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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » GIS » GeoTools 2.4.1 » org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection 
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001:        /*
002:         *    GeoTools - OpenSource mapping toolkit
003:         *
004:         *
005:         *   (C) 2006, Geotools Project Managment Committee (PMC)
006:         *   (C) 2000, Frank Warmerdam
007:         *   (C) 1995, Gerald Evenden
008:         *
009:         *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
010:         *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
011:         *    License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
012:         *    version 2.1 of the License.
013:         *
014:         *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
015:         *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
017:         *    Lesser General Public License for more details.
018:         *
019:         *    This package contains formulas from the PROJ package of USGS.
020:         *    USGS's work is fully acknowledged here. This derived work has
021:         *    been relicensed under LGPL with Frank Warmerdam's permission.
022:         */
023:        package org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection;
025:        // J2SE dependencies and extensions
026:        import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
027:        import java.util.Collection;
028:        import javax.units.NonSI;
030:        // OpenGIS dependencies
031:        import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptor;
032:        import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptorGroup;
033:        import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterNotFoundException;
034:        import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup;
035:        import org.opengis.referencing.operation.ConicProjection;
036:        import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
038:        // Geotools dependencies
039:        import org.geotools.measure.Latitude;
040:        import org.geotools.metadata.iso.citation.Citations;
041:        import org.geotools.referencing.NamedIdentifier;
042:        import org.geotools.resources.i18n.VocabularyKeys;
043:        import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Vocabulary;
044:        import org.geotools.resources.i18n.ErrorKeys;
045:        import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Errors;
046:        import org.geotools.resources.XMath;
048:        /**
049:         * Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG code 9820).
050:         *
051:         * <strong>References:</strong><ul>
052:         *   <li> A. Annoni, C. Luzet, E.Gubler and J. Ihde - Map Projections for Europe</li>
053:         *   <li> John P. Snyder (Map Projections - A Working Manual,
054:         *        U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395)</li>
055:         * </ul>
056:         *
057:         * @see <A HREF="">Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection on MathWorld</A>
058:         * @see <A HREF="">"Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area" on</A>
059:         *
060:         * @since 2.4
061:         * @version $Id: 24333 2007-02-10 00:16:22Z desruisseaux $
062:         * @source $URL: $
063:         * @author Gerald Evenden
064:         * @author Beate Stollberg
065:         * @author Martin Desruisseaux
066:         */
067:        public class LambertAzimuthalEqualArea extends MapProjection {
068:            /** Maximum difference allowed when comparing real numbers. */
069:            private static final double EPSILON = 1E-7;
071:            /** Epsilon for the comparaison of small quantities. */
072:            private static final double FINE_EPSILON = 1E-10;
074:            /** Epsilon for the comparaison of latitudes. */
075:            private static final double EPSILON_LATITUDE = 1E-10;
077:            /** Constants for authalic latitude. */
078:            private static final double P00 = 0.33333333333333333333,
079:                    P01 = 0.17222222222222222222, P02 = 0.10257936507936507936,
080:                    P10 = 0.06388888888888888888, P11 = 0.06640211640211640211,
081:                    P20 = 0.01641501294219154443;
083:            /** The projection mode. */
084:            static final int OBLIQUE = 0, EQUATORIAL = 1, NORTH_POLE = 2,
085:                    SOUTH_POLE = 3;
087:            /** The projection mode for this particular instance. */
088:            final int mode;
090:            /** Constant parameters. */
091:            final double sinb1, cosb1, xmf, ymf, mmf, qp, dd, rq;
093:            /** Coefficients for authalic latitude. */
094:            private final double APA0, APA1, APA2;
096:            /**
097:             * Constructs a new map projection from the supplied parameters.
098:             *
099:             * @param  parameters The parameter values in standard units.
100:             * @throws ParameterNotFoundException if a mandatory parameter is missing.
