| java.lang.Object org.geotools.styling.StyleBuilder
StyleBuilder | public class StyleBuilder (Code) | | An utility class designed to ease style building by convinience methods.
author: aaime |
Inner Class :public class EqualClasses | |
Method Summary | |
public Expression | attributeExpression(String attributeName) | public Style | buildClassifiedStyle(FeatureCollection fc, String name, String[] colors, FeatureType schema) | public Expression | colorExpression(Color color) | public AnchorPoint | createAnchorPoint(double x, double y) | public AnchorPoint | createAnchorPoint(Expression x, Expression y) | public ColorMap | createColorMap(String[] labels, double[] quantities, Color[] colors, int type) Creates a color map based on fixed quantities and colors. | public Displacement | createDisplacement(double x, double y) | public Displacement | createDisplacement(Expression x, Expression y) | public ExternalGraphic | createExternalGraphic(String uri, String format) | public ExternalGraphic | createExternalGraphic(java.net.URL url, String format) | public FeatureTypeStyle | createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer) | public FeatureTypeStyle | createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) | public FeatureTypeStyle | createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) | public FeatureTypeStyle | createFeatureTypeStyle(String featureTypeName, Symbolizer symbolizer) | public FeatureTypeStyle | createFeatureTypeStyle(String featureTypeName, Symbolizer[] symbolizers) | public FeatureTypeStyle | createFeatureTypeStyle(String typeName, Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) | public FeatureTypeStyle | createFeatureTypeStyle(String typeName, Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) | public FeatureTypeStyle | createFeatureTypeStyle(String typeName, Rule r) | public FeatureTypeStyle | createFeatureTypeStyle(String typeName, Rule[] rules) | public Fill | createFill() | public Fill | createFill(Color fillColor) | public Fill | createFill(Expression fillColor) | public Fill | createFill(Color fillColor, double opacity) | public Fill | createFill(Expression color, Expression opacity) | public Fill | createFill(Color color, Color backgroundColor, double opacity, Graphic fill) | public Fill | createFill(Expression color, Expression backgroundColor, Expression opacity, Graphic fill) | public Font | createFont(java.awt.Font font) | public Font | createFont(String fontFamily, double fontSize) | public Font | createFont(String fontFamily, boolean italic, boolean bold, double fontSize) | public Font | createFont(Expression fontFamily, Expression fontStyle, Expression fontWeight, Expression fontSize) | public Graphic | createGraphic() | public Graphic | createGraphic(ExternalGraphic externalGraphic, Mark mark, Symbol symbol) | public Graphic | createGraphic(ExternalGraphic externalGraphic, Mark mark, Symbol symbol, double opacity, double size, double rotation) | public Graphic | createGraphic(ExternalGraphic[] externalGraphics, Mark[] marks, Symbol[] symbols, double opacity, double size, double rotation) | public Graphic | createGraphic(ExternalGraphic[] externalGraphics, Mark[] marks, Symbol[] symbols, Expression opacity, Expression size, Expression rotation) | public Halo | createHalo() | public Halo | createHalo(Color color, double radius) | public Halo | createHalo(Color color, double opacity, double radius) | public Halo | createHalo(Fill fill, double radius) | public Halo | createHalo(Fill fill, Expression radius) | public LinePlacement | createLinePlacement(double offset) | public LinePlacement | createLinePlacement(Expression offset) | public LineSymbolizer | createLineSymbolizer() | public LineSymbolizer | createLineSymbolizer(double width) | public LineSymbolizer | createLineSymbolizer(Color color) | public LineSymbolizer | createLineSymbolizer(Color color, double width) | public LineSymbolizer | createLineSymbolizer(Color color, double width, String geometryPropertyName) | public LineSymbolizer | createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke) | public LineSymbolizer | createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, String geometryPropertyName) | public Mark | createMark(String wellKnownName) | public Mark | createMark(String wellKnownName, Color fillColor, Color borderColor, double borderWidth) | public Mark | createMark(String wellKnownName, Color borderColor, double borderWidth) | public Mark | createMark(String wellKnownName, Color fillColor) | public Mark | createMark(String wellKnownName, Fill fill, Stroke stroke) | public Mark | createMark(Expression wellKnownName, Fill fill, Stroke stroke) | public PointPlacement | createPointPlacement() | public PointPlacement | createPointPlacement(double anchorX, double anchorY, double