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public class DefaultEngineeringCRS extends AbstractSingleCRS implements EngineeringCRS(Code)
A contextually local coordinate reference system. It can be divided into two broad categories:
  • earth-fixed systems applied to engineering activities on or near the surface of the earth;
  • CRSs on moving platforms such as road vehicles, vessels, aircraft, or spacecraft.
Used with CS type(s)
org.opengis.referencing.cs.CartesianCS Cartesian , org.opengis.referencing.cs.AffineCS Affine , org.opengis.referencing.cs.EllipsoidalCS Ellipsoidal , org.opengis.referencing.cs.SphericalCS Spherical , org.opengis.referencing.cs.CylindricalCS Cylindrical , org.opengis.referencing.cs.PolarCS Polar , org.opengis.referencing.cs.VerticalCS Vertical , org.opengis.referencing.cs.LinearCS Linear

   $Id: 24609 2007-02-26 23:35:53Z desruisseaux $
   Martin Desruisseaux

Field Summary
final public static  DefaultEngineeringCRSCARTESIAN_2D
     A two-dimensional cartesian coordinate reference system with , axis in .
final public static  DefaultEngineeringCRSCARTESIAN_3D
     A three-dimensional cartesian coordinate reference system with , , axis in .
final public static  DefaultEngineeringCRSGENERIC_2D
     A two-dimensional wildcard coordinate system with , axis in .
final public static  DefaultEngineeringCRSGENERIC_3D
     A three-dimensional wildcard coordinate system with , , axis in .

Constructor Summary
public  DefaultEngineeringCRS(EngineeringCRS crs)
     Constructs a new enginnering CRS with the same values than the specified one. This copy constructor provides a way to wrap an arbitrary implementation into a Geotools one or a user-defined one (as a subclass), usually in order to leverage some implementation-specific API.
public  DefaultEngineeringCRS(String name, EngineeringDatum datum, CoordinateSystem cs)
     Constructs an engineering CRS from a name.
public  DefaultEngineeringCRS(Map properties, EngineeringDatum datum, CoordinateSystem cs)
     Constructs an engineering CRS from a set of properties.

Method Summary
protected  StringformatWKT(Formatter formatter)
     Format the inner part of a Well Known Text (WKT) element.
  formatter - The formatter to use.
public  inthashCode()
     Returns a hash value for this derived CRS. The hash code value.

Field Detail
final public static DefaultEngineeringCRS CARTESIAN_2D(Code)
A two-dimensional cartesian coordinate reference system with , axis in . By default, this CRS has no transformation path to any other CRS (i.e. a map using this CS can't be reprojected to a for example).

final public static DefaultEngineeringCRS CARTESIAN_3D(Code)
A three-dimensional cartesian coordinate reference system with , , axis in . By default, this CRS has no transformation path to any other CRS (i.e. a map using this CS can't be reprojected to a for example).

final public static DefaultEngineeringCRS GENERIC_2D(Code)
A two-dimensional wildcard coordinate system with , axis in . At the difference of DefaultEngineeringCRS.CARTESIAN_2D , this coordinate system is treated specially by the default with loose transformation rules: if no transformation path were found (for example through a ), then the transformation from this CRS to any CRS with a compatible number of dimensions is assumed to be the identity transform. This CRS is usefull as a kind of wildcard when no CRS were explicitly specified.

final public static DefaultEngineeringCRS GENERIC_3D(Code)
A three-dimensional wildcard coordinate system with , , axis in . At the difference of DefaultEngineeringCRS.CARTESIAN_3D , this coordinate system is treated specially by the default with loose transformation rules: if no transformation path were found (for example through a ), then the transformation from this CRS to any CRS with a compatible number of dimensions is assumed to be the identity transform. This CRS is usefull as a kind of wildcard when no CRS were explicitly specified.

Constructor Detail
public DefaultEngineeringCRS(EngineeringCRS crs)(Code)
Constructs a new enginnering CRS with the same values than the specified one. This copy constructor provides a way to wrap an arbitrary implementation into a Geotools one or a user-defined one (as a subclass), usually in order to leverage some implementation-specific API. This constructor performs a shallow copy, i.e. the properties are not cloned.

public DefaultEngineeringCRS(String name, EngineeringDatum datum, CoordinateSystem cs)(Code)
Constructs an engineering CRS from a name.
  name - The name.
  datum - The datum.
  cs - The coordinate system.

public DefaultEngineeringCRS(Map properties, EngineeringDatum datum, CoordinateSystem cs)(Code)
Constructs an engineering CRS from a set of properties. The properties are given unchanged to the .
  properties - Set of properties. Should contains at least "name".
  datum - The datum.
  cs - The coordinate system.

Method Detail
protected String formatWKT(Formatter formatter)(Code)
Format the inner part of a Well Known Text (WKT) element.
  formatter - The formatter to use. The name of the WKT element type, which is "LOCAL_CS" .

public int hashCode()(Code)
Returns a hash value for this derived CRS. The hash code value. This value doesn't need to be the samein past or future versions of this class.

Fields inherited from
final protected Datum datum(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
public boolean equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object, boolean compareMetadata)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void formatDefaultWKT(Formatter formatter)(Code)(Java Doc)
public CoordinateSystemAxis getAxis(int dimension) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Datum getDatum()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getDimension()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
final protected CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
public Measure distance(double[] coord1, double[] coord2) throws UnsupportedOperationException, MismatchedDimensionException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object, boolean compareMetadata)(Code)(Java Doc)
void formatDefaultWKT(Formatter formatter)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String formatWKT(Formatter formatter)(Code)(Java Doc)
public CoordinateSystem getCoordinateSystem()(Code)(Java Doc)
final Unit getUnit()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
static Map name(int key)(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from org.geotools.referencing.AbstractReferenceSystem
public boolean equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object, boolean compareMetadata)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Extent getDomainOfValidity()(Code)(Java Doc)
public InternationalString getScope()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Extent getValidArea()(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from org.geotools.referencing.AbstractIdentifiedObject
final public static GenericName[] EMPTY_ALIAS_ARRAY(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static ReferenceIdentifier[] EMPTY_IDENTIFIER_ARRAY(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static Comparator IDENTIFIER_COMPARATOR(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static Comparator NAME_COMPARATOR(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static Comparator REMARKS_COMPARATOR(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from org.geotools.referencing.AbstractIdentifiedObject
protected static Set asSet(Object[] array)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static void ensureAngularUnit(Unit unit) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static void ensureLinearUnit(Unit unit) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static void ensureNonNull(String name, Object object) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static void ensureNonNull(String name, Object[] array, int index) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static void ensureTimeUnit(Unit unit) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean equals(Object object)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object, boolean compareMetadata)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static boolean equals(IdentifiedObject object1, IdentifiedObject object2, boolean compareMetadata)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static boolean equals(IdentifiedObject[] array1, IdentifiedObject[] array2, boolean compareMetadata)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static boolean equals(Collection collection1, Collection collection2, boolean compareMetadata)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Collection getAlias()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ReferenceIdentifier getIdentifier(Citation authority)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static ReferenceIdentifier getIdentifier(IdentifiedObject info, Citation authority)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Set getIdentifiers()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ReferenceIdentifier getName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getName(Citation authority)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static String getName(IdentifiedObject info, Citation authority)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Map getProperties(IdentifiedObject info)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Map getProperties(IdentifiedObject info, Citation authority)(Code)(Java Doc)
public InternationalString getRemarks()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean nameMatches(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static boolean nameMatches(IdentifiedObject object, String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static boolean nameMatches(IdentifiedObject o1, IdentifiedObject o2)(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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