Represents a DescribeFeatureType request to a web feature service.
The function of the DescribeFeatureType interface is to provide a client the means to request a
schema definition of any feature type that a particular WFS can service.
Represents the response to a
LockFeature request.
In response to a <LockFeature> request, the web feature server shall generate an XML
document containing a lock identifier that a client application can reference when operating upon
the locked features.
Represents a Query operation as a part of a
GetFeature request.
Each individual query packaged in a
GetFeature request is defined using the query value.
The query value defines which feature type to query, what properties to retrieve and what
constraints (spatial and non-spatial) to apply to those properties.
The mandatory typeName attribute is used to indicate the name of one or more
feature type instances or class instances to be queried.