This reader is repsonsible for providing access to a pyramid of mosaics of
georeferenced coverages that are read directly through imageio readers, like
tiff, pngs, etc...
Specifically this plugin relies on the image mosaic plugin to handle each
single level of resolutions avaible, hence all the magic is done inside the
mosaic plugin.
For information on how to build a mosaic, please refere to the
ImageMosaicReader documentation.
If you are looking for information on how to create a pyramid, here you go.
The pyramid itself does no magic. All the magic is performed by the single
mosaic readers that are polled depending on the requeste resolution levels.
Therefore the first step is having a mosaic of images like geotiff,
tiff, jpeg, or png which is going to be the base for te pyramid.
The second step is to build the next (lower resolution) levels for
the pyramid.
If you look inside the spike dire of the geotools project you will find a
(growing) set of tools that can be used for doing processing on coverages.
Specifically there is one tool called PyramidBuilder that can be used to
build the pyramid level by level.
Last step is providing a prj file with the projection of the pyramid
(btw all the levels has to be in the same projection) as well as a properties
file with this structure:
#Mon Aug 21 22:23:27 CEST 2006
#name of the coverage
#different resolution levels available
Levels=1.2218682749859724E-5,9.220132503102996E-6 2.4428817977683634E-5,1.844026500620314E-5 4.8840552865873626E-5,3.686350299024973E-5 9.781791400307775E-5,7.372700598049946E-5 1.956358280061555E-4,1.4786360643866836E-4 3.901787184256844E-4,2.9572721287731037E-4
#where all the levels reside
LevelsDirs=0 2 4 8 16 32
#number of levels availaible
#envelope for this pyramid
Envelope2D=13.398228477973406,43.591366397808976 13.537912459169803,43.67121274528585
author: Simone Giannecchini since: 2.3 |