rotation) | public PointPlacement | createPointPlacement(double anchorX, double anchorY, double displacementX, double displacementY, double rotation) | public PointPlacement | createPointPlacement(AnchorPoint anchorPoint, Displacement displacement, Expression rotation) | public PointSymbolizer | createPointSymbolizer() | public PointSymbolizer | createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic) | public PointSymbolizer | createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic, String geometryPropertyName) | public PolygonSymbolizer | createPolygonSymbolizer() | public PolygonSymbolizer | createPolygonSymbolizer(Color fillColor) | public PolygonSymbolizer | createPolygonSymbolizer(Color fillColor, Color borderColor, double borderWidth) | public PolygonSymbolizer | createPolygonSymbolizer(Color borderColor, double borderWidth) | public PolygonSymbolizer | createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, Fill fill) | public PolygonSymbolizer | createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, Fill fill, String geometryPropertyName) | public RasterSymbolizer | createRasterSymbolizer() | public RasterSymbolizer | createRasterSymbolizer(ColorMap colorMap, double opacity) | public Rule | createRule(Symbolizer symbolizer) | public Rule | createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers) | public Rule | createRule(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) | public Rule | createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) | public TextSymbolizer | createStaticTextSymbolizer(Color color, Font font, String label) | public TextSymbolizer | createStaticTextSymbolizer(Color color, Font[] fonts, String label) | public Stroke | createStroke() | public Stroke | createStroke(double width) | public Stroke | createStroke(Color color) | public Stroke | createStroke(Color color, double width) | public Stroke | createStroke(Color color, double width, String lineJoin, String lineCap) create a stroke with color, width, linejoin type and lineCap type. | public Stroke | createStroke(Color color, double width, float[] dashArray) | public Stroke | createStroke(Expression color, Expression width) | public Stroke | createStroke(Color color, double width, double opacity) | public Stroke | createStroke(Expression color, Expression width, Expression opacity) | public Style | createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer) | public Style | createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) | public Style | createStyle(String typeName, Symbolizer symbolizer) | public Style | createStyle(String typeName, Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator) | public Style | createStyle() | public TextSymbolizer | createTextSymbolizer() Creates a default text symbolizer. | public TextSymbolizer | createTextSymbolizer(Color color, Font font, String attributeName) | public TextSymbolizer | createTextSymbolizer(Color color, Font[] fonts, String attributeName) | public TextSymbolizer | createTextSymbolizer(Fill fill, Font[] fonts, Halo halo, Expression label, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, String geometryPropertyName) | public FilterFactory | getFilterFactory() | public StyleFactory | getStyleFactory() | public String[] | getWellKnownMarkNames() | public Expression | literalExpression(double value) | public Expression | literalExpression(int value) | public Expression | literalExpression(String value) | public Expression | literalExpression(Object value) | public void | setFilterFactory(FilterFactory factory) Documented setter injection, StyleBuilder uses a StyleFactory for creation. | public void | setStyleFactory(StyleFactory factory) Documented setter injection, StyleBuilder uses a StyleFactory for creation. |
FONT_STYLE_ITALIC | final public static String FONT_STYLE_ITALIC(Code) | | |
FONT_STYLE_NORMAL | final public static String FONT_STYLE_NORMAL(Code) | | |
FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE | final public static String FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD | final public static String FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL | final public static String FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL(Code) | | |
LINE_CAP_ROUND | final public static String LINE_CAP_ROUND(Code) | | |
LINE_CAP_SQUARE | final public static String LINE_CAP_SQUARE(Code) | | |
LINE_JOIN_BEVEL | final public static String LINE_JOIN_BEVEL(Code) | | |
LINE_JOIN_MITRE | final public static String LINE_JOIN_MITRE(Code) | | |
LINE_JOIN_ROUND | final public static String LINE_JOIN_ROUND(Code) | | |
StyleBuilder | public StyleBuilder()(Code) | | use the default StyleFactory and FilterFactory
StyleBuilder | public StyleBuilder(StyleFactory styleFactory)(Code) | | Use the supplied StyleFactory when building styles
