The package contains the classes necessary to read crs-definitions from a file.
For this purpose the CRSProvider interface is created. It allows the CRSConfiguration to rely on a wide variety
of different 'crs-definitions-formats' for example deegree-crs, wkt, proj4 (not implemented yet) or gml (not
implementedj yet). The good thing is, the interface defines an export method, which can be called with a crs to receive
a crs-definitions for the implementing interface, thus allowing to create an arbitrary configuration swift between the
Rutger Bezema
@author last edited by: $Author: rbezema $ @version $Revision: 6259 $, $Date: 2007-03-20 10:15:15 +0100 (Di, 20 Mrz
| | Class | The DeegreeCRSProvider reads the deegree crs-config (based on it's own xml-schema) and creates the
CRS's (and their datums, conversion info's, ellipsoids and projections) if requested.
Attention, although urn's are case-sensitive, the deegreeCRSProvider is not. |