Transformations are the glue between the different coordinatesystems and projections.
The base class of all
transformations is the CRSTransformation, which represents the operation of tranforming coordinates from one crs into
The TransformFactory tries to create the appropriate transformation(s).
@author Rutger Bezema
@author last edited by: $Author: rbezema $
@version $Revision: 6259 $, $Date: 2007-03-20 10:15:15 +0100 (Di, 20 Mrz 2007)$
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | The ConcatenatedTransform class allows the connection of two transformations.
Calling inverse on this transformation will invert the whole underlying transformation chain. | | Class | The change of coordinates from one CRS to another CRS based on different datum is 'currently' only possible via a
coordinate Transformation .
The transformation parameters could only be derived empirically by a set of points common to both coordinate
reference systems it means by identical points. | | Class | The GeocentricTransform class is used to create a transformation between a geocentric CRS (having
lat-lon coordinates) and it's geodetic CRS (having x-y-z) coordinates and vice versa. | | Class | The MatrixTransform class allows transformations using matrices. | | Class | The ProjectionTransform class wraps the access to a projection, by calling it's doProjection. | | Class | The GeocentricTransform class is the central access point for all transformations between different
It creates a transformation chain for two given CoordinateSystems by considering their type. | | Class | Parameters for a geographic transformation into WGS84. |