(Code) | | |
isFeatures | public static boolean isFeatures(Collection stuff)(Code) | | Test if collection is all features!
removeListener | abstract public void removeListener(CollectionListener listener)(Code) | | Removes a listener for collection events.
Parameters: listener - The listener to remove |