101:             */
102:            protected LambertAzimuthalEqualArea(
103:                    final ParameterValueGroup parameters)
104:                    throws ParameterNotFoundException {
105:                // Fetch parameters
106:                super (parameters);
107:                final Collection expected = getParameterDescriptors()
108:                        .descriptors();
109:                latitudeOfOrigin = doubleValue(expected,
110:                        Provider.LATITUDE_OF_CENTRE, parameters);
111:                centralMeridian = doubleValue(expected,
112:                        Provider.LONGITUDE_OF_CENTRE, parameters);
113:                ensureLatitudeInRange(Provider.LATITUDE_OF_CENTRE,
114:                        latitudeOfOrigin, true);
115:                ensureLongitudeInRange(Provider.LONGITUDE_OF_CENTRE,
116:                        centralMeridian, true);
117:                /*
118:                 * Detects the mode (oblique, etc.).
119:                 */
120:                final double t = Math.abs(latitudeOfOrigin);
121:                if (Math.abs(t - Math.PI / 2) < EPSILON_LATITUDE) {
122:                    mode = latitudeOfOrigin < 0.0 ? SOUTH_POLE : NORTH_POLE;
123:                } else if (Math.abs(t) < EPSILON_LATITUDE) {
124:                    mode = EQUATORIAL;
125:                } else {
126:                    mode = OBLIQUE;
127:                }
128:                /*
129:                 * Computes the constants for authalic latitude.
130:                 */
131:                final double es2 = excentricitySquared * excentricitySquared;
132:                final double es3 = excentricitySquared * es2;
133:                APA0 = P02 * es3 + P01 * es2 + P00 * excentricitySquared;
134:                APA1 = P11 * es3 + P10 * es2;
135:                APA2 = P20 * es3;
137:                final double sinphi;
138:                qp = qsfn(1);
139:                rq = Math.sqrt(0.5 * qp);
140:                mmf = 0.5 / (1 - excentricitySquared);
141:                sinphi = Math.sin(latitudeOfOrigin);
142:                if (isSpherical) {
143:                    sinb1 = Math.sin(latitudeOfOrigin);
144:                    cosb1 = Math.cos(latitudeOfOrigin);
145:                } else {
146:                    sinb1 = qsfn(sinphi) / qp;
147:                    cosb1 = Math.sqrt(1.0 - sinb1 * sinb1);
148:                }
149:                switch (mode) {
150:                case NORTH_POLE: // Fall through
151:                case SOUTH_POLE: {
152:                    dd = 1.0;
153:                    xmf = ymf = rq;
154:                    break;
155:                }
156:                case EQUATORIAL: {
157:                    dd = 1.0 / rq;
158:                    xmf = 1.0;
159:                    ymf = 0.5 * qp;
160:                    break;
161:                }
162:                case OBLIQUE: {
163:                    dd = Math.cos(latitudeOfOrigin)
164:                            / (Math.sqrt(1.0 - excentricitySquared * sinphi
165:                                    * sinphi)
166:                                    * rq * cosb1);
167:                    xmf = rq * dd;
168:                    ymf = rq / dd;
169:                    break;
170:                }
171:                default: {
172:                    throw new AssertionError(mode);
173:                }
174:                }
175:            }
177:            /**
178:             * {@inheritDoc}
179:             */
180:            public ParameterDescriptorGroup getParameterDescriptors() {
181:                return Provider.PARAMETERS;
182:            }
184:            /**
185:             * {@inheritDoc}
186:             */
187:            public ParameterValueGroup getParameterValues() {
188:                final ParameterValueGroup values = super .getParameterValues();
189:                final Collection expected = getParameterDescriptors()
190:                        .descriptors();
191:                set(expected, Provider.LATITUDE_OF_CENTRE, values,
192:                        latitudeOfOrigin);
193:                set(expected, Provider.LONGITUDE_OF_CENTRE, values,
194:                        centralMeridian);
195:                return values;
196:            }
198:            /**
199:             * Transforms the specified (<var>&lambda;</var>,<var>&phi;</var>) coordinates
200:             * (units in radians) and stores the result in {@code ptDst} (linear distance
201:             * on a unit sphere).
