Method Summary |
protected void | addListeners(TreeViewer viewer) Add the listeners to the tree viewer. |
public void | addPageChangedListener(IPageChangedListener listener) |
protected void | buttonPressed(int buttonId) |
protected void | cancelPressed() |
void | clearSelectedNode() Clear the last selected node. |
public boolean | close() |
protected void | configureShell(Shell newShell) |
protected void | constrainShellSize() |
protected void | createButtonsForButtonBar(Composite parent) |
protected Control | createContents(Composite parent) |
protected Control | createDialogArea(Composite parent) |
protected void | createPage(IEditorNode node) Create the page for the node. |
protected Composite | createPageContainer(Composite parent) Creates the inner page container. |
protected void | createPageControl(IEditorPage page, Composite parent) Create the page control for the supplied page. |
protected Sash | createSash(Composite composite, Control rightControl) Create the sash with right control on the right. |
protected Composite | createTitleArea(Composite parent) Creates the wizard's title area.
Parameters: parent - the SWT parent for the title area composite. |
protected Control | createTreeAreaContents(Composite parent) Parameters: parent - the SWT parent for the tree area controls. |
protected TreeViewer | createTreeViewer(Composite parent) Create a new TreeViewer .
Parameters: parent - the parent Composite . |
protected IEditorNode | findNodeMatching(String nodeId) Find the IEditorNode that has data the same id as the
supplied value.
Parameters: nodeId - the id to search for. |
protected void | firePageChanged(PageChangedEvent event) Notifies any selection changed listeners that the selected page
has changed. |
protected IEditorPage | getCurrentPage() Returns the currentPage. |
public EditorPageManager | getEditorPageManager() Returns the preference mananger used by this preference dialog. |
protected int | getLastRightWidth() Get the last known right side width. |
protected IEditorPage | getPage(IEditorNode node) Get the page for the node. |
protected Composite | getPageContainer() Get the composite that is showing the page. |
protected Layout | getPageLayout() Return the layout for the composite that contains
the pages. |
protected String | getSelectedNode() |
public Object | getSelectedPage() |
protected IEditorNode | getSingleSelection(ISelection selection) Parameters: selection - the ISelection to examine. |
protected TreeViewer | getTreeViewer() |
protected void | handleShellCloseEvent() Notifies that the window's close button was pressed, the close menu was
selected, or the ESCAPE key pressed.
The default implementation of this framework method sets the window's
return code to CANCEL and closes the window using
close . |
protected void | helpPressed() Notifies of the pressing of the Help button. |
protected boolean | isCurrentPageValid() Returns whether the current page is valid. |
protected void | layoutTreeAreaControl(Control control) |
protected void | okPressed() The preference dialog implementation of this Dialog
framework method sends performOk to all pages of the
preference dialog, then calls handleSave on this dialog to
save any state, and then calls close to close this dialog. |
public void | removePageChangedListener(IPageChangedListener listener) |
void | selectCurrentPageAgain() Selects the page determined by lastSuccessfulNode in the
page hierarchy. |
protected void | selectSavedItem() Selects the saved item in the tree of preference pages. |
protected void | setCurrentPage(IEditorPage currentPage) Sets the current page. |
public void | setErrorMessage(String newErrorMessage) Display the given error message. |
public void | setHelpAvailable(boolean b) Sets whether a Help button is available for this dialog. |
public void | setMessage(String newMessage) Set the message text. |
public void | setMessage(String newMessage, int newType) Sets the message for this dialog with an indication of what type of
message it is.
The valid message types are one of NONE ,
Note that for backward compatibility, a message of type
ERROR is different than an error message (set using
setErrorMessage ). |
public void | setMinimumPageSize(int minWidth, int minHeight) Sets the minimum page size. |
public void | setMinimumPageSize(Point size) Sets the minimum page size. |
protected void | setPageContainer(Composite pageContainer) Set the composite that is showing the page. |
public void | setSelectedNode(String pageId) Sets the name of the selected item preference. |
protected void | setTreeViewer(TreeViewer treeViewer) Set the treeViewer. |
protected boolean | showPage(IEditorNode node) Shows the preference page corresponding to the given preference node. |
void | showPageFlippingAbortDialog() Shows the "Page Flipping abort" dialog. |
protected void | update() Updates this dialog's controls to reflect the current page. |
public void | updateButtons() |
public void | updateMessage() |
public void | updateTitle() |
protected void | updateTreeFont(Font dialogFont) Update the tree to use the specified Font . |