| java.lang.Object org.deegree.security.owsrequestvalidator.ResponseValidator org.deegree.security.owsrequestvalidator.wms.GetLegendGraphicResponseValidator
GetLegendGraphicResponseValidator | class GetLegendGraphicResponseValidator extends ResponseValidator (Code) | | author: Andreas Poth author: last edited by: $Author: rbezema $ version: $Revision: 10559 $, $Date: 2008-03-12 01:35:07 -0700 (Wed, 12 Mar 2008) $ |
Method Summary | |
public byte[] | validateResponse(String service, byte[] response, String mime, User user) validates the passed object as a response to a OWS request. |
GetLegendGraphicResponseValidator | public GetLegendGraphicResponseValidator(Policy policy)(Code) | | Parameters: policy - |
validateResponse | public byte[] validateResponse(String service, byte[] response, String mime, User user) throws InvalidParameterValueException(Code) | | validates the passed object as a response to a OWS request. The validity of the response may
is assigned to specific user rights. If the passed user is <>null this will be evaluated.
the reponse may contain three valid kinds of objects:
- a serialized image
- a xml encoded exception
- a svg-encoded vector image
Each of these types can be identified by the mime-type of the response that is also passed to
the method.
If something basic went wrong it is possible that not further specified kind of object is
passed as response. In this case the method will throw an
InvalidParameterValueException to avoid sending bad responses to the client.
Parameters: service - service which produced the response (WMS, WFS ...) Parameters: response - Parameters: mime - mime-type of the response Parameters: user - the validated response or the response as given. throws: InvalidParameterValueException - |