202:             */
203:            protected Point2D transformNormalized(final double lambda,
204:                    final double phi, Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException {
205:                final double coslam = Math.cos(lambda);
206:                final double sinlam = Math.sin(lambda);
207:                final double sinphi = Math.sin(phi);
208:                double q = qsfn(sinphi);
209:                final double sinb, cosb, b, c, x, y;
210:                switch (mode) {
211:                case OBLIQUE: {
212:                    sinb = q / qp;
213:                    cosb = Math.sqrt(1.0 - sinb * sinb);
214:                    c = 1.0 + sinb1 * sinb + cosb1 * cosb * coslam;
215:                    b = Math.sqrt(2.0 / c);
216:                    y = ymf * b * (cosb1 * sinb - sinb1 * cosb * coslam);
217:                    x = xmf * b * cosb * sinlam;
218:                    break;
219:                }
220:                case EQUATORIAL: {
221:                    sinb = q / qp;
222:                    cosb = Math.sqrt(1.0 - sinb * sinb);
223:                    c = 1.0 + cosb * coslam;
224:                    b = Math.sqrt(2.0 / c);
225:                    y = ymf * b * sinb;
226:                    x = xmf * b * cosb * sinlam;
227:                    break;
228:                }
229:                case NORTH_POLE: {
230:                    c = (Math.PI / 2) + phi;
231:                    q = qp - q;
232:                    if (q >= 0.0) {
233:                        b = Math.sqrt(q);
234:                        x = b * sinlam;
235:                        y = coslam * -b;
236:                    } else {
237:                        x = y = 0.;
238:                    }
239:                    break;
240:                }
241:                case SOUTH_POLE: {
242:                    c = phi - (Math.PI / 2);
243:                    q = qp + q;
244:                    if (q >= 0.0) {
245:                        b = Math.sqrt(q);
246:                        x = b * sinlam;
247:                        y = coslam * +b;
248:                    } else {
249:                        x = y = 0.;
250:                    }
251:                    break;
252:                }
253:                default: {
254:                    throw new AssertionError(mode);
255:                }
256:                }
257:                if (Math.abs(c) < EPSILON_LATITUDE) {
258:                    throw toleranceError();
259:                }
260:                if (ptDst != null) {
261:                    ptDst.setLocation(x, y);
262:                    return ptDst;
263:                }
264:                return new Point2D.Double(x, y);
265:            }
267:            /**
268:             * Transforms the specified (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>) coordinate
269:             * and stores the result in {@code ptDst}.
270:             */
271:            protected Point2D inverseTransformNormalized(double x, double y,
272:                    Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException {
273:                final double lambda, phi;
274:                switch (mode) {
275:                case EQUATORIAL: // Fall through
276:                case OBLIQUE: {
277:                    x /= dd;
278:                    y *= dd;
279:                    final double rho = XMath.hypot(x, y);
280:                    if (rho < FINE_EPSILON) {
281:                        lambda = 0.0;
282:                        phi = latitudeOfOrigin;
283:                    } else {
284:                        double sCe, cCe, q, ab;
285:                        sCe = 2.0 * Math.asin(0.5 * rho / rq);
286:                        cCe = Math.cos(sCe);
287:                        sCe = Math.sin(sCe);
288:                        x *= sCe;
289:                        if (mode == OBLIQUE) {
290:                            ab = cCe * sinb1 + y * sCe * cosb1 / rho;
291:                            q = qp * ab;
292:                            y = rho * cosb1 * cCe - y * sinb1 * sCe;
293:                        } else {
294:                            ab = y * sCe / rho;
295:                            q = qp * ab;
296:                            y = rho * cCe;
297:                        }
298:                        lambda = Math.atan2(x, y);
299:                        phi = authlat(Math.asin(ab));
300:                    }
301:                    break;
302:                }
303:                case NORTH_POLE: {
304:                    y = -y;
305:                    // Fall through
306:                }
307:                case SOUTH_POLE: {
308:                    final double q = x * x + y * y;
309:                    if (q == 0) {
310:                        lambda = 0.;
311:                        phi = latitudeOfOrigin;
312:                    } else {
313:                        double ab = 1.0 - q / qp;
314:                        if (mode == SOUTH_POLE) {
315:                            ab = -ab;
316:                        }
317:                        lambda = Math.atan2(x, y);
318:                        phi = authlat(Math.asin(ab));
319:                    }
320:                    break;
321:                }
322:                default: {
323:                    throw new AssertionError(mode);
324:                }
325:                }
326:                if (ptDst != null) {
327:                    ptDst.setLocation(lambda, phi);
328:                    return ptDst;
329:                }
330:                return new Point2D.Double(lambda, phi);
331:            }
333:            /**
334:             * Provides the transform equations for the spherical case.
