| org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard.BreadthFirstIterator org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard.DepthFirstIterator
All known Subclasses: org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard.DirectedDepthFirstIterator,
DepthFirstIterator | public class DepthFirstIterator extends BreadthFirstIterator (Code) | | Iterates over the nodes of a graph in a Depth First Search pattern
starting from a specified node. The following illustrates the iteration order.

The iteration operates by maintaning a node queue of active nodes.
An active node is a node that will returned at a later stage of the i
teration. The node queue for a Depth First iteration is implemented as a
Last In First Out queue (a Stack).
A node is placed in the the node queue if it has not been visited, and
it is adjacent to a a node that has been visited. The node queue intially
contains only the source node of the traversal.
author: Justin Deoliveira, Refractions Research Inc, jdeolive@refractions.net |
Method Summary | |
protected Queue | buildQueue(Graph graph) Builds the node queue for the Iteration.
Parameters: graph - The graph of the iteration. |
buildQueue | protected Queue buildQueue(Graph graph)(Code) | | Builds the node queue for the Iteration.
Parameters: graph - The graph of the iteration. A Last In First Out queue (Stack) |