Parameters: styleFactory - the StyleFactory to use in building Styles |
StyleBuilder | public StyleBuilder(FilterFactory filterFactory)(Code) | | Use the supplied FilterFactory when building styles
Parameters: filterFactory - Use this FilterFactory to build the style |
StyleBuilder | public StyleBuilder(StyleFactory styleFactory, FilterFactory filterFactory)(Code) | | Use the supplied StyleFactory and FilterFactory when building styles
Parameters: styleFactory - the StyleFactory to use Parameters: filterFactory - the FilterFactory to use |
colorExpression | public Expression colorExpression(Color color)(Code) | | convert an awt color in to a literal expression representing the color
Parameters: color - the color to encode the expression |
createAnchorPoint | public AnchorPoint createAnchorPoint(double x, double y)(Code) | | wrapper round Stylefactory Method
Parameters: x - - the x coordinate of the anchor Parameters: y - - the y coordinate of the anchor the AnchorPoint created |
createAnchorPoint | public AnchorPoint createAnchorPoint(Expression x, Expression y)(Code) | | wrapper round Stylefactory Method
Parameters: x - - an Expression representing the x coordinate of the anchor Parameters: y - - an Expression representing the y coordinate of the anchor the AnchorPoint created |
createColorMap | public ColorMap createColorMap(String[] labels, double[] quantities, Color[] colors, int type)(Code) | | Creates a color map based on fixed quantities and colors.
Parameters: quantities - The values that begin a category, or break points in a ramp, or isolated values, according to the type of color map specified by Type Parameters: colors - The colors that will be associated to the categories, break points, or isolated values Parameters: type - Either @link ColorMap#TYPE_RAMP, @link ColorMap#TYPE_INTERVALS or @link ColorMap#TYPE_VALUES |
createDisplacement | public Displacement createDisplacement(double x, double y)(Code) | | wrapper round Stylefactory Method
Parameters: x - - the x displacement Parameters: y - - the y displacement the Displacement created |
createDisplacement | public Displacement createDisplacement(Expression x, Expression y)(Code) | | wrapper round Stylefactory Method
Parameters: x - - an Expression representing the x displacement Parameters: y - - an Expression representing the y displacement the Displacement created |
createExternalGraphic | public ExternalGraphic createExternalGraphic(String uri, String format)(Code) | | wrapper for stylefactory method
Parameters: uri - the uri of the image Parameters: format - mime type of the image the external graphic |
createExternalGraphic | public ExternalGraphic createExternalGraphic(java.net.URL url, String format)(Code) | | wrapper for stylefactory method
Parameters: url - the url of the image Parameters: format - mime type of the image the external graphic |
createFeatureTypeStyle | public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer)(Code) | | create a Feature type styler
Parameters: symbolizer - - the symbolizer to use the new feature type styler |
createFeatureTypeStyle | public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)(Code) | | create a Feature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
Parameters: symbolizer - - the symbolizer to use Parameters: minScaleDenominator - - the minimim scale to draw the feature at Parameters: maxScaleDenominator - - the maximum scale to draw the feature at the new feature type styler |
createFeatureTypeStyle | public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)(Code) | | create a Feature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
Parameters: symbolizers - - an array of symbolizers to use Parameters: minScaleDenominator - - the minimim scale to draw the feature at Parameters: maxScaleDenominator - - the maximum scale to draw the feature at the new feature type styler |
createFeatureTypeStyle | public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(String featureTypeName, Symbolizer symbolizer)(Code) | | create a Feature type styler
Parameters: featureTypeName - - name of the feature type Parameters: symbolizer - - the symbolizer to use the new feature type styler |
createFeatureTypeStyle | public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(String featureTypeName, Symbolizer[] symbolizers)(Code) | | create a Feature type styler
Parameters: featureTypeName - - name of the feature type Parameters: symbolizers - - an array of symbolizers to use the new feature type styler |
createFeatureTypeStyle | public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(String typeName, Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)(Code) | | create a Feature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
