| java.lang.Object org.geotools.validation.xml.XMLReader
XMLReader | public class XMLReader (Code) | | Load validation configuration from XML.
author: dzwiers, Refractions Research, Inc. author: $Author: jive $ (last modification) version: $Id: XMLReader.java 22754 2006-11-16 03:03:20Z jgarnett $ |
loadValidations | public static Map loadValidations(File validationDir, Map plugInDTOs) throws ValidationException(Code) | | Loads all the test suites in the validations directory
Parameters: validationDir - Parameters: plugInDTOs - Already loaded list of plug-ins to link. throws: ValidationException - DOCUMENT ME! |
readPlugIn | public static PlugInDTO readPlugIn(Reader inputSource) throws ValidationException(Code) | | readPlugIn purpose.
This method is intended to read an XML PlugIn (pluginSchema.xsd) into a
PlugInDTO object.
Parameters: inputSource - A features which contains a copy of a valid PlugIndesciption. the resulting dto based on the input provided. throws: ValidationException - DOCUMENT ME! |
readTestSuite | public static TestSuiteDTO readTestSuite(String name, Reader inputSource, Map plugIns) throws ValidationException(Code) | | readTestSuiteDTO purpose.
This method is intended to read an XML Test (testSuiteSchema.xsd) into a
TestSuiteDTO object.
Parameters: inputSource - A features which contains a copy of a valid TestSuitedesciption. Parameters: plugIns - A name of plugin names to valid plugin DTOs the resulting dto based on the input provided. throws: ValidationException - DOCUMENT ME! |