335:             *
336:             * @version $Id: 24333 2007-02-10 00:16:22Z desruisseaux $
337:             * @author Martin Desruisseaux
338:             */
339:            private static final class Spherical extends
340:                    LambertAzimuthalEqualArea {
341:                /**
342:                 * Constructs a new map projection from the suplied parameters.
343:                 *
344:                 * @param  parameters The parameter values in standard units.
345:                 * @throws ParameterNotFoundException if a mandatory parameter is missing.
346:                 */
347:                protected Spherical(final ParameterValueGroup parameters)
348:                        throws ParameterNotFoundException {
349:                    super (parameters);
350:                    ensureSpherical();
351:                }
353:                /**
354:                 * Transforms the specified (<var>&lambda;</var>,<var>&phi;</var>) coordinates
355:                 * (units in radians) and stores the result in {@code ptDst} (linear distance
356:                 * on a unit sphere).
357:                 */
358:                protected Point2D transformNormalized(final double lambda,
359:                        final double phi, Point2D ptDst)
360:                        throws ProjectionException {
361:                    // Compute using ellipsoidal formulas, for comparaison later.
362:                    assert (ptDst = super .transformNormalized(lambda, phi,
363:                            ptDst)) != null;
365:                    final double sinphi = Math.sin(phi);
366:                    final double cosphi = Math.cos(phi);
367:                    final double coslam = Math.cos(lambda);
368:                    double x, y;
369:                    switch (mode) {
370:                    case EQUATORIAL: {
371:                        y = 1.0 + cosphi * coslam;
372:                        if (y <= FINE_EPSILON) {
373:                            throw toleranceError();
374:                        }
375:                        y = Math.sqrt(2.0 / y);
376:                        x = y * cosphi * Math.sin(lambda);
377:                        y *= sinphi;
378:                        break;
379:                    }
380:                    case OBLIQUE: {
381:                        y = 1.0 + sinb1 * sinphi + cosb1 * cosphi * coslam;
382:                        if (y <= FINE_EPSILON) {
383:                            throw toleranceError();
384:                        }
385:                        y = Math.sqrt(2.0 / y);
386:                        x = y * cosphi * Math.sin(lambda);
387:                        y *= cosb1 * sinphi - sinb1 * cosphi * coslam;
388:                        break;
389:                    }
390:                    case NORTH_POLE: {
391:                        if (Math.abs(phi + latitudeOfOrigin) < EPSILON_LATITUDE) {
392:                            throw toleranceError();
393:                        }
394:                        y = (Math.PI / 4) - phi * 0.5;
395:                        y = 2.0 * Math.sin(y);
396:                        x = y * Math.sin(lambda);
397:                        y *= -coslam;
398:                        break;
399:                    }
400:                    case SOUTH_POLE: {
401:                        if (Math.abs(phi + latitudeOfOrigin) < EPSILON_LATITUDE) {
402:                            throw toleranceError();
403:                        }
404:                        y = (Math.PI / 4) - phi * 0.5;
405:                        y = 2.0 * Math.cos(y);
406:                        x = y * Math.sin(lambda);
407:                        y *= +coslam;
408:                        break;
409:                    }
410:                    default: {
411:                        throw new AssertionError(mode);
412:                    }
413:                    }
414:                    assert checkTransform(x, y, ptDst);
415:                    if (ptDst != null) {
416:                        ptDst.setLocation(x, y);
417:                        return ptDst;
418:                    }
419:                    return new Point2D.Double(x, y);
420:                }
422:                /**
423:                 * Transforms the specified (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>) coordinate
424:                 * and stores the result in {@code ptDst} using equations for a sphere.