Parameters: typeName - - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) Parameters: symbolizer - - the symbolizer to use Parameters: minScaleDenominator - - the minimim scale to draw the feature at Parameters: maxScaleDenominator - - the maximum scale to draw the feature at the new feature type styler |
createFeatureTypeStyle | public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(String typeName, Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)(Code) | | create a Feature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
Parameters: typeName - - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) Parameters: symbolizers - - an array of symbolizers to use Parameters: minScaleDenominator - - the minimim scale to draw the feature at Parameters: maxScaleDenominator - - the maximum scale to draw the feature at the new feature type styler |
createFeatureTypeStyle | public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(String typeName, Rule r)(Code) | | create a Feature type styler
Parameters: typeName - - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) Parameters: r - - the rule that driver this feature typ style the new feature type styler |
createFeatureTypeStyle | public FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(String typeName, Rule[] rules)(Code) | | create a Feature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
Parameters: typeName - - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) Parameters: rules - - the rules that make up the FeatureTypeStyle the new feature type styler |
createFill | public Fill createFill()(Code) | | create a default fill 50% gray
the fill created |
createFill | public Fill createFill(Color fillColor)(Code) | | create a fill of color
Parameters: fillColor - the color of the fill the fill created |
createFill | public Fill createFill(Expression fillColor)(Code) | | create a fill of color
Parameters: fillColor - an Expression representing the color of the fill the fill constructed |
createFill | public Fill createFill(Color fillColor, double opacity)(Code) | | create a fill with the supplied color and opacity
Parameters: fillColor - the color to fill with Parameters: opacity - the opacity of the fill 0 - transparent, 1 - completly filled the fill created |
createFill | public Fill createFill(Expression color, Expression opacity)(Code) | | create a fill with the supplied color and opacity
Parameters: color - an expression representing the color to fill with Parameters: opacity - an expression representing the opacity of the fill 0 - transparent, 1 -completly filled the fill created |
createFill | public Fill createFill(Color color, Color backgroundColor, double opacity, Graphic fill)(Code) | | create a fill with color, background color and opacity supplied and uses the graphic
supplied for the fill
Parameters: color - the foreground color Parameters: backgroundColor - the background color Parameters: opacity - the opacity of the fill Parameters: fill - the graphic object to use to fill the fill the fill created |
createFill | public Fill createFill(Expression color, Expression backgroundColor, Expression opacity, Graphic fill)(Code) | | create a fill with color, background color and opacity supplied and uses the graphic
supplied for the fill
Parameters: color - an Expression representing the foreground color Parameters: backgroundColor - an Expression representing the background color Parameters: opacity - an Expression representing the opacity of the fill Parameters: fill - the graphic object to use to fill the fill the fill created |
createFont | public Font createFont(java.awt.Font font)(Code) | | create a geotools font object from a java font
Parameters: font - - the font to be converted - the geotools font |
createFont | public Font createFont(String fontFamily, double fontSize)(Code) | | create font of supplied family and size
Parameters: fontFamily - - the font family Parameters: fontSize - - the size of the font in points the font object created |
createFont | public Font createFont(String fontFamily, boolean italic, boolean bold, double fontSize)(Code) | | create font of supplied family, size and weight/style
Parameters: fontFamily - - the font family Parameters: italic - - should the font be italic? Parameters: bold - - should the font be bold? Parameters: fontSize - - the size of the font in points the new font object |
createFont | public Font createFont(Expression fontFamily, Expression fontStyle, Expression fontWeight, Expression fontSize)(Code) | | wrapper round StyleFactory method
Parameters: fontFamily - - Expression representing Font family Parameters: fontStyle - - Expression representing Font style Parameters: fontWeight - - Expression representing Font weight Parameters: fontSize - - Expression representing Font size the new font object |
