The CSWInsertFilter class is able to handle an incoming csw/wrs ebrim Transaction.
This extra filter is necessary because the insertion of an ebrim object is handled different then
the original csw:Insert.
The first difference is the usage of the form/multipart header which allows for ExtrinsicObjects
to be defined outside the message Body and thus must be handled seperatly.
A second difference results after the insertion of an Object for every update and insertion leads
to the extra insertion of an auditableEvent. The AuditableEvents result in an audit-trail (a
version coontrol history ) for each inserted or updated app:RegistryObject.
author: Rutger Bezema author: last edited by: $Author: poth $ version: $Revision: 1.13 $, $Date: 2007-11-27 12:50:25 $ |