425:                 */
426:                protected Point2D inverseTransformNormalized(double x,
427:                        double y, Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException {
428:                    // Compute using ellipsoidal formulas, for comparaison later.
429:                    assert (ptDst = super .inverseTransformNormalized(x, y,
430:                            ptDst)) != null;
432:                    double lambda, phi;
433:                    final double rh = XMath.hypot(x, y);
434:                    phi = rh * 0.5;
435:                    if (phi > 1.0) {
436:                        throw toleranceError();
437:                    }
438:                    phi = 2.0 * Math.asin(phi);
439:                    switch (mode) {
440:                    case EQUATORIAL: {
441:                        final double sinz = Math.sin(phi);
442:                        final double cosz = Math.cos(phi);
443:                        phi = Math.abs(rh) <= FINE_EPSILON ? 0.0 : Math.asin(y
444:                                * sinz / rh);
445:                        x *= sinz;
446:                        y = cosz * rh;
447:                        lambda = (y == 0) ? 0.0 : Math.atan2(x, y);
448:                        break;
449:                    }
450:                    case OBLIQUE: {
451:                        final double sinz = Math.sin(phi);
452:                        final double cosz = Math.cos(phi);
453:                        phi = Math.abs(rh) <= FINE_EPSILON ? latitudeOfOrigin
454:                                : Math.asin(cosz * sinb1 + y * sinz * cosb1
455:                                        / rh);
456:                        x *= sinz * cosb1;
457:                        y = (cosz - Math.sin(phi) * sinb1) * rh;
458:                        lambda = (y == 0) ? 0.0 : Math.atan2(x, y);
459:                        break;
460:                    }
461:                    case NORTH_POLE: {
462:                        phi = (Math.PI / 2) - phi;
463:                        lambda = Math.atan2(x, -y);
464:                        break;
465:                    }
466:                    case SOUTH_POLE: {
467:                        phi -= (Math.PI / 2);
468:                        lambda = Math.atan2(x, y);
469:                        break;
470:                    }
471:                    default: {
472:                        throw new AssertionError(mode);
473:                    }
474:                    }
475:                    assert checkInverseTransform(lambda, phi, ptDst);
476:                    if (ptDst != null) {
477:                        ptDst.setLocation(lambda, phi);
478:                        return ptDst;
479:                    }
480:                    return new Point2D.Double(lambda, phi);
481:                }
482:            }
484:            /**
485:             * Calculates <var>q</var>, Snyder equation (3-12)
486:             *
487:             * @param sinphi sin of the latitude <var>q</var> is calculated for.
488:             * @return <var>q</var> from Snyder equation (3-12).
489:             */
490:            private double qsfn(final double sinphi) {
491:                if (excentricity >= EPSILON) {
492:                    final double con = excentricity * sinphi;
493:                    return ((1.0 - excentricitySquared) * (sinphi
494:                            / (1.0 - con * con) - (0.5 / excentricity)
495:                            * Math.log((1.0 - con) / (1.0 + con))));
496:                } else {
497:                    return sinphi + sinphi;
498:                }
499:            }
501:            /**
502:             * Determines latitude from authalic latitude.