createGraphic | public Graphic createGraphic()(Code) | | Creates the default graphic object
the graphic object |
createGraphic | public Graphic createGraphic(ExternalGraphic externalGraphic, Mark mark, Symbol symbol)(Code) | | creates a graphic object
Parameters: externalGraphic - an external graphic to use if displayable Parameters: mark - a mark to use Parameters: symbol - a symbol to use the graphic object |
createGraphic | public Graphic createGraphic(ExternalGraphic externalGraphic, Mark mark, Symbol symbol, double opacity, double size, double rotation)(Code) | | creates a graphic object
Parameters: externalGraphic - an external graphic to use if displayable Parameters: mark - a mark to use Parameters: symbol - a symbol to use Parameters: opacity - - the opacity of the graphic Parameters: size - - the size of the graphic Parameters: rotation - - the rotation from the top of the page of the graphic the graphic created |
createGraphic | public Graphic createGraphic(ExternalGraphic[] externalGraphics, Mark[] marks, Symbol[] symbols, double opacity, double size, double rotation)(Code) | | creates a graphic object
Parameters: externalGraphics - an array of external graphics to use if displayable Parameters: marks - an array of marks to use Parameters: symbols - an array of symbols to use Parameters: opacity - - the opacity of the graphic Parameters: size - - the size of the graphic Parameters: rotation - - the rotation from the top of the page of the graphic the graphic created |
createGraphic | public Graphic createGraphic(ExternalGraphic[] externalGraphics, Mark[] marks, Symbol[] symbols, Expression opacity, Expression size, Expression rotation)(Code) | | creates a graphic object
Parameters: externalGraphics - an array of external graphics to use if displayable Parameters: marks - an array of marks to use Parameters: symbols - an array of symbols to use Parameters: opacity - - an Expression representing the opacity of the graphic Parameters: size - - an Expression representing the size of the graphic Parameters: rotation - - an Expression representing the rotation from the top of the page of thegraphic the graphic created |
createHalo | public Halo createHalo()(Code) | | wrapper round StyleFactory method to create default halo
the new halo |
createHalo | public Halo createHalo(Color color, double radius)(Code) | | wrapper round StyleFactory method to create halo
Parameters: color - - the color of the halo Parameters: radius - - the width of the halo the new halo |
createHalo | public Halo createHalo(Color color, double opacity, double radius)(Code) | | wrapper round StyleFactory method to create halo
Parameters: color - - the color of the halo Parameters: opacity - - the opacity of the halo fill 0 - transparent 1 - solid Parameters: radius - - the width of the halo the new halo |
createHalo | public Halo createHalo(Fill fill, double radius)(Code) | | wrapper round StyleFactory method to create halo
Parameters: fill - - the fill of the halo Parameters: radius - - the width of the halo the new halo |
createHalo | public Halo createHalo(Fill fill, Expression radius)(Code) | | wrapper round StyleFactory method to create halo
Parameters: fill - - the fill of the halo Parameters: radius - - an Expression representing the width of the halo the new halo |
createLinePlacement | public LinePlacement createLinePlacement(double offset)(Code) | | wrapper round Stylefactory Method
Parameters: offset - - the distance between the line and the label the LinePlacement created |
createLinePlacement | public LinePlacement createLinePlacement(Expression offset)(Code) | | wrapper round Stylefactory Method
Parameters: offset - - an Expression representing the distance between the line and the label the LinePlacement created |
createLineSymbolizer | public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer()(Code) | | create a default line symboliser
the new line symbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer | public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(double width)(Code) | | create a new line symbolizer
Parameters: width - the width of the line the new line symbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer | public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Color color)(Code) | | create a LineSymbolizer
Parameters: color - - the color of the line the new line symbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer | public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Color color, double width)(Code) | | create a LineSymbolizer
Parameters: color - - the color of the line Parameters: width - - the width of the line the new line symbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer | public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Color color, double width, String geometryPropertyName)(Code) | | create a LineSymbolizer
