| java.lang.Object com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.JUMPWorkbench
JUMPWorkbench | public class JUMPWorkbench (Code) | | This class is responsible for setting up and displaying the main JUMP
workbench window.
INITIAL_PROJECT_FILE | final public static String INITIAL_PROJECT_FILE(Code) | | |
PLUG_IN_DIRECTORY_OPTION | final public static String PLUG_IN_DIRECTORY_OPTION(Code) | | |
PROPERTIES_OPTION | final public static String PROPERTIES_OPTION(Code) | | |
getBlackboard | public Blackboard getBlackboard()(Code) | | Expensive data structures can be cached on the blackboard so that several
plug-ins can share them.
getProperties | public WorkbenchProperties getProperties()(Code) | | The properties file; not to be confused with the WorkbenchContext
main | public static void main(String[] args, String title, Setup setup, JComponent splashComponent, TaskMonitor taskMonitor)(Code) | | setupClass is specified as a String to prevent it from being loaded
before we display the splash screen, in case setupClass takes a long time
to load.
Parameters: args - main application arguments Parameters: title - application title Parameters: setup - an object implementing the Setup interface(e.g. JUMPConfiguration) Parameters: splashComponent - a component to open until the workbench frame is displayed Parameters: taskMonitor - notified of progress of plug-in loading |