503:             */
504:            private double authlat(final double beta) {
505:                final double t = beta + beta;
506:                return beta + APA0 * Math.sin(t) + APA1 * Math.sin(t + t)
507:                        + APA2 * Math.sin(t + t + t);
508:            }
510:            /**
511:             * Returns an exception for a tolerance error (error code -20 in Proj4).
512:             */
513:            private static ProjectionException toleranceError() {
514:                return new ProjectionException(Errors
515:                        .format(ErrorKeys.TOLERANCE_ERROR));
516:            }
518:            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
519:            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
520:            ////////                                                                          ////////
521:            ////////                                 PROVIDERS                                ////////
522:            ////////                                                                          ////////
523:            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
524:            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
526:            /**
527:             * The {@linkplain org.geotools.referencing.operation.MathTransformProvider math transform
528:             * provider} for an {@linkplain LambertAzimuthalEqualArea Lambert Equal Area} projection
529:             * (EPSG code 9820).
530:             *
531:             * @since 2.4
532:             * @version $Id: 24333 2007-02-10 00:16:22Z desruisseaux $
533:             * @author Beate Stollberg
534:             *
535:             * @see org.geotools.referencing.operation.DefaultMathTransformFactory
536:             */
537:            public static class Provider extends AbstractProvider {
538:                /**
539:                 * The operation parameter descriptor for the {@link #latitudeOfOrigin}
540:                 * parameter value. Valid values range is from -90 to 90�. Default value is 0.
541:                 */
542:                public static final ParameterDescriptor LATITUDE_OF_CENTRE = createDescriptor(
543:                        new NamedIdentifier[] {
544:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC,
545:                                        "latitude_of_center"),
546:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG,
547:                                        "Latitude of natural origin"),
548:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI,
549:                                        "latitude_of_origin"),
550:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF,
551:                                        "ProjCenterLat") }, 0, -90, 90,
552:                        NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE);
554:                /**
555:                 * The operation parameter descriptor for the {@link #centralMeridian}
556:                 * parameter value. Valid values range is from -180 to 180�. Default value is 0.
557:                 */
558:                public static final ParameterDescriptor LONGITUDE_OF_CENTRE = createDescriptor(
559:                        new NamedIdentifier[] {
560:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC,
561:                                        "longitude_of_center"),
562:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG,
563:                                        "Longitude of natural origin"),
564:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI,
565:                                        "central_meridian"),
566:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF,
567:                                        "ProjCenterLong") }, 0, -180, 180,
568:                        NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE);
570:                /**
571:                 * The parameters group.
572:                 */
573:                static final ParameterDescriptorGroup PARAMETERS = createDescriptorGroup(
574:                        new NamedIdentifier[] {
575:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC,
576:                                        "Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area"),
577:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG,
578:                                        "Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area"),
579:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF,
580:                                        "CT_LambertAzimEqualArea"),
581:                                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "9820"), },
582:                        new ParameterDescriptor[] { SEMI_MAJOR, SEMI_MINOR,
583:                                LATITUDE_OF_CENTRE, LONGITUDE_OF_CENTRE,
584:                                FALSE_EASTING, FALSE_NORTHING });
586:                /**
587:                 * Constructs a new provider.
588:                 */
589:                public Provider() {
590:                    super (PARAMETERS);
591:                }
593:                /**
594:                 * Creates a transform from the specified group of parameter values.
595:                 *
596:                 * @param  parameters The group of parameter values.
597:                 * @return The created math transform.
598:                 * @throws ParameterNotFoundException if a required parameter was not found.
599:                 */
600:                public MathTransform createMathTransform(
601:                        final ParameterValueGroup parameters)
602:                        throws ParameterNotFoundException {
603:                    return isSpherical(parameters) ? new Spherical(parameters)
604:                            : new LambertAzimuthalEqualArea(parameters);
605:                }
606:            }
607:        } | Contact Us
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