Parameters: color - - the color of the line Parameters: width - - the width of the line Parameters: geometryPropertyName - - the name of the geometry to be drawn the new line symbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer | public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke)(Code) | | create a LineSymbolizer
Parameters: stroke - - the stroke to be used to draw the line the new line symbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer | public LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, String geometryPropertyName)(Code) | | create a LineSymbolizer
Parameters: stroke - - the stroke to be used to draw the line Parameters: geometryPropertyName - - the name of the geometry to be drawn the new line symbolizer |
createMark | public Mark createMark(String wellKnownName)(Code) | | create the named mark
Parameters: wellKnownName - the wellknown name of the mark the mark created |
createMark | public Mark createMark(String wellKnownName, Color fillColor, Color borderColor, double borderWidth)(Code) | | create the named mark with the colors etc supplied
Parameters: wellKnownName - the well known name of the mark Parameters: fillColor - the color of the mark Parameters: borderColor - the outline color of the mark Parameters: borderWidth - the width of the outline the mark created |
createMark | public Mark createMark(String wellKnownName, Color borderColor, double borderWidth)(Code) | | create a mark with default fill (50% gray) and the supplied outline
Parameters: wellKnownName - the well known name of the mark Parameters: borderColor - the outline color Parameters: borderWidth - the outline width the mark created |
createMark | public Mark createMark(String wellKnownName, Color fillColor)(Code) | | create a mark of the supplied color and a default outline (black)
Parameters: wellKnownName - the well known name of the mark Parameters: fillColor - the color of the mark the created mark |
createMark | public Mark createMark(String wellKnownName, Fill fill, Stroke stroke)(Code) | | create a mark with the supplied fill and stroke
Parameters: wellKnownName - the well known name of the mark Parameters: fill - the fill to use Parameters: stroke - the stroke to use the mark created |
createMark | public Mark createMark(Expression wellKnownName, Fill fill, Stroke stroke)(Code) | | create a mark with the supplied fill and stroke
Parameters: wellKnownName - an Expression representing the well known name of the mark Parameters: fill - the fill to use Parameters: stroke - the stroke to use the mark created |
createPointPlacement | public PointPlacement createPointPlacement()(Code) | | wrapper round Stylefactory Method
the default pointplacement |
createPointPlacement | public PointPlacement createPointPlacement(double anchorX, double anchorY, double rotation)(Code) | | wrapper round Stylefactory Method
Parameters: anchorX - - the X coordinate Parameters: anchorY - - the Y coordinate Parameters: rotation - - the rotaion of the label the pointplacement created |
createPointPlacement | public PointPlacement createPointPlacement(double anchorX, double anchorY, double displacementX, double displacementY, double rotation)(Code) | | wrapper round Stylefactory Method
Parameters: anchorX - - the X coordinate Parameters: anchorY - - the Y coordinate Parameters: displacementX - - the X distance from the anchor Parameters: displacementY - - the Y distance from the anchor Parameters: rotation - - the rotaion of the label the pointplacement created |
createPointPlacement | public PointPlacement createPointPlacement(AnchorPoint anchorPoint, Displacement displacement, Expression rotation)(Code) | | wrapper round Stylefactory Method
Parameters: anchorPoint - - the anchor point of the label Parameters: displacement - - the displacement of the label Parameters: rotation - - an Expresson representing the rotation of the label the pointplacement created |
createPointSymbolizer | public PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer()(Code) | | create a default point symbolizer
the new point symbolizer |
createPointSymbolizer | public PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic)(Code) | | create a point symbolizer
Parameters: graphic - - the graphic object to draw at the point the new point symbolizer |
createPointSymbolizer | public PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic, String geometryPropertyName)(Code) | | create a point symbolizer
Parameters: graphic - - the graphic object to draw at the point Parameters: geometryPropertyName - - the name of the geometry to be drawn the new point symbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer | public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer()(Code) | | create a default polygon symbolizer
