| java.lang.Object com.vividsolutions.jtsexample.geom.ExtendedCoordinateSequence
ExtendedCoordinateSequence | public class ExtendedCoordinateSequence implements CoordinateSequence(Code) | | Demonstrates how to implement a CoordinateSequence for a new kind of
coordinate (an
ExtendedCoordinate in this example). In this
implementation, Coordinates returned by #toArray and #get are live -- parties
that change them are actually changing the ExtendedCoordinateSequence's
underlying data.
version: 1.7 |
ExtendedCoordinateSequence | public ExtendedCoordinateSequence(ExtendedCoordinate[] coordinates)(Code) | | Copy constructor -- simply aliases the input array, for better performance.
ExtendedCoordinateSequence | public ExtendedCoordinateSequence(Coordinate[] copyCoords)(Code) | | Constructor that makes a copy of an array of Coordinates.
Always makes a copy of the input array, since the actual class
of the Coordinates in the input array may be different from ExtendedCoordinate.
ExtendedCoordinateSequence | public ExtendedCoordinateSequence(CoordinateSequence coordSeq)(Code) | | Constructor that makes a copy of a CoordinateSequence.
ExtendedCoordinateSequence | public ExtendedCoordinateSequence(int size)(Code) | | Constructs a sequence of a given size, populated
with new
ExtendedCoordinate s.
Parameters: size - the size of the sequence to create |