the new polygon symbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer | public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Color fillColor)(Code) | | create a polygon symbolizer
Parameters: fillColor - - the color to fill the polygon the new polygon symbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer | public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Color fillColor, Color borderColor, double borderWidth)(Code) | | create a polygon symbolizer
Parameters: fillColor - - the color to fill the polygon Parameters: borderColor - - the outline color of the polygon Parameters: borderWidth - - the width of the outline the new polygon symbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer | public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Color borderColor, double borderWidth)(Code) | | create a polygon symbolizer
Parameters: borderColor - - the outline color of the polygon Parameters: borderWidth - - the width of the outline the new polygon symbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer | public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, Fill fill)(Code) | | create a polygon symbolizer
Parameters: stroke - - the stroke to use to outline the polygon Parameters: fill - - the fill to use to color the polygon the new polygon symbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer | public PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, Fill fill, String geometryPropertyName)(Code) | | create a polygon symbolizer
Parameters: stroke - - the stroke to use to outline the polygon Parameters: fill - - the fill to use to color the polygon Parameters: geometryPropertyName - - the name of the geometry to be drawn the new polygon symbolizer |
createRasterSymbolizer | public RasterSymbolizer createRasterSymbolizer()(Code) | | Creates the default raster symbolizer
createRasterSymbolizer | public RasterSymbolizer createRasterSymbolizer(ColorMap colorMap, double opacity)(Code) | | Creates a raster symbolizer
Parameters: colorMap - The symbolizer color map Parameters: opacity - The whole layer opacity |
createRule | public Rule createRule(Symbolizer symbolizer)(Code) | | create a simple styling rule
Parameters: symbolizer - - the symbolizer to use the new rule |
createRule | public Rule createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers)(Code) | | reate a simple styling rule
Parameters: symbolizers - - an array of symbolizers to use the new rule |
createRule | public Rule createRule(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)(Code) | | create a simple styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
Parameters: symbolizer - - the symbolizer to use Parameters: minScaleDenominator - - the minimim scale to draw the feature at Parameters: maxScaleDenominator - - the maximum scale to draw the feature at the new rule |
createRule | public Rule createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)(Code) | | create a simple styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators
Parameters: symbolizers - - an array of symbolizers to use Parameters: minScaleDenominator - - the minimim scale to draw the feature at Parameters: maxScaleDenominator - - the maximum scale to draw the feature at the new rule |
createStaticTextSymbolizer | public TextSymbolizer createStaticTextSymbolizer(Color color, Font font, String label)(Code) | | create a textsymbolizer which doesn't change
Parameters: color - the color of the text Parameters: font - the font to use Parameters: label - the label to use the new textsymbolizer |
createStaticTextSymbolizer | public TextSymbolizer createStaticTextSymbolizer(Color color, Font[] fonts, String label)(Code) | | create a textsymbolizer which doesn't change
Parameters: color - the color of the text Parameters: fonts - an array of fonts to use from the first to last Parameters: label - the label to use the new textsymbolizer |
createStroke | public Stroke createStroke()(Code) | | create a default Stroke
the Stroke created |
createStroke | public Stroke createStroke(double width)(Code) | | create a default stroke with the supplied width
Parameters: width - the width of the line the stroke created |
createStroke | public Stroke createStroke(Color color)(Code) | | Create a default stroke with the supplied color
Parameters: color - the color of the line the created stroke |
createStroke | public Stroke createStroke(Color color, double width)(Code) | | create a stroke with the supplied width and color
Parameters: color - the color of the line Parameters: width - the width of the line the created stroke |
createStroke | public Stroke createStroke(Color color, double width, String lineJoin, String lineCap)(Code) | | create a stroke with color, width, linejoin type and lineCap type.
Parameters: color - the color of the line Parameters: width - the width of the line Parameters: lineJoin - the type of join to be used at points along the line Parameters: lineCap - the type of cap to be used at the end of the line the stroke created |
createStroke | public Stroke createStroke(Color color, double width, float[] dashArray)(Code) | | create a dashed line of color and width
Parameters: color - the color of the line Parameters: width - the width of the line Parameters: dashArray - an array of floats describing the length of line and spaces the stroke created |
createStroke | public Stroke createStroke(Expression color, Expression width)(Code) | | create a stroke with the color and width supplied
Parameters: color - an Expression representing the color of the line Parameters: width - an Expression representing the width of the line the Stroke created |
createStroke | public Stroke createStroke(Color color, double width, double opacity)(Code) | | create a stroke with color, width and opacity supplied
Parameters: color - the color of the line Parameters: width - the width of the line Parameters: opacity - the opacity or see throughness of the line, 0 - is transparent, 1 iscompletely drawn the stroke created |
createStroke | public Stroke createStroke(Expression color, Expression width, Expression opacity)(Code) | | create a stroke with color, width and opacity supplied
Parameters: color - an Expression representing the color of the line Parameters: width - an Expression representing the width of the line Parameters: opacity - an Expression representing opacity the opacity or see throughness ofthe line, 0 - is transparent, 1 is completely drawn the stroke created |
createStyle | public Style createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer)(Code) | | create a new style
Parameters: symbolizer - - the symbolizer to use the new style |
createStyle | public Style createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)(Code) | | create a new style
Parameters: symbolizer - - the symbolizer to use Parameters: minScaleDenominator - - the minimim scale to draw the feature at Parameters: maxScaleDenominator - - the maximum scale to draw the feature at the new style |
createStyle | public Style createStyle(String typeName, Symbolizer symbolizer)(Code) | | create a new style
Parameters: typeName - - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) Parameters: symbolizer - - the symbolizer to use the new style |
createStyle | public Style createStyle(String typeName, Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)(Code) | | create a new style
Parameters: typeName - - The feature typeName you want to draw (use "Feature" as a wild card to match all) Parameters: symbolizer - - the symbolizer to use Parameters: minScaleDenominator - - the minimim scale to draw the feature at Parameters: maxScaleDenominator - - the maximum scale to draw the feature at the new style |
createStyle | public Style createStyle()(Code) | | create a new default style
the new style |
createTextSymbolizer | public TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer()(Code) | | Creates a default text symbolizer. Warning: there is no definition of a default text
symbolizer in the SLD standard, this is provided just for convenience and uniformity with
the other symbolizers
the default text symbolizer |
createTextSymbolizer | public TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer(Fill fill, Font[] fonts, Halo halo, Expression label, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, String geometryPropertyName)(Code) | | create a text symbolizer
Parameters: fill - - the fill to color the text Parameters: fonts - - an array of fonts to use from the first to last Parameters: halo - - the halo to be applied to the text Parameters: label - - Expression representing the label Parameters: labelPlacement - - where to place the label Parameters: geometryPropertyName - - the name of the geometry to use the new textsymbolizer |
getFilterFactory | public FilterFactory getFilterFactory()(Code) | | getter for filterFactory
the FilterFactory being used |
getStyleFactory | public StyleFactory getStyleFactory()(Code) | | getter for StyleFactory
the StyleFactory being used |
getWellKnownMarkNames | public String[] getWellKnownMarkNames()(Code) | | Returns the array of all the well known mark names
literalExpression | public Expression literalExpression(double value)(Code) | | create a literal expression representing the value
Parameters: value - the value to be encoded the expression |
literalExpression | public Expression literalExpression(int value)(Code) | | create a literal expression representing the value
Parameters: value - the value to be encoded the expression |
literalExpression | public Expression literalExpression(String value)(Code) | | create a literal expression representing the value
Parameters: value - the value to be encoded the expression |
setFilterFactory | public void setFilterFactory(FilterFactory factory)(Code) | | Documented setter injection, StyleBuilder uses a StyleFactory for creation.
Parameters: factory - |
setStyleFactory | public void setStyleFactory(StyleFactory factory)(Code) | | Documented setter injection, StyleBuilder uses a StyleFactory for creation.
Parameters: factory - |